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Help With Nsis script please

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Joined: 2007-12-06 22:35
Help With Nsis script please

Okay here is what i am having problems with, im able to get the app data to save in a folder its just its not saving in my "DATA" directory, its saving in the C:\
The original program saves its data in this directory "C:\Documents and Settings\Nathan\Local Settings\Application Data" Hope that is more helpful to help solve my problem. Also my registry entries arent being deleted, is there more i have to include in the script to do it or is something wrong? Any help would be appreciated.
Name: ...Portable 



Written for:
	NSIS 2.17 or higher (last tested with 2.30)
	Required plugins: NewAdvSplash, Registry, FindProc, Dialogs
	Copyright© 2008 by

More informations about installation, directory structure etc. could be found
at the very end of this file or in the accompanying readme.txt

Portable application template created 2008 by Karl Loncarek,
 					version 2.5.1 - 2008/01/06
The license of the template is a two clause BSD-style license. It could be
found a the end of this file or in the accompanying readme.txt.
; ##########################################################################
; # Change the following constants depending on the application you want to make portable
; ##########################################################################
; ----- Basic informations
!define AUTHOR 		"Nathan"		; your name
!define APP 		"Ares"		; insert application name, e.g. "TestApp"
!define VER 		""	; insert version of launcher,first two digits are version numbers, last digit is packet revision
!define EXE 		"Ares.exe"		; insert program exe name, e.g. "testapp.exe"
!define EXEPARMS 	""		; insert some default Parameters 

; ----- Application specific stuff
; insert regkeys to use separated by "||", comment out, when not used, 
; e.g. HKCU\Software
	!define REGKEYS 			""
; If a file "Registry.reg" within the data directory is found then it is read
; and all child registry keys are processed as if they'd have been set within
; delete alle defined registry keys before own ones are applied (during Init)
; insert settings files to use separated by "||" as stored on the host
; computer, e.g. "$WINDIR\TEST.INI", comment out, when not used
	!define SETTINGSFILES 		""
; insert settings directories to use separated by "||" as stored on the host
; computer, e.g. "$PROFILE\TEST", comment out, when not used
	!define SETTINGSDIRS 		""
; Require local administrator rights to run the launcher, necessary when
; writing to e.g. HKLM registry key. If not required comment out
	!define ADMINREQUIRED 		"False"
; Redirect UserProfile folder, comment out when your application calls other
; programs, i.e. to disable automatic redirection. Default value "TRUE".
	!define REDIRECTUserProfile 	"TRUE"
; define which GTK version should be used, e.g. 2.0, see docs at the end
	!define USEGTKVERSION		""
; define which JAVA version should be used, e.g. 1.6.0_01, see docs at the end

; ----- Settings when you create a standalone launcher / installer (see docs)
; When "TRUE" a launcher is created that contains the sources and copies them
; into the appropriate folder if they do not exist yet.
; When "TRUE" a launcher is created that contains the default Registry.reg and
; other default files and copies them into the appropriate folder if they do
; not exist yet.
; define which commandline parameters should be used when compressing copied
; application files (*.exe, *.dll). Comment out if no UPX compression should be
; used. first version gives best compression, but sometime the result does not
; work correctly. Works only with Win2000 or later!
	!define UPXPARMS			"--best --lzma"
;	!define UPXPARMS			"--best --compress-icons=0 --nrv2e --crp-ms=999999"

; ----- Information that is needed for the menu (optional)
; When "TRUE" a launcher is created that may contain some default files for the
; portable application being PAF compatible ( Format). If this
; constant is commented out all the follwoing settings in this section will be
; ignored.
; name of publisher (usually the author and the application programmer(company)
	!define PUBLISHER			"${AUTHOR}"
; homepage which contains the download, could be the homepage of the launcher
; or of the application
	!define HOMEPAGE			""
; which group of applications does it belong to, e.g. Utilities
	!define CATEGORY			"P2P"
; describe here what the application does
	!define DESCRIPTION			"${APP} Portable"
; which size will the installed application have?
	!define INSTALLSIZE			"0.1"
; Is it allowed to share the portable application with others? Beware of licensing issues!
	!define SHAREABLE			"true"

; ----- Normally no need to change anything here
; format of portable name (dirs and filenames)
	!define PNAME 				"${APP}Portable"
; comment this line out when default icon should be used
	!define ICON 				"${PNAME}.ico"
; comment this line out when no splashscreen image should be used
	!define SPLASHIMAGE 			"${PNAME}.jpg"
; could be changed when settings for multiple applications should be stored in
; one INI file
	!define INI 				"${PNAME}.ini"

; ##########################################################################
; #  Normally no need to change anything after this point (only for intermediate/advanced users!)
; ##########################################################################

; **************************************************************************
; *  Compiler Flags (to reduce executable size, saves some bytes)
; **************************************************************************
SetDatablockOptimize on
SetCompress force
SetCompressor /SOLID /FINAL lzma
OutFile "${PNAME}.exe"

; **************************************************************************
; *  Check values of defines above and do work if necessary (mainly to avoid warnings, i.e. optimize result)
; **************************************************************************
!ifdef REGKEYS
	!if ! "${REGKEYS}" = "" ; only do stuff if constant is not empty
		!define DOREG
	!define DOREGFILE
	!if ! "${SETTINGSFILES}" = "" ; only do stuff if constant is not empty
		!define DOFILES
	!if ! "${SETTINGSDIRS}" = "" ; only do stuff if constant is not empty
		!define DODIRS
	!if ! "${USEGTKVERSION}" = "" ; only do stuff if constant is not empty
		!define USEGTK
	!if ! "${USEJAVAVERSION}" = "" ; only do stuff if constant is not empty
		!define USEJAVA
	!define DOWARNING ; show information about missing files
	!ifndef DOWARNING
		!define DOWARNING ; show information about missing files
	!ifndef DOWARNING
		!define DOWARNING ; show information about missing files

