I use newest TB, Enigmail and PGP.
I can import public keys from the server.
1. but where is the public and private keymap? i didnt find it in the folders
2. how can i import my private key?
i exportet it from linux and saved it in a good windows readable not utf8 txt file. looks like this:
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
BLABLABLA... my hole code
but how can i import it well. in the keymanagment i was not able to import.
* When File -> import keyfile from file
Importing the keys failed
gpg:cant open '' no such file or directory
gpg:Total number process: 0
* When copy private key to clipboard
Edit -> Import key from clipboard
Error - First OpenPGP block not public key block
* When i double klick gpg.exe it creates a folder gnupg locally and not on the flashmedia!
can s.o. help me please. thanks!
itself, or some key format problem.
keyfiles are stored, standard in ThunderbirdPortable\data\gpg
you would need there puring.gpg and secring.gpg
However there are someinstallations, using gpg placed in PortableApss\Commonfiles\gpg, but this is still kind of 'unofficial' , but I am using it at present so.
If there are no keyrings, you might try first to create just some 'dummy' keypair in TB/enigma/gpg itslef, then rings are here and then you should be able to import what you want.
I have in fact copied the rings from pgp, renamed them to *.gpg and all does work fine.
Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland
>* When i double klick gpg.exe it creates a folder gnupg locally and not on the flashmedia!
Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland
Thanks guys
I createt a dummy key pair and exported it. then i edited the exported file containing dummy pub and sec key and replaced this two keys by my real ones.
the key file was calles foo.asc (asc for armoured ascii - plaintext human readable not binary) and after deleting the dummy keypair was imported without problems.
I dont know where was the difference from the first, in linux exportet private key file and the new, exportet one. but the most important is it works now
>yes this is so, the gpg.exe is not intended in this portable configuration to be used on its own like this
A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.
then yes, gpg will kind of refuse to behave.
so even some empty key rings would do, but the way gpg wants to be used, is first install, then create keys, the use it....
When all that ready, all commands seem to work then.
The gpg as it is supplied will behave this way somehow, probably all done so by intention.
To recompile gpg.exe, well yes, but here this is not exactly the aim of the portable community I think, they try to leave all as it is and make launchers and installer etc to keep things going from stick.
So the position here is given by the launchers etc. , the exe should be kept as it is released by authors.
Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland