Hi all,
When I launch a sync, with some rules specified, exluded files are excluded from the copy, but I can't exclude a folder. It is always copied. I have tried with the whole path name, or just with the folder name. But the folder is always copied.
Does someone know where it could come from?
it show up as being excluded with a preview? What version of Toucan are you using? Also is there anything special about the name of the folder you are trying to exclude? Hopefully we can get this sorted, thanks in advance
No, with the preview, files in this folder are coloured just as the others (green).
I'm using the last version (I hope): 2.0.2
Nothing special about the folder name. But I have just realized something, re-checking my spelling when writing this post. If in the rules, I have the following excluded folder "D:\Docs\Q\Administration", it doesn't work. If I have just "Administration", it works (something wrong in the path specification?). The problem is then when you have two folders with the same names, in two different places, and when you want to exclude only one.
thanks for the help
the latest version any more I am afraid! As for the bug are you including the quotes in your exclusion?
OK, I am now using the last version (2.0.3)
I have still the very same problem (I can exclude a folder if I put only its name but I can't if I put it's whole path). And no, for the path specification, I don't use the quotes in the rule specification.
I am wondering if I am the only one having this problem of if it is a problem of the application.
you are the only one who has posted here
But I shall have a dig around when I can and see what is happening, have you tried dropping the D: from the start and trying that? It should still only exclude the correct folders.
I have tried with D:\Docs\Q\Administration or :\Docs\Q\Administration or \Docs\Q\Administration or Docs\Q\Administration but still the same problem
ok, I shall look into this further for you
I'm new to Toucan and have the same problem. The help file makes me think that the rules expect regular expressions (and FoxyStrut was providing common -win- paths. Maybe needs better explanation in the helpFile?).
I've been trying several things with regular expressions (i don't understand it quite well, though), with the indications (for regexp) found with google.
For instance I want to make a copy of the subdirectory "Simple", in this path:
and Data in H:\PortableApps\PortableAppsBackup. The source to copy from, is H:\PortableApps\PortableAppsBackup
so i state the following rules: in "folder to exclude" box i put "." (without quotes), i.e., all excluded, save, test (preview) and it works (nothing will be copied).
Now in "Locations to always include" y add "Data" and it works. Also works with "\\Data".
But seems like the program stops seeking names at this level. It is unable to find Simple, nor any other subdirectory level like AppInfo. Another test: If i use Data, only its files wil be overwritten, but if I say \\Data, the entire directory will be overwritten (as one should expect?).
Then i cannot imagine over which string are being applied the rules...
Hope this help a little
for the info, I shall try and get this fixed in the next version. I shall also try and expand the manual soon, I aim to add a lot more information and examples, possibly in the version after next.
I noticed that using a folder exclusion on File paths is not functioning correctly. It treats any rule as regular expression. You would need to replace any '\' that appears in the path by '\\' double backslash.
Furthermore the regex applies to both source and destination. That means if you try to exclude
exclusion rule=\\Program Files\\Folder1\\Folder2
Source=C:\Program Files\
it will still backup the 'Folder2' because the destination does have 'Program Files' in it. To make it work around this bug you would have to use rule=\\Folder1\\Folder2
that way it matches in both source and destination [c:\program files\FOLDER1\FOLDER2 and @drive@\backup\FOLDER1\FOLDER2]
I appreciate your fine program but I hope you fix this soon. It seems the old Toucan worked better despite the memory leaks and speed improvements that I never bothered me before. This exclusion bug bothers me. Greatly.
Sync mode are you using? And I shall make sure Toucan properly escapes the slashes in the future, I think I know what might have changed this since the last version (if indeed it worked there).
As for the matching both arts it shouldnt be doing this, I will look into it.
to note that I have just changed the way that the rules work quite a lot to make them far more usable, hopefully I will have a pre-release with the changes out in the next day or so.
you test to see if this is fixed in the latest Pre-Release please?
Also note the comment at the end of that post about how rules have changed.