I have been using & enjoying the portable apps (thanks John for the great work - my laptop has been replaced by a USB drive when I travel!)- all was going fine until I tried to launch my PFF PFF never goes to my home page instead PFF tries to upgrade itself to but fails to do so automatically. Then PFF attempts to d/l and install the FF onto my thumb drive.
Is there a way to disable the automatic upgrade checker on my PFF? or am up the ole effluent creek in a leaky boat?
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PFF won't launch - tries to upgrade to and crashes
July 8, 2006 - 11:15pm
PFF won't launch - tries to upgrade to and crashes
Portable Firefox uses a regular copy of Firefox so the update will work fine, your application will remain portable.
Steve Lamerton
Here is what I a m doing
Step 1 click on PFF -- > result I get the FF upgrade screen
Step 2 I get msg that has been successfully d/l & must restart
Step 3 Restart PFF with restart PFF now button.
Don't use the Restart PFF Now button.
R McCue
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