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Portability Issue with Windows XP

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Last seen: 12 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2008-10-16 11:02
Portability Issue with Windows XP

First may I congratulate the developers on a cracking release.

I (finally) installed this product with no problems and it ran just fine.

I failed the first time because although the completion window popped up the install was not complete due to the lack of shortcuts to the program/s.

My major problem came when I tried to drag'n'drop the 'OpenOfficePortable' folder to another location.

Windows complained that one or more of the paths was too long and could not complete the copy.

The folder was named 'OpenOfficePortable' but was a child of '@@=f_PORTABLE OPEN OFFICE v3.0 (PAPPS)'

Accordingly I tried to install in the root of E: Partition in the hope that this shorter path might allow me to test the copy but I failed (twice) in this exercise due once more to the lack of shortcuts to the program/s.

This might make it somewhat difficult to burn the application to a CD.

I am sure this is a tiny problem that will be caught along with any other small glitches that might be reported.

Apart from that I am most impressed - especially with the new writer.


Last seen: 6 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2008-11-14 07:54
I had similar problem

you find my thread here @

I can only guess you may have the same thing.
Not too sure how you have installed OOoP - is it on a flash drive or did you install it directly onto your PC - maybe in 'C:\Program Files\' directory ??

Wherever you have placed it - you MAY be able to move it if you change the name of the installation folder to something shorter (don't change any folder names that are within the OOoP folder - it'll stop working).

In my post I mentioned I had installed it on my flash drive in

  • K:\Programs\Runable From USB\OpenOffice 3 (Office Suite)\

But on backup I had problem, but after changing the installation folder to

  • K:\Programs\Runable From USB\OpenOffice 3\

I could backup the whole lot over to my PC

Hope this helps

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 10 hours 23 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Use the Supported Directory

It is best to use X:\PortableApps\OpenOfficePortable for it. This is the recommended and supported location for running all of our apps. Other locations should work but may fail in some cases (Stellarium won't work from a path with spaces. hates long paths or paths with oddball characters like @, !, etc).

Shortcuts are not created by our installer as this is a portable app. Portable apps don't create shortcuts, Add/Remove program entries, etc.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 12 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2008-10-16 11:02
Problem Solved


My message said "Accordingly I tried to install in the root of E: Partition" so that should not have been a problem.
But read on...


"It is best to use X:\PortableApps\OpenOfficePortable for it."

Successful unpack to E:\PortableApps\OpenOfficePortable

Successful copy to F:\PortableApps\OpenOfficePortable

Might be worth making that advice a standing comment for all applications.

I wrongly referred to shortcuts but they are in fact the 7 executables and the help file.

Er! does the package include an autorun.inf file by any chance? I'm not 100% sure but Bitdefender keeps picking one up and telling me that it contains Trojan.Autorun.AEC

Thank you for the help.

regards, Donleavy

Last seen: 6 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2008-11-14 07:54

Sorry - I didn't read the whole item - so missed the bit about 'root of E: drive'

As for John's bit - I was only guessing on HOW you installed the program in the first place

I guess that most people here will most probably been using PortableApps own menu launcher, so yes the 'default' installation would be something like 'X:\PortableApps\OpenOfficePortable'

- but I don't.

I use a program called 'PStart' instead as this has 'features' that PortableApps one don't (such as 'grouping' & use of 'command switches') & my folder directories are different - which I thought was similar to how you may have been doing it


As for the 'autorun.inf' comment - Nope as far as I can see OOoP doesn't have one - & even if it did then it would be stored in the 'OpenOfficePortable' folder

The only 'autorun.inf' file you should have would normally be in the Root of your flash drive - to allow PortableApps Menu to start up when it's plugged in (of course this depends on your Flashdrive - if it's a U3 type then it may be differently set up)

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