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Openoffice 3 portable - Copying/Backup from USB

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Openoffice 3 portable - Copying/Backup from USB

OK might be a silly question, apology from a Newbie - but....

I've downloaded & Installed OOo 3 portable onto my USB flash drive (to try out)

Things run OK (a bit slow though) - however I like to have a 'backup copy' of the Flash drive in case anything goes wrong with it

When I try a simple windows 'copy/paste' from USB onto my local PC harddrive I get problems with the files:-


Which I'm guessing is due to the length of the path used (I stick all my runable usb programs in 'X:/Programs/Runable from USB/' directory)

So the path is something like:-

K:\Programs\Runable From USB\OpenOffice 3 (Office Suite)\Data\settings\user\uno_packages\cache\registry\

I've tried deleting them but each time I start up OOo - they are recreated

What are these folders for & is there anyway of stopping them from being (re)created each time I start up OOo ??

On a slightly different note - is there a way of 'slimming' down OOo portable installation - e.g. what files can I delete/remove safely

Looking at the actual files - I believe I don't really need all the different languages, all the graphics in 'gallery', 'fonts' - but is there any other files that can be removed (e.g. I've seen java/python/scripts mentioned which I don't think I'll need since I've got no [real] idea WHAT they are)

Many thanks in advance (& looking forward to the final OOo portable 3 release)

EDIT: Ok I've managed to (partly) my own question - Yes the directory path IS too lon to 'just copy' over as a backup

I've changed '/Open Office 3 (Office Suite)/' to just '/Open Office 3/' & file copy over fine now

Simeon's picture
Last seen: 10 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-09-25 15:15

that you figured it out yourself. OOO has problems with too long paths and weired characters in the path name.
There isn't much you can do to slim Open Office down though. John did an experimental package here. YOu may try it out.

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Last seen: 6 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2008-11-14 07:54
Thanks for the info

Many thanks for the info about the 'slimline' version

I've downloaded that (& installed) & tried comparing the files/folders in that to OOo 3 portable's files/folders (which is a bit difficult as the folders are in different places & several files have been renamed)

Anyway - kept comparing/deleting all the differences between the 2 & managed to reduce OOo3 down by ~30Mb [Whoppee]

Been trying it out & (fingers crossed) haven't seen any problems (yet)

Shame there's no 'expert' to create a program that'll 'strip out' all the gunk not needed - maybe when the official release of Ooo3 portable will have a custom mode - so that we can NOT install stuff like Java/Python/Templates/Layouts/Foreign language Spell checkers etc [hint / hint]

MarkoMLM's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
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Some times ago ...

... there was an 'expert', creating a tool called OOoOptionPack ...

But who knows, whats unwanted or not.

BTW: Portable 3 with a size of ~30MB Wink I can not believe this.
Pack it and I'll have a look on it.

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What You need is OSS!

Simeon's picture
Last seen: 10 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-09-25 15:15
He said

it is "down by 30 mb" meaning its 30 mb smaller than the original (212mb instead of 242mb) , not 30mb in total.

"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate

Last seen: 6 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2008-11-14 07:54
RTFP (Read the F[ine] Post)

As Simeon has stated - I stated 'Down By 30Mb', sorry if I didn't make that clear enough
As for 'Who know what's wanted or not' - I agree it's down to personal preference

But IMHO some things are not necessary to the 'basic user' (like me) - for example

> I cannot see me using different languages, so don't need things like spell checker/thesauri/Hyphenation etc for these

> When I add graphics etc they are usually from existing files stored on whatever computer I'm connected to - so 'Gallery' items aren't needed - If I DO need certain graphics regularly I can always copy them other as & when needed

> Apart from the 'occasional' Macro (which is V.rare for me) I can't see me needing whatever is used to create Macros (Is this the 'Python script' I've been reading about or something else??)

>JAVA isn't needed - I've never used it in 'Office suites' before so can't see me using it in the future

> There MAY be a couple of 'templates' I like the look of - but I'd rather delete any I don't like the look of (I MAY back them up elsewhere 'Just In Case')

So when installing OOo portable I'd like a 'Custom' & 'Standard' install options

- The 'Standard' is Ooo3 Portable complete (with/without JAVA)
- The 'Custom' will allow you to choose which [safe] items to install (or not) like Languages/Spell Checkers/Graphics/Templates etc

I see that the 'Option pack' mentioned actually 'removes' items from an existing installation - but this is for OOo v2.3.1, but will it work for OO3 ?? - I don't think so, since the directories & file names have changed between OOo2 & OOo3

I may just download & try it out on a standard v2 portable installation, compare it to the 'lite' version (& OOo3) & see the differences - then manually 'convert' Oo3 to see how much further I can reduce it [Time permitting]

Edited 26/11/08: I've done what I stated above about comparisons & you'll find what I've done in new post @

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