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Appetizer 0.9.4 (Build 958)

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Laurent22300's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 days ago
Joined: 2008-07-26 17:33
Appetizer 0.9.4 (Build 958)

Application: Appetizer (Formerly known as MiniLaunchBar)

Category: Dock application

Description: This an application launcher for PortableApps applications. Rather than organizing the apps as a list like the Windows Start menu, they are organized in a tool bar a bit similar to the Mac OSX dock bar.

Release notes: Several bug fixes and a few new features in this release (see Change log below). Please give it a try and let me know if it's working for you. In particular, please check if you can launch an app, drag and drop files onto the dock, and move icons around.

Feature suggestions are also welcome.

Download Appetizer


  • Add or delete a shortcut or a divider by right-clicking on any icon
  • Change the properties (name and path) of an icon
  • Move the bar by clicking and dragging its border
  • Order the icons by clicking and dragging them
  • Eject the drive by clicking on the arrow button, and then the eject button

Known bugs

  • On Vista, some icons may appear with a red border in the popup menu
  • 2-bits icons don't sh

    ow up at 16x16 pixels

Change log:

Version (Pre-release 1) (2008-11-04):

  • Eject button is now only visible if the dock is on a removable drive
  • Skin folder is now a user setting, and all skin settings have moved to Skin.xml, to allow for new skins
  • The dock orientation can now be set to vertical or horizontal
  • Check for new version on startup
  • Fixed: applications were not launched asynchronously (or sometime not launched at all)
  • Added thunder icon over icons that are part of the multilaunch group
  • It's now possible to add a shortcut by drag & dropping a file on the bar
  • It's also possible to drop a file on an icon
  • Moved close and help buttons to the side of the dock

Version Beta (2008-10-31):

  • Implemented file exclusions (which prevent a file from being automatically added after it has been deleted)
  • Documents, Music, Videos and Pictures folders now show up
  • Fixed 16-bit icons "missing pixel" bug
  • Fixed opening of folders and documents
  • Fixed window disappearance when resizing
  • Removed error message when PortableApps folder is missing
  • Fixed white border problem on 32-bits icons
  • Done help file
  • Fixed errors when opening folders or documents from the dock
  • Done about box
  • Added "Add shortcut" button
  • Updated polish localization
  • Optimized PNG files to make them smaller

Last seen: 15 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2008-10-29 15:44

There are about 11 icons that show up for programs that aren't on my usb drive like coolplayer and toucan and total commander. Did you forget to delete the settings or preferences file when you uploaded?

Laurent22300's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 days ago
Joined: 2008-07-26 17:33
Ok I've re-updated the

Ok I've re-updated the archive (this time withouth my setting files :). You can also delete the files in Data/Settings to reset the preferences.

ZachHudock's picture
Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-06 18:07
Looks pretty good. A couple

Looks pretty good. A couple comments though.

For the switching to vertical/horizontal orientation, you should swap the width and height values as well. This will keep the expanded option bar from being stretched, and will ensure that the current size is preserved and only orientation is changed.

When right-clicking inside the menu, the popup menu displays "IconPanel.PopupMenu.NewGroup" as a caption, rather than "New Group..."

When creating a group, if the group is empty, left-clicking on the group icon, the popup message displays Icon.EditShortcuts clicking this popup item does nothing.

The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705

Laurent22300's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 days ago
Joined: 2008-07-26 17:33
Right, the "new group" menu

Right, the "new group" menu items shouldn't have been there, since this functionality is not ready yet. I'll remove it in the next release.

Good point for the switching of the width and height, I'm going to add that.

wk's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: 2007-09-05 12:31

new icon, new name : I love them

below the adapted German localization:

// Deutsch
// @author = Simeon, adapted by Werner Künkel

Global.Error = Fehler
Global.Cancel = Abbrechen
Global.OK = OK
Global.Yes = Ja
Global.No = Nein
Global.Save = Speichern
Global.OpenDialog.AllFiles = Alle Dateien
Global.BrowserError = Browser startet nicht

MessageBox.Info = Information
MessageBox.Warning = Warnung
MessageBox.Confirmation = Bestätigung

HelpPopup.Help = Hilfethemen
HelpPopup.About = über %0%...

FolderItem.LaunchFileError = Diese Datei existiert nicht oder wurde gelöscht (Fehler %0%)

IconPanel.PopupMenu.NewShortcut = Neue Verknüpfung...
IconPanel.PopupMenu.Delete = Löschen...
IconPanel.PopupMenu.Properties = Eigenschaften
IconPanel.PopupMenu.AddToQuickLaunch = Zur Schnellstart-Gruppe hinzufügen
IconPanel.DeleteConfirmation = Wollen Sie diese Verknüpfung wirklich löschen?

EditFolderItemForm.Title = Verknüpfungseigenschaften
EditFolderItemForm.NameLabel = Name:
EditFolderItemForm.LocationLabel = Ort:
EditFolderItemForm.LocationWarning = Der Zielort für diese Verknüpfung existiert nicht. Möchten Sie fortfahren?

