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Fundamental questions regarding the portability of an application

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Last seen: 5 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2010-10-17 08:11
Fundamental questions regarding the portability of an application

Adopted by comparing the two snapshots performed with Regshot I found out, that the application (hereinafter shortly called as App) has created some registry entries and folders in the user account. Now I make an "AppPortable.paf.exe" file, by which these registry entries and folders are not stored permanently on the local host computer. These steps I like to call as the first test phase.

My first question regards now testing the file "AppPortable.paf.exe". However, before I run the file "AppPortable.exe", I must create a new snapshot with Regshot. Before the creation of this snapshot it is necessary, however, that I delete all registry entries and folders in the user account on the local host computer, which were produced in the first test phase. Is this assumption so far correct? Then finally I start the file "AppPortable.exe" and modify the program options in order to confirm the exact folders where they are being saved. Finally, I create a second snapshot and compare both snapshots again. I perform this procedure until there are no registry entries and folders in the user account on the local host computer. These steps I like to call as the second test phase.

Now I want analyze the maintenance of the settings in the transition from one drive to another. Is it again true that I create for this purpose once again two snapshots with Regshot? I create the first snapshot before the transition. Then I perform the transition and run the file "AppPortable.exe". Afterwards I create the second snapshot to determine any changes. Is also this assumption so far correct? Or how can I solve this problem, if my assumption isn't true? These steps I like to call as the third test phase.

Now I want analyze the support of relative paths and the problem not write absolute paths in configuration files. Is it right again, that I must create two snapshots? Or how can I solve this problem, if my assumption isn't true? These steps I like to call as the forth test phase.

Simeon's picture
Last seen: 9 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2006-09-25 15:15

all your assumptions are correct.

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