Hello i have been using portable apps under the radar for years, but i had to make an account to show people this one.
Im sure everyone here has heard of jotti malware scans (http://virusscan.jotti.org/en), if not you really should. It is an online virus scan that uses 18 of the top virus programs to scan each file you upload. The one problem with it is you can only scan one file at a time and its really time consuming.
Well someone went out and made a batch file scanner that uses the jotti website to scan the files you choose, its called JottiQ. So you get the power of 18 virus programs in one while still being able to scan multiple files. And its completely portable (download the zip file). Works on any windows machine with a .net framework installed.
Jotti has never been a replacement for virus protection its more for taking a deep look at specific files. This batch file just makes it quicker.
Link to creators website: http://whitehat.dcmembers.com/pages/software/jottiq.php