TrayIcon.Close = Schließen
TrayIcon.Hide = Minimieren
TrayIcon.Show = Zeigen

SelectFolderOrFileDialog.Title = Ordner oder Datei auswählen
SelectFolderOrFileDialog.SelectFile = Datei auswählen
SelectFolderOrFileDialog.SelectFolder = Ordner auswählen

Icon.Size16 = Klein
Icon.Size32 = Groß

AboutDialog.Title = Über %0%...
AboutDialog.AboutTab = Über
AboutDialog.License = Lizenz

ConfigDialog.Title = Einstellungen
ConfigDialog.GeneralTab = Allgemein
ConfigDialog.LanguageLabel = Sprache:
ConfigDialog.IconSizeLabel = Symbolgröße
ConfigDialog.Orientation = Ausrichtung
ConfigDialog.HorizontalOrientation = Horizontal
ConfigDialog.VerticalOrientation = Vertikal
ConfigDialog.UpdateButton = nach Update suchen
ConfigDialog.UpdateButtonWait = Bitte warten...

OptionPanel.CloseToolTip = Schließen
OptionPanel.MinimizeToolTip = Minimieren
OptionPanel.ConfigToolTip = Einstellungen
OptionPanel.EjectToolTip = Eject
OptionPanel.AddShortcutToolTip = Neue Verknüpfung
OptionPanel.HelpToolTip = Hilfe
OptionPanel.KeyToolTip = Verschlüsseln / Entschlüsseln
OptionPanel.MultiLaunchToolTip = Schnellstart-Gruppe

Updater.NoNewVersion = Sie haben die aktuelle Version.
Updater.NewVersion = Eine neue Version ist erhältlich!
 Ihre Version: %0%
 Neueste version: %1%
 Was ist neu in: %2%
 Möchten Sie sie jetzt herunterladen
Updater.Error = Keine Updateinformation erhältlich

Small bugs:
"Apperance" tab and "skin" label in settings can´t be localized (code lines are missing in English locale)
When creating a new folder the pop up says : "The shorcut location doesn't exist. Do you wish to continue?" -> folder icon is created though and works

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis .." Friday Next -
"May The Schwartz be with You!" Yogurt the Yoda

Laurent22300's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 days ago
Joined: 2008-07-26 17:33
Thanks, I'll look into these

Thanks, I'll look into these issues.

Scitale's picture
Last seen: 15 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2008-10-30 10:02

OptionPanel.EjectToolTip = Eject
- might as well translate that, too... "Auswerfen"

ConfigDialog.UpdateButton = nach Update suchen
- ought to start with upper-case letter "Nach Update suchen"

HelpPopup.About = über %0%...
- ought to start with upper-case letter "Über %0%..."

Neueste version: %1%
- ought to be "Neueste Version: %1%

wk's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: 2007-09-05 12:31
right, you´ve found the typos I believed to have erased..

eject is to discuss, I left it as it is.I play around with "(Externes)Laufwerk abmelden" which is more precise but very long so I left eject till final release ,
updated file:

// Deutsch
// @author = Simeon, adapted by Werner Künkel

Global.Error = Fehler
Global.Cancel = Abbrechen
Global.OK = OK
Global.Yes = Ja
Global.No = Nein
Global.Save = Speichern
Global.OpenDialog.AllFiles = Alle Dateien
Global.BrowserError = Browser startet nicht

MessageBox.Info = Information
MessageBox.Warning = Warnung
MessageBox.Confirmation = Bestätigung

HelpPopup.Help = Hilfethemen
HelpPopup.About = Über %0%...

FolderItem.LaunchFileError = Diese Datei existiert nicht oder wurde gelöscht (Fehler %0%)

IconPanel.PopupMenu.NewShortcut = Neue Verknüpfung...
IconPanel.PopupMenu.Delete = Löschen...
IconPanel.PopupMenu.Properties = Eigenschaften
IconPanel.PopupMenu.AddToQuickLaunch = Zur Schnellstart-Gruppe hinzufügen
IconPanel.DeleteConfirmation = Wollen Sie diese Verknüpfung wirklich löschen?

EditFolderItemForm.Title = Verknüpfungseigenschaften
EditFolderItemForm.NameLabel = Name:
EditFolderItemForm.LocationLabel = Ort:
EditFolderItemForm.LocationWarning = Der Zielort für diese Verknüpfung existiert nicht. Möchten Sie fortfahren?

TrayIcon.Close = Schließen
TrayIcon.Hide = Minimieren
TrayIcon.Show = Zeigen

SelectFolderOrFileDialog.Title = Ordner oder Datei auswählen
SelectFolderOrFileDialog.SelectFile = Datei auswählen
SelectFolderOrFileDialog.SelectFolder = Ordner auswählen

Icon.Size16 = Klein
Icon.Size32 = Groß

AboutDialog.Title = Über %0%...
AboutDialog.AboutTab = Über
AboutDialog.License = Lizenz

ConfigDialog.Title = Einstellungen
ConfigDialog.GeneralTab = Allgemein
ConfigDialog.LanguageLabel = Sprache:
ConfigDialog.IconSizeLabel = Symbolgröße
ConfigDialog.Orientation = Ausrichtung
ConfigDialog.HorizontalOrientation = Horizontal
ConfigDialog.VerticalOrientation = Vertikal
ConfigDialog.UpdateButton = Nach Update suchen
ConfigDialog.UpdateButtonWait = Bitte warten...

