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OliverK's blog

IntelliLaunch Binaries :D

OliverK's picture
Submitted by OliverK on November 7, 2008 - 10:21am

Hookay, I've created binaries for you guys. Course, only certain people are going to read the blog Biggrin So only a few are going to know.

Alright, I've tested most of the stuff. Registry is checked and config is checked. Now, I'll let you decimate what's left.

A long long time ago, in a galaxy far far away . . .
Okay, so you are asking yourself, "Just what the chicken finger is IntelliLaunch? Why the seashore do I care about it?"

Project Status Report.

OliverK's picture
Submitted by OliverK on November 6, 2008 - 1:59pm

About PNotes and ATPad.
The new development test is going to take a bit while I rework the launcher structure. I'm adding in the language support that was broken in 4.0 and then I am working on the new ini file structure. I've also fixed the misspelling. If you really want to test it via the PAF structure, you can just drop in the new PNotes 4.5 binaries. Old notes/settings will be okay.

I do plan on making a dev test available for the Release candidates. However, I can't guarantee that I'm going to make dev tests for the test releases.

IntelliLaunch is Coded

OliverK's picture
Submitted by OliverK on October 20, 2008 - 10:31am

Okay, I finished coding IntelliLaunch.

So, here's the deal- I'm posting this in code form for right now. You should use the standard portableapps format, in the following setup:


Coding IntelliLaunch . . .

OliverK's picture
Submitted by OliverK on October 13, 2008 - 10:33am

Realize that this thing is only half coded. And the logic flow will likely change.
The idea is that a general launcher could be made, and then a config ini used to setup the application.

Configuration INI (Store in AppNamePortable\Data\):

#IF YOU DON"T USE A VARIABLE LEAVE IT AS FALSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#Normally, you should leave "CheckRunning" set to true

#Utilize "True" or "False" for each settings storage place.

A Generic Launcher . . .

OliverK's picture
Submitted by OliverK on October 9, 2008 - 2:41pm

K, I haven't actually written this yet, but what do you think of a generic launcher configured via a INI?

It would need to handle:
HKCU and HKLM (HKLM would require a check for admin, but that's easy)
PATH addition (again, only if needed)
%APPDATA% redirect
Command Line Switches

I'm not worried about a splash, if I did have a splash, it'd be something similar to PortaLuanch.

Any ideas?


OliverK's picture
Submitted by OliverK on October 3, 2008 - 1:59pm

Let's talk about the code SetOutPath.

Applications act funny. Some of them understand where they are and where to look, regardless of their location. some of them however, get confused. And some of them act really funny.

Now, this blog entry was brought about by this this post. Now, I'm not making this entry to insult the original poster, just bring about some better explanations.

A useful bit of code . . .

OliverK's picture
Submitted by OliverK on September 29, 2008 - 6:22pm
		;=== Check for data files
		IfFileExists "$PROGRAMDIRECTORY\config.conf" GetPassedParameters ;=== settings already in program directory
		IfFileExists "$SETTINGSDIRECTORY\config.conf" MoveSettings ;=== settings found in data directory
		;=== Copy the default settings files
		StrCmp $DEFAULTLOCATION "true" "" GetPassedParameters ;=== if not default location, user is on their own
		CreateDirectory "$SETTINGSDIRECTORY"
		CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\App\DefaultData\settings\*.*" "$SETTINGSDIRECTORY\"

App Updates

OliverK's picture
Submitted by OliverK on September 22, 2008 - 8:12pm

Okay, I don't really want to post this in the forums, but I figure I cn blog it here.

I am currently working on ATPad; VTi; Generator; and xVideoServiceThief

Actually, xVideoServiceTheif is done, I just haven't posted it yet. I talked to John about it, and he wasn't to enthused about the name. Also, its stuck in ALPHA. It works greet and all, but I think John would like for it to go into beta. Anyway, if you wants it, you can add a comment to the blog saying so, or just saying that the blog sucks, either way-it'd be nice to know someone's reading.

I has a blog . . .

OliverK's picture
Submitted by OliverK on September 15, 2008 - 10:32am

John gave me the developer permissions, so, now I has a blog.
So what do I write?
I doubt he'd appreciate me posting a rousing round of lora ipsum so . . .
Well, the first post on the blog has been blown.

I know! I'll post code examples here.