; **************************************************************************
; *  Includes
; **************************************************************************
!ifdef DOREG | DOREGFILE ; add macro only when needed
	!include "Registry.nsh" ; add registry manipulation macros, not included to NSIS by default
!include "WordFunc.nsh" ; add header for word manipulation
!insertmacro "WordFind" ; add function for splitting strings
!include "FileFunc.nsh" ; add header for file manipulation
!insertmacro "GetParameters" ; add function for retrieving command line parameters
!define VAR_R0 10 ;$R0 - needed for dialogs

; **************************************************************************
; *  Runtime Switches
; **************************************************************************
CRCCheck On ; do CRC check on launcher before start ("Off" for later EXE compression)
WindowIcon Off ; show no icon of the launcher
SilentInstall Silent ; start as launcher, not as installer
AutoCloseWindow True ; automatically close when finished
SetOverwrite ifnewer ; install only files that are newer or do not exist yet

; **************************************************************************
; *  Define working variables
; **************************************************************************
Var SPLASHSCREEN ; holds the information whether the splash screen should be shown, default "enabled"
Var PROGRAMEXE ; holds the name of the EXE file to launch
Var PROGRAMDIR ; holds the path to the above EXE file
Var PROGRAMPARMS ; holds some additional parameters when launching the EXE
Var DATADIR ; holds the path to the location where all the settings should be saved
Var COMMONDIR ; holds the path to the location where common files like JRE or GTK could be found
!ifdef USEGTK
	Var GTKVERSION ; holds the GTK version that should be used
	Var GTKDIR ; holds the path to the location where the needed GTK version could be found
!ifdef USEJAVA
	Var JAVAVERSION ; holds the JAVA version that should be used
	Var JAVADIR ; holds the path to the location where the needed JAVA version could be found
Var INIFILE ; holds the complete path to the found INI file
Var SECONDLAUNCH ; holds whether the EXE may be called a second time
	Var SOURCEDIR ; holds the path to the location where the launcher source is stored
	Var EXTRACTSOURCES ; holds whether the sources should be extracted eevry time

; **************************************************************************
; *  Set basic information
; **************************************************************************
Name "${APP} Portable"
!ifdef ICON
	Icon "${ICON}"
Caption "${APP} Portable - ${VER}"
OutFile "${PNAME}.exe"
RequestExecutionLevel user
	RequestExecutionLevel admin

; **************************************************************************
; *  Set version information
; **************************************************************************
LoadLanguageFile "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Language files\English.nlf"
VIProductVersion "${Ver}"
VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} "ProductName" "${APP} Portable"
VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} "Comments" "Allow ${APP} to be run from a removeable drive. This launcher is based on the Portable Application Template created by Klonk (Karl Loncarek)."
VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} "LegalCopyright" "Launcher created by ${AUTHOR}"
VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} "CompanyName" "by ${AUTHOR}"
VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} "FileDescription" "${APP} Portable"
VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} "FileVersion" "${VER}"
VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} "OriginalFilename" "${PNAME}.exe"

; **************************************************************************
; *  Main section
; **************************************************************************
Section "Main"
	Call InitINI ; apply INI settings
	Call InitVars ; set default variable values when no INI is used
	Call InitInstall ; installs additional files, e.g. sources or INI-files
	Call Init ; other initalizations before any registry, folder, or fileoperations are done
	Call InitReg ; backup current reg, apply portable reg
	Call InitFiles ;rename current files, apply portable files
	Call InitFolders ; rename current folders, apply portable folders
	Call RunApp ; run app
	Call CleanFolders ; copy portable folders, delete portable folders, restore original folders
	Call CleanFiles ; copy portable files, delete portable files, restore original files
	Call CleanReg ; copy reg, restore original reg
	Call Clean ; Absolute last things to do

; **************************************************************************
; *  Function: Search for INI file, read it, and set variables when necessary
; **************************************************************************
Function InitINI
	; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	; Empty variables
	; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	StrCpy "$PROGRAMDIR" ""
	StrCpy "$DATADIR" ""
	StrCpy "$COMMONDIR" ""
	StrCpy "$PROGRAMEXE" ""
	!ifdef USEGTK
	!ifdef USEJAVA
	; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	; Check whether an INI file exists, set variable pointing to it
	; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	IfFileExists "$EXEDIR\${INI}" "" CheckPortableINI
		StrCpy "$INIFILE" "$EXEDIR\${INI}"
		Goto ReadINIFile
		IfFileExists "$EXEDIR\${PNAME}\${INI}" "" CheckPortableAppsINI
			StrCpy "$INIFILE" "$EXEDIR\${PNAME}\${INI}"
			Goto ReadINIFile
		IfFileExists "$EXEDIR\PortableApps\${PNAME}\${INI}" "" InitINIEnd
			StrCpy "$INIFILE" "$EXEDIR\PortableApps\${PNAME}\${INI}"
			Goto ReadINIFile
	Goto InitINIEnd
	; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	; Read content of the INI file, save only used
	; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
		ReadINIStr "$0" "$INIFILE" "${PNAME}" "ProgramDirectory"
		StrCmp "$0" "" INIDataDirectory ; if emtpy check next setting
			StrCpy "$PROGRAMDIR" "$EXEDIR\$0" ; save program directory
			ReadINIStr "$0" "$INIFILE" "${PNAME}" "DataDirectory"
			StrCmp "$0" "" INICommonDirectory ; if empty retrieve correct setting
				StrCpy "$DATADIR" "$EXEDIR\$0" ; save data directory
			ReadINIStr "$0" "$INIFILE" "${PNAME}" "CommonDirectory"
			StrCmp "$0" "" INIProgramExecutable ; if empty retrieve correct setting
				StrCpy "$COMMONDIR" "$0" ; save common directory
			ReadINIStr "$0" "$INIFILE" "${PNAME}" "ProgramExecutable"
			StrCmp "$0" "" INISplashScreen ; if emtpy use default
				StrCpy "$PROGRAMEXE" "$0" ; save .exe name
			ReadINIStr "$0" "$INIFILE" "${PNAME}" "SplashScreen"
			StrCmp "$0" "" INIGTKVersion ; check whether variable splashscreen was empty
				StrCpy "$SPLASHSCREEN" "$0" ; save state of splashscreen display
		!ifdef USEGTK
				ReadINIStr "$0" "$INIFILE" "${PNAME}" "GTKVersion"
				StrCmp "$0" "" INIJAVAVersion ; check whether variable GTKVersion was empty
					StrCpy "$GTKVERSION" "$0" ; save state of splashscreen display
		!ifdef USEJAVA
				ReadINIStr "$0" "$INIFILE" "${PNAME}" "JAVAVersion"
				StrCmp "$0" "" INIProgramParameters ; check whether variable JAVAVersion was empty
					StrCpy "$JAVAVERSION" "$0" ; save state of splashscreen display
			ReadINIStr "$0" "$INIFILE" "${PNAME}" "ProgramParameters"
			StrCpy "$PROGRAMPARMS" "$0" ; save additional program parameters
				ReadINIStr "$0" "$INIFILE" "${PNAME}" "ExtractSources"
				StrCmp "$0" "" InitINIEnd ; check whether variable exctractsources was empty
					StrCpy "$EXTRACTSOURCES" "$0" ; save whether sources should be extracted or not
	InitINIEnd: ;simply the end of the function