OptionPanel.CloseToolTip = Schließen
OptionPanel.MinimizeToolTip = Minimieren
OptionPanel.ConfigToolTip = Einstellungen
OptionPanel.EjectToolTip = Externes Laufwerk abmelden
OptionPanel.AddShortcutToolTip = Neue Verknüpfung
OptionPanel.HelpToolTip = Hilfe
OptionPanel.KeyToolTip = Verschlüsseln / Entschlüsseln
OptionPanel.MultiLaunchToolTip = Schnellstart-Gruppe

Updater.NoNewVersion = Sie haben die aktuelle Version.
Updater.NewVersion = Eine neue Version ist erhältlich!
 Ihre Version: %0%
 Neueste Version: %1%
 Was ist neu in: %2%
 Möchten Sie sie jetzt herunterladen
Updater.Error = Keine Updateinformation erhältlich

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis .." Friday Next -
"May The Schwartz be with You!" Yogurt the Yoda

ZachHudock's picture
Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-06 18:07
Using your new 48x48 olive

Using your new 48x48 olive icon, i created a high resolution 256x256 olive.

it can be found here

The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705

Laurent22300's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 days ago
Joined: 2008-07-26 17:33
That's great, thanks!

That's great, thanks! Actually, could you move the leaf up a bit so that it's not under the olive? This is how the final icon will look:

Olive 48x48

Also the olive needs to be slighlty rotated to the right.

ZachHudock's picture
Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-06 18:07

The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705

Laurent22300's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 days ago
Joined: 2008-07-26 17:33
Just one last thing

There should be a small highlight at the bottom of the olive, to give it more volume. It's visible on the 48x48 icon.

ZachHudock's picture
Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-06 18:07 it is it is

The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705

Laurent22300's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 days ago
Joined: 2008-07-26 17:33
It's looking great, thanks!

It's looking great, thanks!

NeoRame's picture
Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-05-11 09:12
ok under win 2k limeted

ok under win 2k limeted account, it works fine (with knowed bugs like rightclick context, german translation...... all i have read in the top of thread;-) )

a few questions:
-can you add a magnetic function (like other docks) and an autohide?
-and an option to set own buttons in the option menu ?

btw, i like this app i will create a few themes for you.

kind regards

Hell was full, so I came back!!!
Sorry for my lousy English!!!

Laurent22300's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 days ago
Joined: 2008-07-26 17:33
Glad to hear that it work on

Glad to hear that it works on win2k!

What do you mean by a magnetic function? Is it like snapping? - this will be in version 1.0.

Regarding the option buttons, they are designed to be quite flexible. At least in code it's easy to add and remove buttons, and it shouldn't be too hard to make that a setting. I'll think about it, although it's currently not a priority.

EspaÑaks (not verified)
the new vertical orientation

the new vertical orientation feature is COOOOOOOOL, i was getting upset because & like it at the left part of the screen & every time i wanted to change a setting i had to move it. & the lightning in the app icon is cool too!!!!!


ceciliaFX's picture
Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2007-04-24 14:18
I have Windows 2000 service

I have Windows 2000 service pack4 and so far this wonderful little program is workiing just fine. I dropped a few portable programs in the window and they work!
I used the "add shortcut", works!

WOOT! the pdf pops up! hey, I'm happy!

"No one man can terrorize a whole nation unless we are all his accomplices." - Edward R. Murrow

Last seen: 13 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-08 13:01
Great Progress

I have been playing with this since the beta that was before the alpha. Things are moving right along. Can't wait until the group folders are a working feature.

A feature I would like to see it the ability to slide the icon tray in to the left (or up to the top for vertical orientation) and hide it like the controls on the right can slide to the right and disappear. This would let it take up less screen space when not in use.

Being able to attach it to a side of the screen and autohide like Google's toolbar would be another alternative too

Paul LaBrier

Laurent22300's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 days ago
Joined: 2008-07-26 17:33
Being able to attach it to a

Being able to attach it to a side of the screen and autohide like Google's toolbar would be another alternative too

It won't be in the first public release, but at some point I'll add a function to auto-hide the dock when an application is launched. There will also be a snapping feature.

wk's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: 2007-09-05 12:31
Two more requests..

1) the path to help file should be selectable -> helps to change direction to a localized helpfile
2) the pdf reader should selectable, e.g. to Sumatra portable

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis .." Friday Next -
"May The Schwartz be with You!" Yogurt the Yoda

Laurent22300's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 days ago
Joined: 2008-07-26 17:33
1) the path to help file

1) the path to help file should be selectable -> helps to change direction to a localized helpfile

Actually the app already supports localized helps files. Just create a new "de" folder in the "Help" folder and put a localized "Appetizer.pdf" file in there. You can get the help source file (in OpenDocument format) from the repository:

Also, I've updated the english localization:

2) the pdf reader should selectable, e.g. to Sumatra portable

That would make sense. Maybe the dock could detect if a PDF reader is available on the USB key and launch the help file with it. I'll add that to the list of possible features, although it's not a priority either.

wk's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: 2007-09-05 12:31
well, I´ll come back later

errm semms that odt can´t be opened with OOo, I´ll try once more..

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis .." Friday Next -
"May The Schwartz be with You!" Yogurt the Yoda

ZachHudock's picture
Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-06 18:07
My OOo opened it without a

My OOo opened it without a problem....

The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705

Laurent22300's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 days ago
Joined: 2008-07-26 17:33
You may have downloaded a

You may have downloaded a webpage instead of the actual file (I just did that myself :). Here is the link to the file itself:

wk's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: 2007-09-05 12:31
Deaf, dumb and blind...

