Is it coming to portable apps?
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Is it coming to portable apps?
All further comments, suggestions and replies should be directed to the new topic: 3 Portable Pre-Release 1
No it is NOT 3.0 Release Candidate 4
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
Actually it is out....just hasn't been announced
But we won't update until they officially announce it.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Ergo, it's not out
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
As you spend more time on these forums, you'll see that for current apps, John and Co. are always aware of the new versions coming out.
Currently, MarkoMLM is on top of this, but according to this post he is not finished with it yet.
Keep your eyes peeled, though, and I'm sure he will appreciate it if you help test the dev version when it does come out!
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
According to the official website, it is out now (
But the servers are taking a beating
YOu can still DL it even if the site is taking a beating. Love SUN!
Yes it is confirmed at 9:00AM PDT on 10/13/08 Sun Microsoystems released Open office 3. Due to an "Unusually High Response" Their website has Ben reverted to text based mode to avoid another crash like that which occurred at 9:16AM PDT if you are a please note the portable apps community is known for being very quick in re-compiling programs for portable distribution i assure you that openoffice 3 will defiantly be on the portable apps site by the end of the month.
its cool that they moved the page to text mode.
And I'm sure Marko is working on the portable version.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
I'm new to all the portable concepts, but I heart about it, and thought I'd give it a try. All the people who worked on this, as well as the other portable programs are just to fantastic. My compliments to one and all.
I downloaded the Suite with version 2.4.1, and BiNgO... out comes v 3.0. But only in full version. so I have one version (2.4.1) on my laptop system, and and another (v3.0) on my desktop.
Is there any conflict between the two "talking" to each other that I need to know about?
I just began using the portable version, so I am a total novice although I've been building computers and customising the settings for physically and mentally handicapped users for about 12 years. Now I'm boldly going where I have never gone before :0) So, I need to keep various individual's projects in sync, hence the reason for my question.
Many of my clients (and I do this work gratis) can not afford several hundred dollars in software, so, if I can learn this stuff, I can help them.
Sorry this is so long, but I am just elated at what this brave new world (to me) will do for the people I help.
Dave Willson
David E. Willson, MSgt., USAF (Ret)
Desert Rats Assoc 74-79
Vietnam Security Police Assoc 69-70
The two 2.4.1 versions are fully compatible with each other. So the question becomes "desktop 3.0" vs "portable 2.4.1"
As far as I know, both use the same file format, and at far as the Writer module is concerned (the only one I'm really using now), both use the same file format. There are a few compatibility issues, such as when you force a paragraph to go to the following page, version 2.4 keeps the "space before" anyways (I consider this a major bug), while version 3 may be configured to avoid it.
Also I wonder what happens if you format an image in ways that aren't possible with version 2.4.
Michel Gagnon
Montréal (Québec, Canada)
Rushing with upgrading to v3.0 might not be worthy if someone is going to use/reuse documents created with earlier versions.
Right now, I'm in the process of discovering some issues with documents in .odt format. I've noticed that formatting can be messed up, while editing a document containing a table. Also, encountering a weird behavior like disappearance of the retyped text, when moving the cursor to another paragraph.
Plus, the table border lines refresh visibly slower... but, I could live with that.
So, at the moment, for me, it'll be actually a perfect opportunity to test, for the first time, the portable edition of the OpenOffice Suite. That way, I'm going back to the previous version.
Just wonder, if anyone had looked into that.
With OO.o 3.0 structure of directories has changed
and on windows the runtime-files need now a
systemwide installation. This might cause problems.
So what is the actual proposal/schedule for a
portable version?
Here is the simple way to setup OO 3.0 as portable app now. I tried it with RC4 and now with full version and it works like charm. Install the OO 3.0 beta 2 portable first, from here . This will take care of the new version 3.0 directory structure. Assuming that you already installed full version 3.0 on your desktop and that the USB drive is connected (with the version 3.0 beta 2 installed), follow these directions:
1. Copy the directory OpenOfficePortable\App\\Basis 3.0\share\fonts\truetype to another location
2. Delete all the files within the OpenOfficePortable\App\openoffice\ directory
3. Copy your local 3 files to that same directory (you can usually find them in C:\Program Files\ 3\ )
4. Copy your local files to OpenOfficePortable\App\ (you can usually find them in C:\Program Files\\ )
5. Copy the directory you saved above (fonts\truetype) back to this location: OpenOfficePortable\App\\Basis 3.0\share\fonts\truetype
These instructions are derived from the instructions on installing alternate languagepacks, posted here.
