Forum TimeStamps Off ??
I just posted a comment about 5 minutes ago, the tracker [and comment itself] show it to be an hour and 5 minutes old. I also noticed this earlier.
My profile shows my current time zone correctly
Saturday, November 22, 2008 - 11:45am -0600
so I'm wondering if it might have something to do with the forum servers time. If so I guess this could have something to do with DST switch. Today was the first time I noticed this.
Note the above seems correct, maybe it's just comments that are off?
Yes, this comment is an hour off, it show 10:46am and was posted at 11:46am
i.e., this comment was posted an hour before the Topic it is in reply to
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
Cause to me it says that it was posted at 12:45
and ur comment says that the comment was at 11:46am
Please search before posting. ~Thanks
Cause we will not know for sure for an other hour, when my original topic posts
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
I changed the server's time zone today as it wasn't handling DST issue correctly. I'm surprised anybody cares. It's just forum timestamps.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
the comments do not appear as new until one hour has passed depending on where it was posted on from. For instance this comment did not have the "new" link for me to click on the access this latest post.
Please search before posting. ~Thanks
and so do I. I "rely" on the new status of posts to zip through the forums. The tracker page is slightly better than the forum list page for this. But it would be nice to see the new link rather than have to guess what is new from the time stamp listing.