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Lazarus Portable 0.9.27 Beta Test 5.2

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jammiii's picture
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Lazarus Portable 0.9.27 Beta Test 5.2

Application: Lazarus
Category: Programming
Description: Lazarus Portable is a free portable Object-Oriented Visual Pascal IDE. Lazarus is a very close clone of Delphi (A Borland Product) but goes one step further: it's cross-platform. This means you can create a Lazarus application of Windows, Linux, MacOS or other operating systems and compile the same source code to another operating system.
License: GPL/LGPL
Language: English

Lazarus 0.9.27 Beta 5.2 [ 74.5 MB Download / 688 MB Installed]
(MD5: fa5c9c5e67313d14ca62368230f23eca )
Lazarus Launcher Source Code [ 1.64 MB Download]
(MD5: a8701bbdc497acc25956872451457524)
Custom “startlazarus.exe” Source Code [ 1.14 MB Download]
(MD5: 438a54d11a00d8db0e71ea04a6635a55)

Release Notes:

Beta Test 1 (2009-02-14): Initial release
Beta Test 2 (2009-02-22): bug fix (settings now save properly, APPDATA removed from local HDD)
Beta Test 3 (2009-02-27): Added Offline help documentation.
Beta Test 4 (2009-03-01): Made application paths truly portable. Fixed missing default browser for Help System to work properly.
Beta Test 5 (2009-03-09): All source has had a thorough scrubbing. Component installation bug has been fixed. A custom "startlazarus.exe" has been added.
Beta Test 5.1 (2009-03-22): Put-back missing components that were inadvertently left out in Beta 5. Performed some file and settings clean-up.
Beta Test 5.2 (2009-03-26): Forgot to set the default Help File Paths during Install. >sighIMPORTANT NOTE:
If you want to download just the sources, beware that both the launcher and the custom startlazarus.exe must be installed for Lazarus Portable to function properly.

To Do:

Continue testing.

Side project: Expand the Help Files to include as many of the missing commands, functions, and Windows API Calls as possible by me. Will look-into feeding-back the expanded documentation to the Lazarus/FreePascal main website.

Side project: Pre-install additional highly desireable components for the Release Candidate version.

Known Issues:

Not all FreePascal commands covered in documentation. (This is a work in progress.)

Report of Library/Control Install issue: NOT CONFIRMED
Likely reason: Possibly installed atop the original install? If so, file "x:\..\LazarusPortable\Data\Settings\Local Settings\Application Data\lazarus\" may not be over-written. This could leave static library references that would cause the IDE to fail.

If this is not the case, anyone with an issue here please send me a copy of the component or library you were installing.

When installing for testing purposes, please delete the LazarusPortable folder completely prior to installing the latest release.

I will continue testing for any re-occurence of this issue. Thanks JD for the update!


Thanks to the Lazarus & FreePascal Teams for all their hard work!
*** Thanks to all testers! You rule! Smile ***

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thinks for your share~

thinks for your share~

Zach Thibeau
Zach Thibeau's picture
Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
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what you are doing is posting

what you are doing is posting multiple times about this in different nodes and now this. what you are doing is looked down upon and considered as self promotion now. I suggest you stop posting about this now and stick to this topic which should be moved to the Beta Testing forum

your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau

jammiii's picture
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Note taken

Thanks Zach. I didn't know. Just figured I should include in the other posts that were about the same issue.

Thanks again.
Juan A Melendez,

Juan A Melendez

Last seen: 2 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-04-22 18:39
More important to the casual observer ...

would be some indication of what the heck Lazarus is. Even your link just goes to "download Lazarus". You have to follow another link and scroll down a bunch of messages to discover that it is an IDE for programming in Pascal.

Kinda old school, ain't it?

I don't think self-promotion should be a dirty word. Cross posting, OTOH, is generally considered unacceptable.

Much like LOL cats.


jammiii's picture
Last seen: 15 years 6 days ago
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You are right

You're absolutely correct. I forget that not everyone knows what Lazarus is.

I feel awful that my cross posting was viewed as self promotion. I'm doing this for free, on my spare time, not even for a donation. I love solving problems and sometimes get alittle too excited. I can't change the fact I'm getting flames thrown at me for trying to help.

Anyway, I tried. Enjoy Lazarus & Picasa3.

I'm done here.

Juan A Melendez

horusofoz's picture
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NO!! Don't go!!!! I Need You!!! :-D

Seriously but, your work is appreciated and don't think the hints about cross postings are meant meanly. Just PA has a certain way of doing things and the mods need to stick to the rules and make sure others do too for if they don't, being an open source community, it becomes like a free for all with everyone playing havoc on the forums.

I hope you revise your decision and choose to stick around as your obvious skills are in high demand here and well, I for one am very grateful for your creating a portable launcher for Picasa 3.

Cheers and hopefully will see you round. Advocate

Zach Thibeau
Zach Thibeau's picture
Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
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it's the fact you do it

it's the fact you do it constantly. especially in multiple topics that are old. your best bet is to make a new topic in Beta testing forums and to read the guidelines for every forum :)and like horusofoz said we could use you around here, You could learn a lot from us

your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau

Last seen: 11 years 11 months ago
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Juan has given many hours of his time to solve the Lazarus issue for all of us. This is no small thing. At the risk of being flamed - how about we all lighten up a bit. I for one think he has advanced the cause of PortableApps considerably by giving us an outstanding development environment with Lazarus Portable. Fair go!



jammiii's picture
Last seen: 15 years 6 days ago
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Walking Lightly

Okay. I'll move onward and walk lightly.

