I was flicking thru the application files of the PortableApps.com menu and suddenly
found that i could qoute easily change the theme background.
I was intrigued at my discovery and went absolutely CRAZY and made loads of theme wallpapers.
if you want to see my work,
just send me a email and you can have a look at what ive done.
you will be quite impressed at what ive done....
im pretty good for a fifteen year old and whos just gotten used to using linux....
if there is anything else you want to know i can give all the information linked to the subject.
thanks for taking your time to read this blog.
Only the admin of the site can see your address in your profile unless you post it.
Recommended form is :
me [@] someplace {.} com
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
im interested to see what u have done, email me your work here: sergentsiler {[at]} gmail {[dot]} com (obiously with the {[]} removed)