Thanx, I´ve been successful in the meantime..
I just need an adress where to upload or send the file. Else, I´d post it here.
First is the updated locale, will come in a few minutes..

// Deutsch
// @author = Simeon, adapted by Werner Künkel

Global.Error = Fehler
Global.Cancel = Abbrechen
Global.OK = OK
Global.Yes = Ja
Global.No = Nein
Global.Save = Speichern
Global.OpenDialog.AllFiles = Alle Dateien
Global.BrowserError = Browser startet nicht

MessageBox.Info = Information
MessageBox.Warning = Warnung
MessageBox.Confirmation = Bestätigung

HelpPopup.Help = Hilfethemen
HelpPopup.About = Über %0%...

FolderItem.LaunchFileError = Diese Datei existiert nicht oder wurde gelöscht (Fehler %0%)

IconPanel.PopupMenu.NewShortcut = Neue Verknüpfung...
IconPanel.PopupMenu.Delete = Verknüpfung löschen...
IconPanel.PopupMenu.Properties = Eigenschaften
IconPanel.PopupMenu.AddToQuickLaunch = Zur Schnellstart-Gruppe hinzufügen
IconPanel.DeleteConfirmation = Wollen Sie diese Verknüpfung wirklich löschen?

EditFolderItemForm.Title = Verknüpfungseigenschaften
EditFolderItemForm.NameLabel = Name:
EditFolderItemForm.LocationLabel = Ort:
EditFolderItemForm.LocationWarning = Der Zielort für diese Verknüpfung existiert nicht. Möchten Sie fortfahren?

TrayIcon.Close = Schließen
TrayIcon.Hide = Minimieren
TrayIcon.Show = Zeigen

SelectFolderOrFileDialog.Title = Ordner oder Datei auswählen
SelectFolderOrFileDialog.SelectFile = Datei auswählen
SelectFolderOrFileDialog.SelectFolder = Ordner auswählen

Icon.Size16 = Klein
Icon.Size32 = Groß

AboutDialog.Title = Über %0%...
AboutDialog.AboutTab = Über
AboutDialog.License = Lizenz

ConfigDialog.Title = Einstellungen
ConfigDialog.GeneralTab = Allgemein
ConfigDialog.AppearanceTab = Aussehen
ConfigDialog.LanguageLabel = Sprache:
ConfigDialog.IconSizeLabel = Symbolgröße
ConfigDialog.SkinLabel = Design
ConfigDialog.Orientation = Ausrichtung
ConfigDialog.HorizontalOrientation = Horizontal
ConfigDialog.VerticalOrientation = Vertikal
ConfigDialog.UpdateButton = Nach neuer Version suchen
ConfigDialog.UpdateButtonWait = Bitte warten...

OptionPanel.CloseToolTip = Schließen
OptionPanel.MinimizeToolTip = Minimieren
OptionPanel.ConfigToolTip = Einstellungen
OptionPanel.EjectToolTip = Externes Laufwerk abmelden
OptionPanel.AddShortcutToolTip = Neue Verknüpfung
OptionPanel.HelpToolTip = Hilfe
OptionPanel.KeyToolTip = Verschlüsseln / Entschlüsseln
OptionPanel.MultiLaunchToolTip = Schnellstart-Gruppe

Updater.NoNewVersion = Sie haben die aktuelle Version.
Updater.NewVersion = Eine neue Version ist erhältlich!
 Ihre Version: %0%
 Neueste Version: %1%
 Was ist neu in: %2%
 Möchten Sie sie jetzt herunterladen?
Updater.Error = Keine Information zu neuen Versionen erhältlich...

Checked the new files, they aren´t localized in the recent prerelease, still show up as "appearance" and "skins"

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis .." Friday Next -
"May The Schwartz be with You!" Yogurt the Yoda

Scitale's picture
Last seen: 15 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2008-10-30 10:02

Works really well. Still a bit slow to populate, but that's no big deal.
One odd thing I noticed is that the icon for cyptnote (a text editor that offers built-in encryption) is not shown when the application is the the popup list, but displays ok as long as it's in the main window.
And if I might request one thing - can the Eject button be shown outside, like Close and Help?

Laurent22300's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 days ago
Joined: 2008-07-26 17:33
I noticed is that the icon

I noticed is that the icon for cyptnote (a text editor that offers built-in encryption) is not shown when the application is the the popup list

Thanks, I'll look into that.

can the Eject button be shown outside, like Close and Help?

There's not enough space to have more than two buttons there. If you use 16x16 icons, and make the bar the smallest possible, there's just enough space for Close and Help. If I add a button it will overlap the "resizer" handle.

Scitale's picture
Last seen: 15 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2008-10-30 10:02
In that case

How about moving Help to the tray area? I'm sure Eject will see much more use than Help, so it would be nice to not have to open the tray for that all the time.

ZachHudock's picture
Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-06 18:07
I think this sounds like a

I think this sounds like a good idea as well

The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705

Laurent22300's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 days ago
Joined: 2008-07-26 17:33
I put the help button there

I put the help button there to make sure people don't miss it, but it's true that it probably won't be used more than once or twice.

I don't know if I should replace it by the eject button or try to make this area more scalable so that there can be more than two buttons. I'll think about it.

PieterK's picture
Last seen: 14 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2007-07-17 15:07

Works like a charm! Smile
I updated the Dutch translation for you. If I missed something then let me know and I'll fix it asap.

