Please add in aspell to the notepad++ portable install. Without it being packaged with the application you have to install it on each computer you go to for spell check to work.
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Newest release of Spell-Checker plugin (v1.2; 09-Sep-2007) available here.
Note that there is also a new Notepad++ (v4.3; 24-Sep-2007) available here, but v4.3 still includes v1.1 of the Spell-Checker plugin.
To make it work with Aspell portable, extract the v1.2
(replacing the old one).Go to that directory to make these instructions shorter. You can delete the
here (and under...\App\DefaultData\settings
) because it's not actually used. Then create or editconfig\SpellChecker.ini
, adding aRelative Path
line like below:Unfortunately, the config-file parser has a 29-char limit for the actual path. So, you'll have to copy the Aspell files to
(19 char relative path) rather thanX:\PortableApps\CommonFiles\Aspell
(31 char relpath).I have not yet tested with Notepad++ v4.3, but the v1.2 plugin works with v4.2.2 (the current PortableApps version). 'Tis a wee bit slow, however...
Hope this helps. Perhaps the config could even make it into the Notepad++ Portable v4.3 installer.
P.S. I haven't checked yet to see if Pidgin has a similar mechanism to reference a common portable install of Aspell.
How frustrating to be only 2 characters away from being able to use \commonfiles\aspell!
so who owns the "config-file parser" notepad++ or the portable apps launcher or the spellchecker plugin? Whom may we entreat to modify this?
Key ID: 0xDAE3095F
Fingerprint: 5D98 65D2 1844 21A5 76C1 F0F6 4BE6 D689 DAE3 095F
I made only a cursory pass through the source, so I didn't notice the declarations. But even if the string buffers and config-file parser are currently defined in Notepad++, the plugin developer would probably be the best place to start for a concerted fix.
Just checked SourceForge and the newest Notepad++ release (ver. 4.4) does include the newest Spell-Checker plugin (ver. 1.2), which supports relative paths.
I'm emailing the plugin developer with a link to this thread to see if he might consider increasing the buffer size. EDIT: Done.
I am the Dev of the plugin. I will fix this issue in next version. In addition there will be a new plugin published called NativeLang.dll. This plugin works together with Spell-Checker and allows you to change the native lang over an INI file.
Best Regards
Many many thanks!
Key ID: 0xDAE3095F
Fingerprint: 5D98 65D2 1844 21A5 76C1 F0F6 4BE6 D689 DAE3 095F
Works great! Thank you very much.
While testing it out I discovered something, If Aspell is installed locally then the relative path is ignored and the local copy is used. Is this by design? I'm sure speed is improved by defaulting to the local install if available, but if the local install is non functioning or doesn't have the dictionary the user wants then the user is out of luck.
Not a huge issue, just what I noticed while testing it out.
And again, much gratitude for you all your work!
Key ID: 0xDAE3095F
Fingerprint: 5D98 65D2 1844 21A5 76C1 F0F6 4BE6 D689 DAE3 095F
This doesn't work unless I specify the drive letter. So, how do you get it work?
This is my config and setup.
Path to Aspell:
Path to SpellChecker.dll:
Path to SpellChecker.ini:
removed all other copies of SpellChecker.ini
contents of SpellChecker.ini:
Current Language=en
Relative Path=..\..\..\CommonFiles\Aspell\bin
Note relative path is based off the location of Notepad++.exe, not the location of spellchecker.dll
if Aspell has been installed locally then SpellChecker uses that path.
if this does not help, then post your equivalent information and I will see what if I can reproduce the issue and what can be done to resolve it.
Key ID: 0xDAE3095F
Fingerprint: 5D98 65D2 1844 21A5 76C1 F0F6 4BE6 D689 DAE3 095F
I got it.
Since this ancient thread is the primary search result from both, I'd like to request an update. Any idea when this spellechk(smirk) madness will be gotten in hand now that there is clearly an open disctonary? Given open office's and firefox 3's ability to spellcheck.
I did all the above, and now what happens is I get both the spellcheck window and the "how to use spellchecker" window, and since it cannot tolerate a theft of focus, in effect I still dont get the spell check window.
Stuff like this is the biggest enemy of open source since the RIAA. Why did we ever, as a community, tolerate this madness? Simple laziness. Those who can, won't. They fix thier own setup, maybe if we're lucky write a halfway working and understandable tutorial, and consider the matter closed.
You can't convince me that the total effort required to make a truly functional free and actually open spellchecking solution is greater than the total effort expended by everyone who has ever fought with aspell plus the total time lost due to spelling errors or other work arounds, such as pasting into OO and then back.
Ubuntu has this same problem. Fact: A work around is not a solution, nor is a tutorial. The need for a tutorial is a defacto bug report.
I just think that most people don't care about spell check in a text editor. So, it's a very low priority and not enabled by default. A few more people care about spell checking in IM, so Pidgin makes it easy to add on install but off by default. Lots more people care about spelling in a browser and email client these days, so it's included by default now in Firefox and Thunderbird. And everyone needs it in word processing, so it's included in and AbiWord.
But a text editor is a different animal. Notepad++ is meant primarily for coding. Which means most people don't care about spell checking. If more did, it would be included or easier to add.
Honestly, you're getting all mad about something that is apparently a big deal to you... but you're assuming it's a big deal to lots of other people when it just isn't.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
well.........i'd like it if Notepad++ had a spell check, but if it doesn't i won't have a heart attack
"No one man can terrorize a whole nation unless we are all his accomplices." - Edward R. Murrow
It's like this. I realize that Notepad++ it not at first glance good for word processing, but that's only from the perspective of writing doc/txt files. I use it to paste into input boxes, like forum replies/posts, blog posts, profile edits, etc.
