hey...was there a person who said that he was making themes from pictures? i searched for it and i can't find the post. can someone link me 2 it? plz
well, and im not sure he can do what i want so if there is some1 out there willing....i have a sort or modified skin from NeoRame, and i want to know if any one can make the cool vine patterns to go around the entire theme frame and stop and lead up to the PA logo.
now the picture of the theme :the jpeg (cuz thats all u hav 2 modify) does not contain the PA logo and writing on it...its loaded when u start PA and then shows up. so when you're doing it, u'll have to average where it begins and ends.
give me ur email plz and i'll email u the picture of the theme i currently have. this is sort of what it looks like...
...but like i said, i've mod'd it a bit. and 2 clarify, i would like the white vines (doesn't need 2 b the same 1's on the pic, but make it look like a cool design) to go round the black frame and then stop and lead up 2 the PA logo and "PORTABLEAPPS.COM YOUR DIGITAL LIFE, ANYWHERE" writing.
thanks again
Here is that post you were looking for https://portableapps.com/node/17166
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Mahatma Gandhi,
Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)