// Nederlands
// @author = Pieter Kerstens

Global.Error = Fout
Global.Cancel = Annuleren
Global.OK = OK
Global.Yes = Ja
Global.No = Nee
Global.Save = Opslaan
Global.OpenDialog.AllFiles = Alle Bestanden
Global.BrowserError = Fout bij het opstarten van de webbrowser

MessageBox.Info = Informatie
MessageBox.Warning = Waarschuwing
MessageBox.Confirmation = Bevestiging

HelpPopup.Help = Hulp Topics
HelpPopup.About = Over %0%...

FolderItem.LaunchFileError = Dit bestand bestaat niet of werd verwijderd (Error %0%)

IconPanel.PopupMenu.NewShortcut = Nieuwe snelkoppeling...
IconPanel.PopupMenu.Delete = Verwijder...
IconPanel.PopupMenu.Properties = Eigenschappen
IconPanel.PopupMenu.AddToQuickLaunch = Toevoegen aan Multi Launch groep
IconPanel.DeleteConfirmation = Wil u dit item verwijderen?

EditFolderItemForm.Title = Snelkoppeling Eigenschappen
EditFolderItemForm.NameLabel = Naam:
EditFolderItemForm.LocationLabel = Lokatie:
EditFolderItemForm.LocationWarning = De snelkoppeling lokatie bestaat niet. Wilt u verdergaan?

TrayIcon.Close = Sluiten
TrayIcon.Hide = Verbergen
TrayIcon.Show = Toon

SelectFolderOrFileDialog.Title = Selecteer map of bestand
SelectFolderOrFileDialog.SelectFile = Selecteer bestand
SelectFolderOrFileDialog.SelectFolder = Selecteer map

Icon.Size16 = Klein
Icon.Size32 = Groot

AboutDialog.Title = Over %0%...
AboutDialog.AboutTab = Over
AboutDialog.License = Licentie

ConfigDialog.Title = Configuratie
ConfigDialog.GeneralTab = Algemeen
ConfigDialog.LanguageLabel = Taal:
ConfigDialog.IconSizeLabel = Icon grootte:
ConfigDialog.SkinLabel = Skin:
ConfigDialog.Orientation = Orientatie
ConfigDialog.HorizontalOrientation = Horizontaal
ConfigDialog.VerticalOrientation = Verticaal
ConfigDialog.UpdateButton = Controleer op updates
ConfigDialog.UpdateButtonWait = Wacht aub...

OptionPanel.CloseToolTip = Sluiten
OptionPanel.MinimizeToolTip = Minimaliseren
OptionPanel.ConfigToolTip = Configuratie
OptionPanel.EjectToolTip = Eject
OptionPanel.AddShortcutToolTip = Nieuwe snelkoppeling
OptionPanel.HelpToolTip = Hulp
OptionPanel.KeyToolTip = Encrypteer / Decrypteer
OptionPanel.MultiLaunchToolTip = Multi-launch

Updater.NoNewVersion = U hebt de nieuwste versie.
Updater.NewVersion = Een nieuwe versie is beschikbaar!
 Uw versie: %0%
 Huidige versie: %1%
 Release notes: %2%
Wilt u het nu downloaden?
Updater.Error = Kon geen update informatie krijgen

Optimism is a moral duty - Karl R. Popper

Laurent22300's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 days ago
Joined: 2008-07-26 17:33
Thanks Pieter. There are

Thanks Pieter. There are still a few strings missing though, in particular in the new "Appearance" tab. You can get the latest version of the english file at:

PieterK's picture
Last seen: 14 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2007-07-17 15:07

Ok I updated the Dutch locale. "Appearance" has been translated but I don't know a good word to translate "Skin" with in Dutch so I just kept the English for now.

// Nederlands
// @author = Pieter Kerstens

Global.Error = Fout
Global.Cancel = Annuleren
Global.OK = OK
Global.Yes = Ja
Global.No = Nee
Global.Save = Opslaan
Global.OpenDialog.AllFiles = Alle Bestanden
Global.BrowserError = Fout bij het opstarten van de webbrowser

MessageBox.Info = Informatie
MessageBox.Warning = Waarschuwing
MessageBox.Confirmation = Bevestiging

HelpPopup.Help = Hulp Topics
HelpPopup.About = Over %0%...

FolderItem.LaunchFileError = Dit bestand bestaat niet of werd verwijderd (Error %0%)

IconPanel.PopupMenu.NewShortcut = Nieuwe snelkoppeling...
IconPanel.PopupMenu.Delete = Verwijder...
IconPanel.PopupMenu.Properties = Eigenschappen
IconPanel.PopupMenu.AddToQuickLaunch = Toevoegen aan Multi Launch groep
IconPanel.DeleteConfirmation = Wil u dit item verwijderen?

EditFolderItemForm.Title = Snelkoppeling Eigenschappen
EditFolderItemForm.NameLabel = Naam:
EditFolderItemForm.LocationLabel = Lokatie:
EditFolderItemForm.LocationWarning = De snelkoppeling lokatie bestaat niet. Wilt u verdergaan?