For this NP++ is ideally suited. And it opens in a blink. And it remembers where I was. And it opens a billion files. And it has bookmarks. And its tiny compared to open office.
Further, since NP++ is first and foremost a coder's tool, it is seriously transparent. WYSIWYG. When I copy and paste from NP++ to something else it doesn't get all jacked up because of a billion different little hidden proprietary non standard formatting widgets.
If that's unclear, try composing something in writer, and then paste it into blogspot's post composer. Once you're done telling blogspot to ignore the insane formatting code that writer added trying to format the webpage like a document, you'll notice that it looks nothing like what you crafted in writer even if that is little more than text.
I basically only want three functions beyond that provided by normal notepad with regard to word processing. Spellcheck and auto replace (and an easy way to add auto correct entries from the spell checking portion). but for now I'll settle for Spellcheck.
And as for the demand, as of 5.0.3 its supposed to have spell check built in by default. And it does, it just doesn't have dictionaries, and I can't make them work.
As for the being mad thing, I just don't like being told what I should want. I'd much rather there be no response at all if it's not going to include a solution. I mean really, do I log into paris hilton boards just to tell them they are morons? No, I'm not a troll. Telling me not to use a particular text editor is kinda the same thing.
And along those lines I'm tired of tutorials being considered solutions, generally.
P.S. Is it possible to subscribe to posts? I'd like to get emails when there is a reply here.
once you have responded to a topic you can find them again by clicking on "Recent Posts" (on the left) and then "My Recent Posts" (top of the page)
that's How I keep track of topics I like
and I agree with everything you said - including the Paris Hilton referance
"No one man can terrorize a whole nation unless we are all his accomplices." - Edward R. Murrow
Thanks for the support and information!
These days I'm using Humanized Enso and The Auto Correct feature of AutoHotKey to Spellcheck or auto correct literally everything. I imported my auto correct list from writer into AutoHotKey and now I don't even use it anymore thanks to Google docs.
Hell, at this point firefox is basically my operating system.
This information is outdated. Notepad++ no longer includes Spellcheck.dll, so I tried downloading it from this topic, but that was a no-go. I did everything as the topic suggested, and nothing would work. Maybe this worked with earlier versions of Aspell and Notepad++, but with the latest versions, it does not.
I can get Aspell to work in Notepad++ when Aspell is installed, and it works nicely, but on the go it's a different story.
Disabled by default is fine, but for those who would enjoy the feature to be able to enable it would be nice, and given the small size of the plugin and the increasing size of flash drives, I would think its inclusion, if it existed, should be trivial. Of course, if it doesn't exist, getting someone to make it is the real issue. If there is a feature somebody wants enough to post on the forum about it, and it can be done with a reasonable amount of effort, at some point it becomes a shortcoming of the app to not do it, especially if the feature is viable and others like the idea as well.
Ah. "An app is only good for one thing primarily." I strongly disagree with this, and most developers agree, I would say. The more an app does within its scope, the better it is. Isn't Nero better than the disc burner included with Windows? Well, it would be if it weren't so bloated and slow and didn't have a bunch of garbage it doesn't need, like a second rate picture viewer and third rate video player, to say nothing of the media center and launcher. OK, so Nero got stupidly big stupidly fast, but I guess if you pay $100 for the license, it had better do a lot. Anyway, Microsoft intends for all their apps to be installed, but we here find value in untying (other) apps and carrying them around. Even the Notepad++ developers intended for there to be a spell checker, only the feature is broken.
Anyway, here's my argument for Notepad++ having a spell checker. I'm watching videos with subtitles, but the subtitles, while synced well (most of the time) have all kinds of problems. Lowercase pronouns, no spaces after commas, spaces before question marks and exclamation points, and words stuck together (space omitted). I'd use OpenOffice Writer, but having VLC and Firefox open at the same time makes VLC skip, badly. OpenOffice is more resource-intense than Firefox, so it's out. Haven't thought to try AbiWord, but Notepad++ is lean and fast. I use it to pen all of my blog articles lately. I need a text editor that fires up fast, so I can get my thoughts typed out faster. In the time it takes OpenOffice to launch, good ideas come and go.
Well, if you happen to see this reply, Google "WoaS". Wiki on a Stick is a Wiki contained in a single XHTML file. Bury it in your Portable Firefox code, then drop it on Portable Firefox. Bookmark it. Now, since it's one file, your back/forward buttons won't work like you expect, but it brings its own, and you can configure its toolbar to stay at the top, even as you scroll down. It's really handy. And of course it uses Firefox's spell checker, as well as any extension Firefox has. Doesn't help me, not in this case, but for a statement as you've made, you may like it.
Ummm, nope. Notepad++ Portable 5.4.5 includes spellcheck.dll (version 1.3.2 unicode).
Nope again. It works here. Tested with Notepad++ Portable 5.4.5, latest spellcheck.dll (version 1.3.3 unicode), Aspell 0.50-3 and german dictionary for Aspell.
You could copy the Aspell files to another directory, but then you'll have to adjust the relative path in SpellChecker.ini
Interesting. Seems that I do have spellchecker.dll on my flash drive. I don't know how to test the version number. I also have half a dozen .dll files I didn't have on the home computer. Either I have an older version of Notepad++, or somehow the spellcheck.dll and others went missing.
Could someone explain how to add Aspell "portably" eg. without actually installing it?
into the box, click OK and restart Notepad++.It worked fine for me. If you want another spell check language besides English, you will need to install an alternate dictionary.
Don't Panic