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Firefox 3+Firefox portable..??

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Last seen: 16 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2009-01-02 09:53
Firefox 3+Firefox portable..??

I need to run Firefox installed on my notebook, and Firefox Portable at the same time. When I have the installed Firefox running, and try to open the Firefox Portable version, it says: "Another instance of Firefox is already running"
Is there any way to have both of them running at the same time??
Please help....

gluxon's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2008-06-21 19:26
Asked before...

Please... search in the future.

Now about you question... There's a reason why Firefox Portable won't let you run the local copy of Firefox.

It mixes up the registry for firefox and settings will fuse between the local copy and the Portable Copy... and some stuff will be left behind on the host computer. So it's not recommended that you do the directions that I posted below.

But if you really want to do the following in order.

1) Browser to where you installed FirefoxPortable
2) Go into the "Other" folder, then the "Source" Folder.
3) Right click on FirefoxPortable.ini
4) Select "Copy"
5) Paste to where the Firefox Launcher should be... usually [x]:\PortableApps\FirefoxPortable
6) Open up the file.
7) Find where it says "AllowMultipleInstances=flase"
8) Replace "fasle" with "true"
9) You're done.

Last seen: 16 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2009-01-02 09:53
Thank you very much for your reply!!!

Sorry for the inconvenience, before posting, I tried to find posts related to this issue, but came up with noting relevant. (maybe my mistake in searching). Could you please tell me what will be the problem running both types of Firefox simultaneously?? You mentioned the register issue, and stuff left behind. Could you be more concrete please??
Thank You in advance

gluxon's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2008-06-21 19:26

Okay, so when a launcher starts...

Before showing the splash screen, it makes some changes in the registry.

If you have a local install of the PortableApp your using it backs up the reg key (or folder) where the settings are stored (usually by renamming the reg key or folder).

The PortableApp then copies over the settings to that folder, or if it's a reg key, it imports it into the registry.

Afterwards, it copies it back into the Data folder and renames the folder or regkey back.

In summary... two apps will be writing the settings to the same place, unless the launcher does this.

Is that clear? If it isn't it'll try to make it even more clear, please tell me if it isn't.


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