TrayIcon.Close = Sluiten
TrayIcon.Hide = Verbergen
TrayIcon.Show = Toon

SelectFolderOrFileDialog.Title = Selecteer map of bestand
SelectFolderOrFileDialog.SelectFile = Selecteer bestand
SelectFolderOrFileDialog.SelectFolder = Selecteer map

Icon.Size16 = Klein
Icon.Size32 = Groot

AboutDialog.Title = Over %0%...
AboutDialog.AboutTab = Over
AboutDialog.License = Licentie

ConfigDialog.Title = Configuratie
ConfigDialog.GeneralTab = Algemeen
ConfigDialog.AppearanceTab = Voorkomen
ConfigDialog.LanguageLabel = Taal:
ConfigDialog.IconSizeLabel = Icon grootte:
ConfigDialog.SkinLabel = Skin:
ConfigDialog.Orientation = Orientatie
ConfigDialog.HorizontalOrientation = Horizontaal
ConfigDialog.VerticalOrientation = Verticaal
ConfigDialog.UpdateButton = Controleer op updates
ConfigDialog.UpdateButtonWait = Wacht aub...

OptionPanel.CloseToolTip = Sluiten
OptionPanel.MinimizeToolTip = Minimaliseren
OptionPanel.ConfigToolTip = Configuratie
OptionPanel.EjectToolTip = Eject
OptionPanel.AddShortcutToolTip = Nieuwe snelkoppeling
OptionPanel.HelpToolTip = Hulp
OptionPanel.KeyToolTip = Encrypteer / Decrypteer
OptionPanel.MultiLaunchToolTip = Multi-launch

Updater.NoNewVersion = U hebt de nieuwste versie.
Updater.NewVersion = Een nieuwe versie is beschikbaar!
 Uw versie: %0%
 Huidige versie: %1%
 Release notes: %2%
Wilt u het nu downloaden?
Updater.Error = Kon geen update informatie krijgen

Optimism is a moral duty - Karl R. Popper

Last seen: 13 years 11 months ago
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Delete needs to be renamed

When you right click on an icon the menu says DELETE, shouldn't it say something like "Delete Icon from Menu" to indicate that it is NOT the file you deleting but the icon/link.


wk's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: 2007-09-05 12:31
thanx for the hint..

de-locale is already updated...

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis .." Friday Next -
"May The Schwartz be with You!" Yogurt the Yoda

Laurent22300's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 days ago
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Okay I've also updated the

Okay I've also updated the english localization. "Delete icon from menu" is too long, so I've simply renamed it to "Remove".

Laurent22300's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 days ago
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New release and transfer to Sourceforge

Appetizer will now be available on Sourceforge at this address:

I've also updated version, which includes some small bug fixes.

The major difference though, is that the settings are now saved by default in the standard user folder "c:\documents and settings...". To enable the portable mode and have the settings saved in the same directory as the app, you need to launch it with the "-p" switch (e.g. "appetizer.exe -p")

ceciliaFX's picture
Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago
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"To enable the portable mode

"To enable the portable mode and have the settings saved in the same directory as the app, you need to launch it with the "-p" switch (e.g. "appetizer.exe -p")"

can portable mode be default? i'm a bit confused as to why this wouldn't be and why I need to jump through hoops to get it "portable" (which I can't seem to do now)

"No one man can terrorize a whole nation unless we are all his accomplices." - Edward R. Murrow

ZachHudock's picture
Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
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I agree. I think portable by

I agree. I think portable by default is a better way to go

The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705

Laurent22300's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 days ago
Joined: 2008-07-26 17:33
Well, saving to "documents

Well, saving to "documents and settings" is the standard on Windows and I think should be the default.

On the other hand, we could make a PAF launcher or installer to enable the portable mode. Does anybody know how to do that? Also if I want to make a PAF launcher, what are the conditions? do I need some authorization from I'm still looking for the best way to package all that and do releases, so any suggestions would be welcome.

ZachHudock's picture
Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
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Windows doesnt really have a

Windows doesnt really have a "default", some apps save in %APPDATA%, some in the registry, some in their own directory, and some in %USERPROFILE%. I think it would be best to leave the app as portable by default, and make it save settings in the application's directory.

The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705

Patrick Patience
Last seen: 2 days 48 min ago
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Why SourceForge?

Just curious, why'd you switch to SF? The sub-domain?

Laurent22300's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 days ago
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Yes, for the URL and for the

Yes, for the URL and for the custom home page (it's not possible to do that on GC yet). Also somebody else already had the "appetizer" name on Google Code.

wk's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: 2007-09-05 12:31
de Helpfile aka Appetizer.pdf

works as described above, I´ve put it into Help/de folder. Text is prerelease for discussion


Über Appetizer
Appetizer ist eine flexible Symbolleiste, die es erlaubt, ihre Anwendungen ebenso wie andere Verknüpfungen anzuzeigen, zu organisieren und zu starten. Derzeit ist es möglich, Programme, Ordner und Dokumente zur Leiste hinzuzufügen.Wenn Sie Appetizer auf einem USB Stick  mit dem Startmenü von verwenden, werden alle dort abgelegten Programme automatisch in Appetizer anzeigt. Das gilt auch für die Standardordner “Dokumente”, “Videos”, “Musik” und “Bilder”.


  • größenveränderliche Leiste, die horizontale wie vertikale Anordnung der Symbole erlaubt
  • Darstellung der Symbole in zwei Größen
  • Leiste kann durch Anklicken des Randbereichs verschoben werden
  • Anordnung der Symbole kann durch “drag&drop” verändert werden
  • Möglichkeit, das USB-Laufwerk, auf dem sich Appetizer befindet, abzumelden
  • Multistartfunktion
  • in mehreren Sprachen erhältlich
  • kann in die Infoleiste abgelegt werden (“Minimize to tray”-Funktion).


