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portable FF and Minefield?

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Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2006-11-06 04:54
portable FF and Minefield?


any chance we might start testing a FF portable setup where we could also have minefield the x64 FF version setup to use same personal data and bookmarks?

is there any indication that sharing like that might be possible?

basically my concern is, since we have here a portable FF we might be sometimes on a 32 bit operating system sometimes on 64 bit system, we would need to be able to share the bookmarks, passwords and such for this to make sense...

are there any plans regarding minefield?


Bahamut's picture
Last seen: 13 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-04-07 08:44
Do you mean Minefield as an

Do you mean Minefield as an alpha build, or as an unbranded build? For the former, John does late betas, but never alphas, and for the former, I don't see the point.
As for all this x64 stuff, profiles are generally compatible across all Firefox binaries (i.e. the architecture and OS are irrelevant). I know this from experience.


Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2006-11-06 04:54
I guess, all I care about is

I guess, all I care about is being able to run x64 version of portable FF as well as x32 from same directory(I use PFF on a ramdisk in x64 xp, also back it up for mobility to usb from ramdisk...).

Do you possibly have some advice on how to setup and test the x64 FF in my setup?

You made it sound like it's doable and shouldn't be a problem in the future...


Bahamut's picture
Last seen: 13 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-04-07 08:44
You can use the exact same

You can use the exact same profile. There are a few extensions that have architecture or OS-specific parts (e.g. Enigmail for Thunderbird is cross-platform, but uses binaries that must be compiled), but the vast majority do not and will run the same. Architecture should be trivial, but be careful when the profile on a completely different OS.


Last seen: 14 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2006-07-09 01:14
Actually, there is away that...

Hello! actually there is a way that seems to be working for me. I downloaded Minefield, installed it and after installation, I just copied the entire folder to the "FirefoxPortable" folder, inside of "App" of course, now, since we already have a "Firefox" folder in might want to rename that folder to "Firefox32" or whatever you make like. That way, when you open firefox through "FirefoxPortable.exe" it will read "firefox.exe" (minefield) instead of the 32bit version. You're gonna have to re-arrange some of your plugins when you first start it, as well your add-ons but for the most part everything seemed to be working fine right from the start. I hope that helps.

Oh!!, also don't forget to uninstall minefield from your computer, you know? when you first installed it to copy everything from? Smile and you should be all set. At the mozilla website, they have a no installation version of Minefield as well, you could try to just download that instead, but I found out that your profile is save elsewhere, so it isn't portable. Another thing before I forget, since some plugins may not be compatible you can still use your firefox 32bit version, just rename "firefox" folder (in this case Minefield) to firefox64 Wink and change your "Firefox32" folder back to "firefox".

Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2006-11-06 04:54
thanks guys for clearing it

thanks guys for clearing it up for me!

sounds good and doable

do you have a link to a good x64 version of FF? I noticed at least 3 versions I think and I'm not sure which is best?


Bahamut's picture
Last seen: 13 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-04-07 08:44
AFAIK, Mozilla doesn't supply

AFAIK, Mozilla doesn't supply any binaries outside of x86, but there may be pre-built binaries elsewhere. Many Linux distros have binaries for all supported architectures, but I don't know about Windows (Firefox is much, much easier to build for a Unix-based system than for Windows).
If you're up for it, you could build Firefox from source, but of course, it's not easy to build Fx for Windows.

Anyway, I doubt we could get official x64 packages of FxP since Mozilla doesn't supply binaries, which means Mozilla can't easily verify that the binaries are unmodified (modified versions cannot have official branding and be distributed).


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