I am just curious given the high pay that the developers of apps receive why is it that they spend their free time and efforts to develop applications for PortableApps?
Since I started the thread I guess I should answer first?
I found Portable Apps by accident and have fallen in love with it. I use it quite regularly and currently have 5 usb stick with "different flavors" of apps on them. So why did I decide to develop a few apps? For me personally it is a way to pay back the community for all of the work that the current and previous developers have done. It is also a way for me to get apps that I want in portable fashion, and figure that once I create it I might as well share them. I do it mainly to get what I want. But if ever I can assist someone do not hesitate to holler, this is a learning game just as life is. The day I stop learning will be the day they plant me.
Because it's fun
I have many other reasons, but mainly, it's because programming is fun for me. It's interesting to make new programs that serve different purposes. You don't always know what happens when you compile and run, maybe some system mess up. But when it works perfectly, you get a moment of screaming "YES!!!"
It also gives you something to do with yourself. I have those days where I feel like I've wasted a whole day of my life, and sometimes I have. I've rarely felt like that since I got here
a while back! AND I hope it wasn't wasted days of your life and that you screamed ''YES, I am gluxon, damit!!'' over and over!! (If you were here, I'd pat you on the back but I'm sure you already did that for yourself, right?! And how many days did you wasted on it?)
Again, I really appreciate it and wish you the best wishes in ALL your life endeavors...and I sense you have many, many more years to go for these endeavors, you deserve them! You took up the challenge instead of nagging and criticizing and judgemental! ALL these qualities make you ''the bigger man''!!!
Here's a brewski to you
so drink it down buddy! (I hope it's YOUR brand AND I don't care if you're legal or not but if anyone ask, I did not contribute to your own delinquency, aight!!)
Lastly, I hope you'll change your mind and maintain said app...and I notice when I was selling the idea, that app was #5 at download.com but today I checked and it's #3!!! SO YEAH!!! See if you can submit it to download.com also, gluxon?!
I would agree, developing is fun! building something that works is exciting!
Same as the other two, I'm not good at it but even making something in ahk, php or javascript that does something simple is exciting
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
...or How An Eight Year Old Gets His Kicks
P.S. I bet some people will want to take the above program and improve it.