In preparation for a faster release cycle, I'd like all developers to have a homepage and news story-ready description and feature list included with their main posts for all development tests and pre-releases. If you have any additional notes that should be added to the page or release story, those should be noted as well. We're going to be going through the list of apps more thoroughly and many apps with just minor omissions (missing a help file, some appinfo errors, etc) will be cleaned up and released directly rather than taking additional time.
So, if you're a developer and you have an app in test anywhere in the forums, please update your posts today!
Additionally, you can now leave the version number out of the help.html files from now on. It'll be one less thing to update version to version. The version is now shown within the Menu in a hover state. And the apps themselves have a Help - About which displays their internal number. So, it's much less of an issue. Apps don't normally include the version in the help file, anyway.
Great news for developers and users Great to see the good work will keep going and getting even better. Must say I've really enjoyed seeing the ongoing development systems review and implementation you've been conducting John.
Keep up the good work mate Advocate
I am looking at updating Blender Portable at the weekend to the latest installer etc. Unfortunately I do not have time to do so until then as I am trying to finalise my entry for StarPack 2009.
Dell XPS M1530 Laptop
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Do we do it in Filtered HTML, or should those of us who can (i.e. developers of official apps) use the Full HTML or HTML for Devs input filters? I personally think that at least HTML for Devs would be good, but if you were to put images in or the download box, Full HTML would be needed. I would like to use Full HTML, but don't know whether you would like me to :P.
Glad to hear this though, should help, and I agree with your decision about removing the version number from help.html. That's just one fewer thing to maintain - now the version number is only in appinfo.ini, which is good.
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
All descriptions and feature lists are simple paragraphs with some linked lists. Which you can do fine in the forums. The goal is not to have a page formatted exactly like an app homepage. Just to have the main description and feature list (sans screenshot) just about ready to go. Since the forum doesn't support H2s, it should be done within the framework of the current app testing template. Description appears after a "Description: " tag. Features can be after a "Features: " tag just below it.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I might just be being a idiot here, or maybe the fact that I'm non-native is to blame here, but I fail to understand what you want us to do JTH. Especially this part: "news story-read description", I totally fail to understand what you mean with that. Could you please give some clarification on this?
Behold, the DutchLander has arrived.
Grammatical errors are copyrighted.
That was "news story-ready description"... one that's good enough to go on an app's homepage and appear in its announcement on the PA.c homepage. Basically the same info we have for all the apps in the app directory.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I see...... one little letter makes so much of a difference. I'll update my app ASAP.
Behold, the DutchLander has arrived.
Grammatical errors are copyrighted.