Appetizer ist einfach und selbsterklärend. Führen Sie einfach den Mauszeiger über ein Symbol oder einen Schalter, um mehr dazu zu erfahren. Rechtsklick auf Symbole oder Symbolleiste öffnet entsprechende Kontextmenüs.

Eine Verknüpfung ändern, löschen oder neu hinzufügen

  • Rechtsklick auf die freie Fläche der Symbolleiste öffnet das Menü “Neue Verknüpfung...”;
  • Zum Löschen: Rechtsklick auf das Symbol und “Verknüpfung löschen...” wählen;
  • Für die Änderung von Verknüpfungseigenschaften wie Bezeichnung oder Pfad:
    Rechtsklick auf das Symbol und “Eigenschaften” wählen
  • Um das Symbol innerhalb der Leiste zu verschieben: mit Linksklick festhalten und an die neue Stelle ziehen

Die Infoleiste

Das Symbol auf der Windows-Infoleiste (links neben der Uhr) bietet mehrere Funktionen:

  • Linksklick darauf bringt Appetizer nach vorne oder macht es nach Minimieren wieder sichtbar
  • Rechtsklick öffnet weitere Funktionen (“Schließen”, “Minimieren”)

Merke: Der “Schließen”-Knopf an der Appetizerleiste minimiert, nur das Kontextmenü “Schließen” des Infoleistensymbols beendet das Programm.

Das Einstellungsfenster

Das Einstellungsfenster öffnet sich nach dem Klick auf den Pfeil im Randbereich der Appetizerleiste. Wenn man mit der Maus über die dann sichtbaren Knöpfe fährt, zeigt ein kleines Dropdown Menü die Funktion an.


Das Konfigurationsmenü öffnet sich bei Klick auf den Schraubenschlüssel im Einstellungsfenster.

Die Schnellstartgruppe

Die “Schnellstart”-Funktion erlaubt das gleichzeitige Öffnen mehrere Programme, Ordner oder Dokumente über einen Knopf im Einstellungsfenster. Vorgehen:

  • Rechtsklick auf ein Symbol und Anwahl des Menüpunktes “Zur Schnellstart-Gruppe hinzufügen”
  • Schritt eins für beliebig viele Symbole wiederholen
  • Einstellungsfenster öffnen und zum Schnellstart auf den Blitz klicken

Weitere Tipps

Zur Größenveränderung des Appetizer-Fensters die rechte untere Ecke anklicken und das Fenster auf die gewünschte Größe ziehen.

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis .." Friday Next -
"May The Schwartz be with You!" Yogurt the Yoda

wk's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 4 days ago
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Ok, the Prerelease 2 seems to work both portable and local

langfile not yet updated - should be updated with the new switch between portable and local

starting with a little starter.exe wand -p argument works

eject button doesn´t work properly -> app can´t eject the drive , there´s always an error like: "can´t eject the drive", other apps aren´t closed, either

at last one suggestion, wouldn´t it be more comfortable to have a checkbox within config menu asking for the portable or nonportable mode?

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis .." Friday Next -
"May The Schwartz be with You!" Yogurt the Yoda

Laurent22300's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 days ago
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eject button doesn´t work

eject button doesn´t work properly

Indeed, that's strange, the app seems to be closed properly but the drive won't eject. I need to look into that.

ZachHudock's picture
Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
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Feature suggestion, add

Feature suggestion, add access to the Config menu to the tray icon

The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705

Laurent22300's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 days ago
Joined: 2008-07-26 17:33
I've added that to the todo

I've added that to the todo list. I'll also add some other options like "Eject" and "Help".

Last seen: 16 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-09 20:53

Could you post the grey/blue skin as shown in the download page? I come close but still not as refined as the skin shown. Thanks Bill

Laurent22300's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 days ago
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The skin is done but I need

The skin is done but I need to split it into parts so that it can be used with the dock. I'll post it here when it's done.

Last seen: 16 years 4 months ago
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Thanks, Bill

Laurent22300's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 days ago
Joined: 2008-07-26 17:33
Version is available

Just a quick release with a few bugs fixes to get this 0.9.4 version right:

- Option panel is now automatically opened the first time the dock is launched
- Removed help button from side of dock and replaced by eject button
- Moved help button back to option panel
- By default, the app now saves its settings in the "Data/Settings" folder.
- Added -d parameters to set data folder path, and -u to automatically use the user data folder (c:\documents and settings...)
- Fixed: the eject functionality wasn't working since the eject dialog was locking the drive.

So the main change is that the app is now portable by default, so you don't need to add the "-p" parameter anymore. I've also dropped the installer release for now.

Simeon's picture
Last seen: 10 years 5 months ago
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for making the portable mode default and congrats on the new homepage!

"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate

wk's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: 2007-09-05 12:31
short test..

Portable as default works..
Helpbutton doesn´t work properly -> pdf reader seems to be called, but doesn´t open
(had to close the process with taskmanager, though)
Eject button ejects the drive, but it doesn´t close all running apps on the drive -> the ability to close all apps friendly would do better...