; **************************************************************************
; *  Function: Fill used variables with default values, if not set already
; **************************************************************************
Function InitVars
	; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	; Set default values for variables, when not set already
	; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	StrCmp "$SPLASHSCREEN" "" 0 InitProgramEXE
		StrCpy "$SPLASHSCREEN" "enabled" ; enable splashscreen
		StrCmp "$PROGRAMEXE" "" 0 InitProgramDIR
			StrCpy "$PROGRAMEXE" "${EXE}" ; use default setting
		StrCmp "$PROGRAMDIR" "" 0 InitVarEnd ; no programdir set before (by INI file)
			; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
			; Try to find out allowed "CommonFiles" directory
			; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
			${WordFind} "$EXEDIR" "\" "-02{*"  $R0
			IfFileExists "$R0\CommonFiles\*.*" 0 +2
				StrCpy "$COMMONDIR" "$R0\CommonFiles"
			IfFileExists "$EXEDIR\CommonFiles\*.*" 0 +2
				StrCpy "$COMMONDIR" "$EXEDIR\CommonFiles"
			IfFileExists "$EXEDIR\PortableApps\CommonFiles\*.*" 0 +2
				StrCpy "$COMMONDIR" "$EXEDIR\PortableApps\CommonFiles"
			; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
			; Set JAVA and GTK directory when found within "CommonFiles"
			; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
			!ifdef USEJAVA
				IfFileExists "$COMMONDIR\JAVA\*.*" 0 +2
				IfFileExists "$COMMONDIR\JAVA\$JAVAVERSION\*.*" 0 +2 
					StrCpy "$JAVADIR" "$COMMONDIR\JAVA\$JAVAVERSION" ; higher priority, use this JAVA directory
			!ifdef USEGTK
				IfFileExists "$COMMONDIR\GTK\*.*" 0 +2
				IfFileExists "$COMMONDIR\GTK\$GTKVERSION\*.*" 0 +2
					StrCpy "$GTKDIR" "$COMMONDIR\GTK\$GTKVERSION" ; higher priority, use this GTK directory
			; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
			; Predefine default directory structure
			; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
			StrCpy "$DATADIR" "$EXEDIR\Data"
			StrCpy "$PROGRAMDIR" "$EXEDIR\App\${APP}"
				StrCpy "$SOURCEDIR" "$EXEDIR\Other\${PNAME}Sources"
			!ifdef USEJAVA
				IfFileExists "$EXEDIR\App\JAVA\*.*" 0 +2
					StrCpy "$JAVADIR" "$EXEDIR\App\JAVA" ; highest priority, use this JAVA directory
			!ifdef USEGTK
				IfFileExists "$EXEDIR\App\GTK\*.*" 0 +2
					StrCpy "$GTKDIR" "$EXEDIR\App\GTK" ; highest priority, use this GTK directory
			; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
			; Check which other directory configuration is used and set variables accordingly
			; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
			IfFileExists "$EXEDIR\${PNAME}\App\${APP}\*.*" 0 CheckPortableAppsDIR
				StrCpy "$PROGRAMDIR" "$EXEDIR\${PNAME}\App\${APP}"
				StrCpy "$DATADIR" "$EXEDIR\${PNAME}\Data"
				!if "${INSTALLSOURCES}" = "TRUE"
					StrCpy "$SOURCEDIR" "$EXEDIR\${PNAME}\Other\${PNAME}Sources"
				!ifdef USEJAVA
					IfFileExists "$EXEDIR\${PNAME}\App\JAVA\*.*" 0 +2
						StrCpy "$JAVADIR" "$EXEDIR\${PNAME}\App\JAVA" ; highest priority, use this JAVA directory
				!ifdef USEGTK
					IfFileExists "$EXEDIR\${PNAME}\App\GTK\*.*" 0 +2
						StrCpy "$GTKDIR" "$EXEDIR\${PNAME}\App\GTK" ; highest priority, use this GTK directory
				Goto InitVarEnd
			IfFileExists "$EXEDIR\PortableApps\${PNAME}\App\${APP}\*.*" 0 InitDataDIR
				StrCpy "$PROGRAMDIR" "$EXEDIR\PortableApps\${PNAME}\App\${APP}"
				StrCpy "$DATADIR" "$EXEDIR\PortableApps\${PNAME}\Data"
				!if "${INSTALLSOURCES}" = "TRUE"
					StrCpy "$SOURCEDIR" "$EXEDIR\PortableApps\${PNAME}\Other\${PNAME}Sources"
				!ifdef USEJAVA
					IfFileExists "$EXEDIR\PortableApps\${PNAME}\App\JAVA\*.*" 0 +2
						StrCpy "$JAVADIR" "$EXEDIR\PortableApps\${PNAME}\App\JAVA" ; highest priority, use this JAVA directory
				!ifdef USEGTK
					IfFileExists "$EXEDIR\PortableApps\${PNAME}\App\GTK\*.*" 0 +2
						StrCpy "$GTKDIR" "$EXEDIR\PortableApps\${PNAME}\App\GTK" ; highest priority, use this GTK directory
				Goto InitVarEnd
		; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
		; Check whether DataDirectory was set in the INI, only called, when ProgramDirectory was set in INI -> misconfigured
		; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
			StrCmp "$DATADIR" "" 0 InitVarEnd
				MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION `"DataDirectory" was not set in INI file.  Please check your configuration!`
				Abort ; terminate launcher