happy OO portable use to all
Warning: The days in the calendar are closer than they appear...
you´d get all inclusive - new launcher, language support,all files compressed at optimum level etc, etc
Remember Firefox 3.0.1->3.0.2 problems ("my passwords have gone" bug)->FF 3.0.3
Sometimes it´s better to do it slowly but secure, in the meanwhile you can bide your time getting close to a local OOo3.0 -> you know "it´s done, when it´s done"
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis .." Friday Next -
"May The Schwartz be with You!" Yogurt the Yoda
if this works I think I will go for it. I stopped using 2.4 for the beta so this is just another way. Later whenever the official is out then I can use it. Switching offices isn't as tuff as switching email or browsers or such. I keep all my templates and such in a separate folder anyway.
I tried this solutions (and more) but without success
If you try OOoPortable final (from OOoPortable beta with modifications described above) on a computer which doesn't have OOo 3 installed, it doesn't start at all. If you try it on a computer who had a working installation of OOo3, it start.
My guess is that, since beta 2, OOo developers added "something" that prevent OOo 3 to be easily portable. But what ?
And I'm quite surprised because Marko is silent.
Keep up the good work !
for all Apps here is that its done when its done and asking about it doesnt help anyone.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Agreed! When the official OOoPortable 3.0 comes out I'll gladly install it. So far, I had an option of using portable version 2.4.1 (which is incompatible with version 3.0 in many ways), or 3.0 beta 2 (which has the spell checker broken). This is an interim solution.
Warning: The days in the calendar are closer than they appear...
I'm going to wait for the official version myself. But thing is when was the last time anyone heard from Mark? Advocate
Hello portableapps-team,
can you give an approximate release date for the OOo 3.0 stable portable?
Thank you very much.
I realize that just asking isn't going to make this work but the practicality of using the Portable Apps suite (for me) depends on OOo 3 making it. The new ODF included in 3 doesn't come across accurately on OOo 2/Star Office 8.
I think the ideal solution would have been to include an option in OOo 3 to save in the OOo2 compatible format of ODF. As it stands the only ODF save options are for OOo 1 or the latest and greatest, nothing else.
BTW, with all the noise made about supporting Office 2007 XML formatted files why can't we save to that format? OOo 3 can open them but can't save them.
Cite: As it stands the only ODF save options are for OOo 1 or the latest and greatest, nothing else.
- You may be wrong there, the options I see are "ODF 1.0/1.1 ( 2.xx)" vs. "ODF 1.2".
Just wonder about the options you mention: ODF 1.0/1.1 vs ODF 1.2. Where do you have them?
In the Writer (the only application I use) I see just "ODF" for text documents (.odt, .ott) and " 1.0" (.svx , .stw).
Anyway, even without seeing those options this gave me an idea about a possible solution to my problem mentioned above:
I think, that re-saving the older documents in OOo 3 before making any changes to them might just help. Must test that, but will make copies to be save, as usually I do.
Hope I get the menu path right in English.
You can set the option for the ODF-version under
Is there any solution to fixing the spell checker?
I have found the solution to the portable openoffice 3.0 beta 2.
Whoever packaged the portable apps installer, did not package the correct english dictionary. You can verify this be looking at the English dictionary version under your extension manager (if it says 2005, it is way out of date). To fix the problem, you must download the original Openoffice 3.0 version (nonbeta 2) and copy the file "dict-en.oxt" to your desktop. Once that is done, open writer portable, and go to tools, extensions, and add that file as a new extension. You will be prompted that the existing dictionary is the newer one, however it is not - the existing one is the 2005 version wheres the one your replacing it with the the 2008. Once I did this, all the spell-checker nightmares disappeared...
... and will come with the actual dics today.
No need for a system wide install of the msvcrt.
Paid for Software more or less?
What You need is OSS!
All further comments, suggestions and replies should be directed to the new topic: 3 Portable Pre-Release 1
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
Paid for Software more or less?
What You need is OSS!