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis .." Friday Next -
"May The Schwartz be with You!" Yogurt the Yoda

Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2008-11-04 04:32
The $PATH issue isnt solved,

The $PATH issue isnt solved, PuTTY with keyfile etc won't run
because $PATH is again Appetizer and not where tha App starts

Laurent22300's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 days ago
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Thanks for the feedback - it

Thanks for the feedback - it will be fixed in the next version.

Laurent22300's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 days ago
Joined: 2008-07-26 17:33
Helpbutton doesn´t work

Helpbutton doesn´t work properly -> pdf reader seems to be called, but doesn´t open

I had this issue too, I think it works but it's just *very* slow. If you wait like 15-20 seconds, it may open. I need to figure out what's going on.

Eject button ejects the drive, but it doesn´t close all running apps on the drive

I'm planning that for version 1

wk's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: 2007-09-05 12:31
to be more precise

the help file doesn´t work on restricted account winXp SP3, but there´s no problem or delay on admin account.

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis .." Friday Next -
"May The Schwartz be with You!" Yogurt the Yoda

Laurent22300's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 days ago
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So the help file is not

So the help file is not launching at all on restricted account?

Here it's working for me on WinXP SP2, limited account.

wk's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: 2007-09-05 12:31
ok, to narrow it..

It´s working with acrobat 7 on my PC at home on admin and limited account.
It´s not working on domain user account at work with adobe reader 8 (though it did till the last update). Appetizer seems to call the reader, ´cause acro32.exe is running silently after clicking the helpfile, though I admit, I didn´t stop the time waiting. Drive was to remove only after killing the acro32 process with taskmanager.
So, something seems to prevent acroreader from a full launch...

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis .." Friday Next -
"May The Schwartz be with You!" Yogurt the Yoda

Patrick Patience
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Backticks, eh? Reminds me of Vista and its sudden decision to switch the keyboard layout.

@Laurent: Would it be possible to have it check for ..\SumatraPDFPortable\SumatraPDFPortable.exe?

Laurent22300's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 days ago
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Would it be possible to have

Would it be possible to have it check for ..\SumatraPDFPortable\SumatraPDFPortable.exe?

lol, I've just implemented this exact feature Biggrin If Sumatra is available among the dock icons, it will be used to launch the help file.

Laurent22300's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 days ago
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One possible reason for this

One possible reason for this problem is that Acrobat was launched with the drive's path as the current directory, which maybe was confusing it.

I've changed that in my current dev version, so now applications will be launched from their own folder. It seems to have fixed the issue for Acrobat Reader (at least at the moment it's not freezing anymore).

wk's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: 2007-09-05 12:31
ok, then one small fix

Appearance tab: "skins" is not on the same line as the the following text ("default") in the box...

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis .." Friday Next -
"May The Schwartz be with You!" Yogurt the Yoda

Pyromaniac's picture
Last seen: 9 years 12 months ago
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is there any way to make this

is there any way to make this file work on auto run--such as portableapps or PStart?

wk's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: 2007-09-05 12:31
two ways

1)Edit autorun.inf "Open=PortableApps/Appetizer_0.9.4.958/Appetizer.exe"
2)Use the R34 Mod (till the new PAM is released)and enable autorun for appetizer on Menu start.

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis .." Friday Next -
"May The Schwartz be with You!" Yogurt the Yoda

Laurent22300's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 days ago
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And if you want to set the

And if you want to set the drive icon as the Appetizer icon, you can add:


This would be the complete autorun.inf (assuming Appetizer is in PortableApps\Appetizer):

Action=Start Appetizer

Pyromaniac's picture
Last seen: 9 years 12 months ago
Joined: 2008-09-30 19:18
Ok so first i copied and

Ok so first i copied and pasted what you typed and i edited it to this:

Icon=Flash Drive Programs\Appetizer_0.9.4.958\Data\Skin\Application.ico
Action=Start Appetizer
Open=Flash Drive Programs\Appetizer_0.9.4.958\Appetizer.exe

Then, when i started my flash drive again, it opens Adobe Flash CS3. Why?

That's one improvement that i think Appetizer should have: make it autorun. Its still cool though.

I don't use the PA start menu.

ZachHudock's picture
Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-06 18:07
you have to quote the paths:

you have to quote the paths: ie. "Flash Drive Programs\Appetizer_0.9.4.958\Appetizer.exe"

without quotation marks, Windows only sees "Flash" and tries to execute that command

The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705

Pyromaniac's picture
Last seen: 9 years 12 months ago
Joined: 2008-09-30 19:18
I edited the folder into

I edited the folder into "programs" and changed the file. It still didn't work. I'm not going to fuss with it anymore. I'll stick with PStart. Thanks anyway for the help.

Laurent22300's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 days ago
Joined: 2008-07-26 17:33
Did you get any error message

Did you get any error message after you've made the changes? Just curious. I will probably provide an installer at some point that will generate the autorun.inf automatically.

Pyromaniac's picture
Last seen: 9 years 12 months ago
Joined: 2008-09-30 19:18
After Adobe Flash CS3 opened

After Adobe Flash CS3 opened up, there was a message that said something to the extent of "Adobe Flash CS3 failed to open Appetizer.exe" but i don't think that will help much.

Last seen: 14 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2010-02-17 08:10
I like this

I like this lots. The only thing i would say that i want to see are;

-Draw Icon into folder
-Option to generate icon from text (At the moment am just downloading a few icons from sites to help me)

Apart from that perfect.


Its always easier when you know how.

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