; **************************************************************************
; *  Function: Installs additional files, e.g. launcher sources, INI files etc.
; **************************************************************************
Function InitInstall
	; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	; Install informations, create file needed for menu
	; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	StrCpy "$R0" "" ; reset working variable
		${WordFind} "$PROGRAMDIR" "\" "-02{*"  "$R0"; remove last part of the folder
		IfFileExists "$R0\AppInfo\*.*" +2
			CreateDirectory "$R0\AppInfo" ; create appinfo directory
		SetOutPath "$R0\AppInfo"
		!ifdef ICON
			File "/oname=appicon.ico" "${ICON}" ; extract icon
		File /nonfatal "appinfo.ini" ; will give a warning when it does not exist
		IfFileExists "$R0\AppInfo\appinfo.ini" InstallOthers ; if it does not exist then create the file
			WriteINIStr "$R0\AppInfo\appinfo.ini" "Format" "Type" "PortableApps.comFormat"
			WriteINIStr "$R0\AppInfo\appinfo.ini" "Format" "Version" "0.9.6"
			WriteINIStr "$R0\AppInfo\appinfo.ini" "Details" "Name" "${APP} Portable"
			WriteINIStr "$R0\AppInfo\appinfo.ini" "Details" "Name" "${APP} Portable"
			WriteINIStr "$R0\AppInfo\appinfo.ini" "Details" "Publisher" "${PUBLISHER}"
			WriteINIStr "$R0\AppInfo\appinfo.ini" "Details" "Homepage" "${HOMEPAGE}"
			WriteINIStr "$R0\AppInfo\appinfo.ini" "Details" "Category" "${CATEGORY}"
			WriteINIStr "$R0\AppInfo\appinfo.ini" "Details" "Description" "${DESCRIPTION}"
			WriteINIStr "$R0\AppInfo\appinfo.ini" "Details" "InstallSize" "${INSTALLSIZE}"
			WriteINIStr "$R0\AppInfo\appinfo.ini" "License" "Shareable" "${SHAREABLE}"
			WriteINIStr "$R0\AppInfo\appinfo.ini" "Version" "PackageVersion" "${VER}"
			${WordFind} "${VER}" "." "-01" "$0" ; save only last digit of version number
			WriteINIStr "$R0\AppInfo\appinfo.ini" "Version" "PackageRevision" "$0"
			${WordFind} "${VER}" "." "+02}" "$0" ; save first two digits of version number
			WriteINIStr "$R0\AppInfo\appinfo.ini" "Version" "DisplayVersion" "$0"
			WriteINIStr "$R0\AppInfo\appinfo.ini" "Control" "Icons" "1"
			WriteINIStr "$R0\AppInfo\appinfo.ini" "Control" "Start" "${PNAME}.exe"
		IfFileExists "$R0\DefaultData\*.*" +2
			CreateDirectory "$R0\DefaultData" ; create appinfo directory
		SetOutPath "$R0\DefaultData"
			File /nonfatal "Registry.reg" ; will give a warning when it does not exist during compilation
	; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	; Install default settings in data directory
	; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
		SetOutPath "$DATADIR"
		File /nonfatal "Registry.reg" ; will give a warning when it does not exist during compilation
; here additional default files could be installed
	; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	; Install source files, i.e. copy them to sources folder
	; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
		StrCmp "$EXTRACTSOURCES" "TRUE" 0 InitInstallSourcesEnd ; if variable correctly set in INI or by defualt extract
			SetOutPath "$SOURCEDIR"
				File "${SPLASHIMAGE}" ; extract splashimage
			!ifdef ICON
				File "${ICON}" ; extract icon
			File "${__FILE__}"
			File /nonfatal "readme.txt" ; will give a warning when it does not exist during compilation
			File /nonfatal "appinfo.ini" ; will give a warning when it does not exist during compilation

