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U3 drives

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Last seen: 18 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-06-24 15:34
U3 drives

How do I get my U3 drive to recognize Portable Firefox, I currently have the firefox from the U3 website (the one with the .u3p extension). If I extract P.F. to my flash drive under the apps folder it does not show up under the application listing.

How do I get P.F. to show up under the app listing I recieve when clicking on the U3 icon in the taskbar? And recieve the normal options avaliable for .u3p programs?

Does someone have an updated u3p I can install to my flash drive?


Bruce Pascoe
Last seen: 13 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-15 16:14

Installing a U3 application involves a little more effort than just copying the .u3p to the drive. You have to use the U3 launchpad, hit the "Install an application" option, then select the .u3p.

-  [aim: fatcerberus]
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Last seen: 18 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2006-05-07 18:35
I think he is using the

I think he is using the NON-U3 version of PF and expecting it to show up under the menu automatically. Either install it using the U3 menu and donwloading off U3 Central or find the thread in this forum for the U3 shortcut creator.

Bruce Pascoe
Last seen: 13 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-15 16:14

He quite clearly stated he had a .u3p file. Knowing that, it's definitely the U3 version, but there's more to installing a U3 app than just copying the .u3p over.

-  [aim: fatcerberus]
I have no witty remarks or quotes to share at the moment.

Last seen: 18 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-06-24 15:34
I have the old U3 version. I

I have the old U3 version. I want to know how to either update that old version to the new version or if I decide that it's easier to clean install, how to I get the new version to show up in the program menu.

I downloaded portable firefox off here (the version on my u3 is from the u3 website, but it's old), it's in exe format, is there a new version in .u3p format?

Ryan McCue
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Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-06 21:27

Try using the exe one then search here for 'U3 Launchpad add'
R McCue
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