; **************************************************************************
; *  Function: Other initializations done before any registry, folder, or file operations
; **************************************************************************
Function Init
	; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	; Create folders that do not exist yet
	; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	IfFileExists "$DATADIR\*.*" +2
		CreateDirectory "$DATADIR" ; create data directory
	IfFileExists "$PROGRAMDIR\*.*" +2
		CreateDirectory "$PROGRAMDIR" ; create program directory
	; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	; Check whether EXE exists, if not copy installed application into portable folder
	; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
		; executable was not found in portable folder, ask to copy local installation
		MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION `$PROGRAMEXE was not found.$\nDo you want to copy your local installation into your portable applications directory? (This could take some time)$\n$\nWhen you select "NO" this launcher will be terminated. In this case, please copy the necessary files yourself.` IDYES +2
			Abort ; terminate launcher
		Dialogs::Folder "Select installation folder of ${APP} " 'Select the main folder where you installed "${APP}" on your harddrive:' "$PROGRAMFILES" "${VAR_R0}"
		CopyFiles "$R0\*.*" "$PROGRAMDIR" ; copy files from harddrive to mobile drive
		!ifdef UPXPARMS ;execute only when UPX should be used
			MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION 'Copying is finished now. Should the copied executables (*.EXE, *.DLL) be compressed with UPX?' IDNO LaunchEXE
			Dialogs::Open "(*.EXE)|*.exe|" "Please select the upx.exe you want to use:" "$EXEDIR" "${VAR_R0}" ; $R0 holds the path including name to upx.exe
			; recursive compression with UPX: for /r %e in (*.exe,*.dll) do "$R0" "%e" --best --lzma
			; works only with Windows2000 or later
			ExecWait 'cmd.exe /C for /r %e in (*.exe,*.dll) do "$R0" "%e" ${UPXPARMS}'
		MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONINFORMATION "You could now (or later) delete unneeded files.$\nDo you want to launch ${PNAME}?" IDYES +2
			Abort ; terminate launcher
		; Program executable not where expected
			MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION `$PROGRAMEXE was not found. Please check your configuration!`
			Abort ; terminate Launcher
	; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	; Check whether EXE is launched a second time
	; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	FoundEXE: ; Check if already running and set variable
		FindProcDLL::FindProc "$PROGRAMEXE"                 
		StrCmp "$R0" "1" "" EndEXE
			StrCpy "$SECONDLAUNCH" "true"
	; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	; Check whether current user is admin (only when required)
	; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
		pop "$0"
		StrCmp "$0" "Admin" InitAdminEnd
			messageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "You must be logged in as a local administrator for this launcher to work!"
	; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	; Display splashscreen when available
	; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
		StrCmp "$SPLASHSCREEN" "enabled" 0 NoSplash
			File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\splash.jpg "${SPLASHIMAGE}"	
			newadvsplash::show /NOUNLOAD 2500 200 200 -1 /L $PLUGINSDIR\splash.jpg
	; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	; Temporarily redirect UserProfile folder (application should write own data into that directory
	; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	!if "${REDIRECTUserProfile}" = "TRUE"
		IfFileExists "$DATADIR\UserProfile\*.*" +2
			CreateDirectory "$DATADIR\UserProfile" ; create directory for portable user profile
		System::Call 'Kernel32::SetEnvironmentVariableA(t, t) i("UserProfile", "$DATADIR\UserProfile").r0' ; set new user profile folder
		StrCmp "$0" "0" ProfileError
			Goto ProfileDone
			MessageBox MB_ICONEXCLAMATION|MB_OK "Can't set environment variable for new UserProfile!$\nLauncher will be terminated."
	; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	; Temporarily set GTK/JAVA environment variables
	; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	!ifdef USEJAVA
		ReadEnvStr "$R0" "PATH" ; obtain current PATH setting
		System::Call 'Kernel32::SetEnvironmentVariableA(t, t) i("PATH", "$JAVADIR\bin;$R0").r0' ; set new path
		System::Call 'Kernel32::SetEnvironmentVariableA(t, t) i("JAVA_HOME", "$JAVADIR").r0' ; set new path
	!ifdef USEGTK
		ReadEnvStr "$R0" "PATH" ; obtain current PATH setting
		System::Call 'Kernel32::SetEnvironmentVariableA(t, t) i("PATH", "$GTKDIR\bin;$R0").r0' ; set new path
		System::Call 'Kernel32::SetEnvironmentVariableA(t, t) i("GTK_HOME", "$GTKDIR").r0' ; set new path
		System::Call 'Kernel32::SetEnvironmentVariableA(t, t) i("GTKMM_HOME", "$GTKDIR").r0' ; set new path
		System::Call 'Kernel32::SetEnvironmentVariableA(t, t) i("GTK_BASEPATH", "$GTKDIR").r0' ; set new path
		System::Call 'Kernel32::SetEnvironmentVariableA(t, t) i("GTKMM_BASEPATH", "$GTKDIR").r0' ; set new path

; **************************************************************************
; *  Function: Backup registry keys, apply portable registry keys
; **************************************************************************
Function InitReg
		StrCmp "$SECONDLAUNCH" "true" InitRegEnd ; do not do anything if launched a second time
			IfFileExists "$DATADIR\RegistryBackup.reg"  0 +2
				Delete "$DATADIR\RegistryBackup.reg" ; delete registry backup file if it exists
			StrCpy "$R8" "0" ; reset variable
			!ifdef DOREGFILE ; use "Registry.reg" as source for the registry keys to copy
				Push "EndOfStack" ; just in case no registry.reg file exists to make sure the loop afterwards is exited immediately
				IfFileExists "$DATADIR\Registry.reg" 0 InitRegUseVar
					StrCpy "$R0" "$DATADIR\Registry.reg"
					Call RegFileToStack ; copy registry keys stored in the file to stack
					Goto InitRegLoop ; override REGKEYS
			!ifdef DOREG
				StrCpy "$R0" "${REGKEYS}" ; copy constant to working variable
				Call ValuesToStack ; separate values from REGKEYS to stack
				Pop "$R9" ; obtain registry key from stack
				StrCmp "$R9" "EndOfStack" InitRegApply ; do not do registry parsing, when no keys given anymore
					IntOp "$R8" "$R8" + 1 ; increase counter
					; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
					; Backup registry key
					; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
					${registry::KeyExists} "$R9" "$R7" ; check whether registry key exists
					StrCmp "$R7" "0" 0 InitRegLoop ; registry key does not exist, do not save anything
						${registry::SaveKey} "$R9" "$DATADIR\RegistryBackup.reg" "/G=1 /A=1" "$R7" ; Backup registry key
						StrCmp "$R7" 0 InitRegNoError ; error during backup of existing registry keys occured.
							MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION `It is not possible to backup the registry keys. Maybe your drive is write protected. Please check and restart!`
							IfFileExists "$DATADIR\RegistryBackup.reg" 0 +2 ; only apply if a backup registry file exists
								Delete "$DATADIR\RegistryBackup.reg" ; delete existing bad registry backup
							Abort ; terminate Launcher
;						Sleep 50
						!if "${DELETEREGKEYS}" = "TRUE" 
							${registry::DeleteKey} "$R9" "$R7" ; delete registry key after save
				Goto InitRegLoop
			; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
			; Apply portable registry key, delete existing key at same time
			; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
			IfFileExists "$DATADIR\Registry.reg" 0 +2 ; only apply if a registry file exists
				ExecWait 'regedit /s "$DATADIR\Registry.reg"'

; **************************************************************************
; *  Function: Rename current files, apply portable files
; **************************************************************************
Function InitFiles
	!ifdef DOFILES
		StrCmp "$SECONDLAUNCH" "true" InitFilesEnd ; do not do anything if launched a second time
			IfFileExists "$DATADIR\Settings\*.*" +2
				CreateDirectory "$DATADIR\Settings" ; create directory for portable configuration files, if it does not exist			
			StrCpy "$R0" "${SETTINGSFILES}" ; copy constant to working variable
			Call ValuesToStack ; separate values from SETTINGSFILES to stack
			StrCpy "$R8" "0" ; reset variable
				Pop "$R9" ; obtain filename from stack
				StrCmp "$R9" "EndOfStack" InitFilesEnd ; do not do filename parsing, when no filename given anymore
					IntOp "$R8" "$R8" + 1 ; increase counter
					; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
					; Delete backup file if it exists (otherwise rename won't work)
					; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
					IfFileExists "$R9-PortBak" 0 InitFilesBackup
						; Tell user that backup files/folders already exist, YES - copy portable data, keep original backup, NO - delete backup file/folder
						MessageBox MB_ICONEXCLAMATION|MB_YESNOCANCEL "Backup file $\"R9-PortBak$\" already exists. Do you want to keep it?$\n$\nYES = simple copy portable data, keep backup of original file$\nNO = delete backup file, create new backup of actual file$\nCANCEL = exit launcher, and fix problem manually$\n$\nAttention: You will be asked for every found backup file." IDYES InitFilesApply IDNO InitFilesDelete
							; CANCEL - exit launcher, fix problem
							Delete "$R9-PortBak"
					; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
					; Backup file (in fact simply rename existing file)
					; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
						IfFileExists "$R9" 0 InitFilesApply ; check whether file exists
							Rename "$R9" "$R9-PortBak" ; rename file for backup
					; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
					; Apply portable settings file
					; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
						IfFileExists "$DATADIR\Settings\File$R8.dat" 0 InitFilesCopy ; only restore when available
							CopyFiles /SILENT "$DATADIR\Settings\File$R8.dat" "$R9" ; restore file
							Goto InitFilesLoop
						CopyFiles /SILENT "$R9-PortBak" "$R9" ; copy existing settings file if no portable version exists
				Goto InitFilesLoop

; **************************************************************************
; *  Function: Rename folder, apply portable folder
; **************************************************************************
Function InitFolders
	!ifdef DODIRS
		StrCmp "$SECONDLAUNCH" "true" InitFoldersEnd ; do not do anything if launched a second time
			IfFileExists "$DATADIR\Settings\*.*" +2
				CreateDirectory "$DATADIR\Settings" ; create directory for portable configuration files, if it does not exist			
			StrCpy "$R0" "${SETTINGSDIRS}" ; copy constant to working variable
			Call ValuesToStack ; separate values from SETTINGSDIRS to stack
			StrCpy "$R8" "0" ; reset variable
				Pop "$R9" ; obtain folder from stack
				StrCmp "$R9" "EndOfStack" InitFoldersEnd ; do not do folder parsing, when no folder given anymore
					IntOp "$R8" "$R8" + 1 ; increase counter
					; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
					; Delete backup folder if it exists (otherwise rename won't work)
					; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
					IfFileExists "$R9-PortBak\*.*" 0 InitFoldersBackup
						; Tell user that backup files/folders already exist, YES - copy portable data, keep original backup, NO - delete backup file/folder
						MessageBox MB_ICONEXCLAMATION|MB_YESNOCANCEL "Backup folder $\"R9-PortBak$\" already exists. Do you want to keep it?$\n$\nYES = simple copy portable data, keep backup of original folder$\nNO = delete backup folder, create new backup of actual folder$\nCANCEL = exit launcher, and fix problem manually$\n$\nAttention: You will be asked for every found backup folder." IDYES InitFoldersApply IDNO InitFoldersDelete
							; CANCEL - exit launcher, fix problem
							RMDir "/r"  "$R9-PortBak" ; delete folder
					; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
					; Backup folder (in fact simply rename existing folder)
					; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
						IfFileExists "$R9\*.*" 0 InitFoldersApply ; check whether folder exists
							Rename "$R9" "$R9-PortBak" ; rename folder for backup
					; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
					; Apply portable folder
					; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
						IfFileExists "$DATADIR\Settings\Dir$R8.dat\*.*" 0 InitFoldersCopy ; check whether backup exists
							IfFileExists "$R9\*.*" +2 0 ; does target folder exist
								CreateDirectory "$R9" ; create target folder
							CopyFiles /SILENT "$DATADIR\Settings\Dir$R8.dat\*.*" "$R9" ; apply folder content
							Goto InitFoldersLoop
						CopyFiles /SILENT "$R9-PortBak\*.*" "$R9" ; copy existing settings folder if no portable vrsion exists
				Goto InitFoldersLoop

; **************************************************************************
; *  Function: Run application
; **************************************************************************
Function RunApp
	${GetParameters} "$R0" ; obtain eventually provided commandline parameters
	StrCmp "$R0" "" 0 +2
		StrCpy "$R0" "$PROGRAMPARMS"
	!ifdef EXEPARMS
		StrCmp "$R0" "" 0 +2
			StrCpy "$R0" "${EXEPARMS}"
	StrCmp "$SECONDLAUNCH" "true" RunAppNoWait ; simply start if launched a second time
		; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
		; Start program
		; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
		ExecWait '"$PROGRAMDIR\$PROGRAMEXE" $R0' ; run program
		Goto RunAppEnd
		; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
		; run application without waiting
		; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
		Exec '"$PROGRAMDIR\$PROGRAMEXE" $R0' ; run program

; **************************************************************************
; *  Function: Copy portable folders, delete portable folders, restore original folders
; **************************************************************************
Function CleanFolders
	!ifdef DODIRS
		StrCmp "$SECONDLAUNCH" "true" CleanFoldersEnd ; do not do anything if launched a second time
			StrCpy "$R0" "${SETTINGSDIRS}" ; copy constant to working variable
			Call ValuesToStack ; separate values from SETTINGSDIRS to stack
			StrCpy "$R8" "0" ; reset variable
				Pop "$R9" ; obtain folder from stack
				StrCmp "$R9" "EndOfStack" CleanFoldersEnd ; do not do folder parsing, when no folder given anymore
					IntOp "$R8" "$R8" + 1 ; increase counter
					; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
					; Copy actual folder to portable folder
					; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
					IfFileExists "$R9\*.*" 0 CleanFoldersRestore ; check whether source folder exists
						IfFileExists "$DATADIR\Settings\Dir$R8.dat" +2 0 ; does target folder exist?
							CreateDirectory "$DATADIR\Settings\Dir$R8.dat" ; create target folder
						CopyFiles /SILENT "$R9\*.*" "$DATADIR\Settings\Dir$R8.dat" ; backup folder
						; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
						; Delete actual folder (with portable content)
						; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
						RMDir "/r" "$R9" ; delete directory
					; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
					; Restore original folder
					; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
						IfFileExists "$R9-PortBak\*.*" 0 CleanFoldersLoop ; check whether folder exists
							Rename "$R9-PortBak" "$R9"; rename folder back to original name
			Goto CleanFoldersLoop

; **************************************************************************
; *  Function: Copy portable files, delete portable files restore original files
; **************************************************************************
Function CleanFiles
	!ifdef DOFILES
		StrCmp "$SECONDLAUNCH" "true" CleanFilesEnd ; do not do anything if launched a second time
			StrCpy "$R0" "${SETTINGSFILES}" ; copy constant to working variable
			Call ValuesToStack ; separate values from SETTINGSFILES to stack
			StrCpy "$R8" "0" ; reset variable
				Pop "$R9" ; obtain filename from stack
				StrCmp "$R9" "EndOfStack" CleanFilesEnd ; do not do filename parsing, when no filename given anymore
					IntOp "$R8" "$R8" + 1 ; increase counter
					; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
					; Copy actual file to portable folder
					; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
					IfFileExists "$R9" 0 CleanFilesRestore ; check whether file exists
						CopyFiles /SILENT "$R9" "$DATADIR\Settings\File$R8.dat" ; backup file
						; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
						; Delete actual file (with portable content)
						; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
						Delete "$R9" ; delete file
					; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
					; Restore original file
					; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
						IfFileExists "$R9-PortBak" 0 CleanFilesLoop ; check whether file exists
							Rename "$R9-PortBak" "$R9"; rename file back to original name
			Goto CleanFilesLoop

; **************************************************************************
; *  Function: Copy registry key (portable), restore oroginal registry key
; **************************************************************************
Function CleanReg
		StrCmp "$SECONDLAUNCH" "true" CleanRegEnd ; do not do anything if launched a second time
			StrCpy "$R8" "0" ; reset variable
			!ifdef DOREGFILE ; use "Registry.reg" as source for the registry keys to copy
				IfFileExists "$DATADIR\Registry.reg" 0 CleanRegUseVar
					StrCpy "$R0" "$DATADIR\Registry.reg"
					Call RegFileToStack ; copy registry keys stored in the file to stack
					Goto CleanRegCleanUp ; override REGKEYS
			!ifdef DOREG
				StrCpy "$R0" "${REGKEYS}" ; copy constant to working variable
				Call ValuesToStack ; separate values from REGKEYS to stack
			!ifdef DOREGFILE
			IfFileExists "$DATADIR\Registry.reg"  0 +2
				Delete "$DATADIR\Registry.reg" ; delete portable registry file if it exists to write a new one
				Pop "$R9" ; obtain registry key from stack
				StrCmp "$R9" "EndOfStack" CleanRegApply ; do not do registry parsing, when no keys given anymore
					IntOp "$R8" "$R8" + 1 ; increase counter
					; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
					; Copy actual registry key to portable folder
					; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
					${registry::KeyExists} "$R9" "$R7" ; check whether registry key exists
					StrCmp "$R7" "0" 0 CleanRegLoop ; registry key does not exist, do not save anything
						${registry::SaveKey} "$R9" "$DATADIR\Registry.reg" "/G=1 /A=1" "$R7" ; Backup registry key
						StrCmp "$R7" 0 +3 ; an error occures when saving registry key
							MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION `It is not possible to save the registry keys. Maybe your drive is write protected. Please check and press OK afterwards!`
							${registry::SaveKey} "$R9" "$DATADIR\Registry.reg" "/G=1 /A=1" "$R7" ; Backup registry key
;						Sleep 50
						; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
						; Delete actual actual registry key (with portable content)
						; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
						${registry::DeleteKey} "$R9" "$R7" ; Delete registry key
				Goto CleanRegLoop
			; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
			; Restore original registry key
			; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
			IfFileExists "$DATADIR\RegistryBackup.reg" 0 +2 ; only restore if a registry file exists
				ExecWait 'regedit /s "$DATADIR\RegistryBackup.reg"'

; **************************************************************************
; *  Function: Clean up stuff,  The absolute last things to do
; **************************************************************************
Function Clean
	StrCmp "$SECONDLAUNCH" "true" CleanEnd ; do not do anything if launched a second time
			${registry::Unload} ; unload registry functions from, memory
;			Sleep 500 ; let REGEDIT read the registry file
			IfFileExists "$DATADIR\RegistryBackup.reg" 0 CleanEnd ; remove registry backup file
				Delete "$DATADIR\RegistryBackup.reg"
		!ifdef SPLASHIMAGE ; remove the dll form the temp directory, clean up
			StrCmp "$SPLASHSCREEN" "enabled" 0 CleanEnd
			newadvsplash::stop /WAIT

; ##########################################################################
; #  Helper function which might be called from one of the above functions
; ##########################################################################

; **************************************************************************
; *  Helper Function: Move value of constants onto stack, $R0 holds values separated by "||"
; **************************************************************************
	Function ValuesToStack
		StrCpy "$0" "0" ; reset counter
		; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
		; Get single parameter out of list, i.e. obtain next single registry key
		; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
		Push "EndOfStack" ; set end marker for stack
			StrCmp "$R0" "" ValuesToStackEnd ; do not do registry parsing, when no keys given anymore
				IntOp "$0" "$0" + 1 ; increase counter
				${WordFind} "$R0" "||" "-01" "$9" ; save last parameter to register
				${WordFind} "$R0" "||" "-02{*"  "$R0" ; remove last part from saved value
				Push $9 ; save parameter to stack
				StrCmp "$R0" "$9" ValuesToStackEnd ; if values are identical (last parameter) -> no more delimiters
			Goto ValuesToStackStart

; **************************************************************************
; *  Helper Function: Move registry keys out of a file onto stack, $R0 holds file name
; **************************************************************************
	Function RegFileToStack
		ClearErrors ; Reset error flag
		Push "EndOfStack" ; set end marker for stack
		FileOpen "$0" "$R0" r
				FileRead "$0" "$R0"
				StrCpy "$R0" "" ;clear variable
					FileReadByte "$0" "$1"
					IfErrors EndRegFileRead ; end of file
					IntCmp "$1" 0x00 FileReadSpecial ;remove all zero bytes
					IntCmp "$1" 0x0a FileReadSpecial ;remove cursor return
					IntCmp "$1" 0x0d FileReadSpecialEnd ;end of line
					IntFmt "$1" "%c" "$1" ;convert to character
					StrCpy "$R0" "$R0$1" ;combine characters
					Goto FileReadSpecial ;read next character
				StrCpy "$9" "$R0" 5
				StrCmp "$9" "[HKEY" 0 StartRegFileRead ; only work on lines containing a registry key
					StrCpy "$R0" "$R0" "" 1 ; remove first "["
					${WordFind} "$R0" "]" "+01" "$R0" ; remove last "]" and everything behind -> only registry key is left
					StrCmp "$R1" "" DoRegFileWork ; start with very first registry key
						StrLen "$9" "$R1"
						StrCpy "$R2" "$R0" "$9"
						StrCmp "$R1" "$R2" StartRegFileRead ; if current registry key is a subkey of the key read before read next key
					Push "$R0" ; put actual unique registry to stack
					StrCpy "$R1" "$R0\"
				Goto StartRegFileRead
		FileClose "$0"

Tim Clark
Tim Clark's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 weeks ago
Joined: 2006-06-18 13:55
Pre Tag for Code, not message

Please edit your post so that the "pre" tages come after your comment but before your code.
It will make it easier for folks to read


Your Message "Okay here is what..."

pre tag open

your Code

pre tag close


Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?

Nathan9222's picture
Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2007-12-06 22:35

This is frustrating, so i think im gonna stay away from and away from trying to figure this out until i can clear my head. So if anyone has any help please tell me how u can help me solve my problem. In the mean time ill be away working out for a few days (or a few weeks depending on how i feel) Thank You for those who help me on my question.

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
Mahatma Gandhi,
Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

Tim Clark
Tim Clark's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 weeks ago
Joined: 2006-06-18 13:55
I hope your frustration is

I hope your frustration is not from my asking you to tidy up the post, no offense was intended in anyway at all.

I just wanted to help you make your message clearer. I for one like what you are trying to do.

If I had the ability I would have fixed it for you as I have before but as this is an initial post I am unable to do so.

Don't let frustration get to you, keep going, you will find the solution I'm sure, or one of the devs will help you find it.

Feel Better Smile

Again, I hope my suggestion was not the cause of your frustration, if it was, I sincerely Apologize.


Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?

Nathan9222's picture
Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2007-12-06 22:35
No im not frustrated at ur post.....

Im frustrated because there are lots of questions that i have about NSIS but id know how people find solutions to this. Also because my other project im working on (DVDSHRINKPORTABLE) was giving me problems with the registry, so i tried a new app to see if it was just dvdshrink itself, but it appears that Ares is having problems with registry and Appdata. Also im frustrated because i cant find answers fast enough to solve my problems. (im the kind of person who wont let a problem go till it is solved or fixed) This is why I wish there was a standard Template to make portable apps, so it can limit confusion and so you dont have to go "digging" through other scripts for answers.

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
Mahatma Gandhi,
Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

Nathan9222's picture
Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2007-12-06 22:35
Before i forget...

Please nobody try to make ares portable, i call dibs on it. If i cant get it to work after a few weeks i will give it up. But please let me try to figuire it out. Thanks in advance.

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
Mahatma Gandhi,
Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)

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