Juan A Melendez

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 6 hours 42 min ago
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I Think

I think people were reacting to the fact that he posted his release about 4 or 5 times often replying to zombie topics (topics with no replies in over a year). The mods deleted the duplicated postings, so others may not have seen it.

For future reference, you should make a single post for a new development test and then update that post as you release new test versions of it.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

jammiii's picture
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I didn't realize that on this site the latest post goes onto a queue that everyone would see. I assumed that interested parties would get notified only if their post was updated. Other sites I've used were like that.

Had I known, I would have posted just once.

Juan A Melendez

John T. Haller
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Most Sites

Most sites have a queue of recent postings in reverse chronological order that the regulars use to keep abreast of everything going on (every bulletin board software I've seen supports it). Multi-posting is usually discouraged.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

jammiii's picture
Last seen: 15 years 6 days ago
Joined: 2009-02-10 16:43
Lazarus Portable UPDATED

Download here...

UPDATE: Please re-download and install if you have downloaded prior to Feb. 22nd, 2009. I've fixed a bug (which no-one has reported or noticed) where some settings were not saved between sessions. An example is where Lazarus reopens the last project automatically on startup. This bug has been fixed. Also fixed is the localization of all APPDATA to the USB device.

Next update: Due in March 2009 I will be adding the Lazarus/FreePascal Documentation/Offline Help into the install! This is a huge undertaking since it is not part of the original Lazarus IDE install.

Juan A Melendez

Last seen: 11 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2007-09-20 01:43
Lazarus - Latest Version - Some Options Not Set


Love your work. In the latest Lazarus Portable version - several path options in the ENVIRONMENT|OPTIONS|FILES screen are not set initially in a fresh "clean" install. ie: FPC Source Directory path was blank. Also the MODULE path in ENVIRONMENT|CODE TEMPLATES was also initially blank. Not a show stopper, but it might cause problems for a new user, as these various file paths needed to be set manually. If I recall correctly, they were set properly "out of the box" with your first Lazarus version. Try out an install on a new, clean system to duplicate the problem. I have observed it when running for the first time on two different computers now. I can give you a more complete description should you be unable to duplicate the problem.



jammiii's picture
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Hi Kim,

Thanks for the heads-up. I will check this as soon as I get to the office.

Juan A Melendez

jammiii's picture
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Options settings

Hi Kim,

I just got a chance to check this. After testing with a fresh install I think you may have an older version. Please re-download from the same location. I replaced the file with a later-fixed version. I should-have implemented a version number on the file name and will do-so in the future. Their are bug-fixes in the current version and I've yet to find any others (knock on wood).

I'm using this version exclusively now while switching between 6 completely different computers from different make, model, networked & non-networked, and varying drive configurations. Work is progressing on the next version (documentation/help files enhancement) and I am working to speed-up the startup time.

Juan A Melendez

ZachHudock's picture
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Hey jammiii, I appreciate

Hey jammiii,

I appreciate your work on this. To keep things neat and clean around here, and easier for other users, can you please format your topic to look similar to this one?

Thanks very much

The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705

jammiii's picture
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Okay. Thanks for the help ZachHudock. I'll get the hang of this I'm sure. Smile

Juan A Melendez

ZachHudock's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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Lol u can remove the thanks

Lol u can remove the thanks to Patrick Patience....he's not hosting your download...ur hosting it urself.

Thanks for changing the format tho

The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705

jammiii's picture
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Juan A Melendez

Last seen: 11 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2007-09-20 01:43
It's Good


Yes, I fell into the trap of thinking an older version was the current one. Don't know how, but have downloaded a fresh copy, and found it was a different file size than the (older) one I had. All is good now.



jammiii's picture
Last seen: 15 years 6 days ago
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Lazarus 0.9.27 Beta 2

That's good to hear Kim.

Beta 3 is now ready. Dowload at

This version includes all the available documentation/help-files. The F1 key brings-up the available relevant help document on the selected key/reserved word.

Question: Will I need to create a new Forum Topic for Beta 3?

Juan A Melendez

Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
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UPX Compression

Hi Juan,

Thanks for this, I've been trying to portablize Lazarus myself without much luck.

Have you looked into UPX compressing the files to make it a smaller download?

jammiii's picture
Last seen: 15 years 6 days ago
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Lazarus executable file-size

Glad to help ve4jhj.

The file size can be made extremely small by first executing strip --strip-all FILENAME then executing upx --best FILENAME

To answer your question.... yes

I'm interested in seeing the final version of username "marien" on the Lazarus/FreePascal website. This person has already taken the initiative to create a utility which calls both processes. The utility is called "makemesmall".

See here: (bottom of the page).

Would you all preffer I create one and integrate it into the next version (pre-release) version? It's simple enough to do.

My other reservation with doing this is... I think this bug has already been fixed with Lazarus' IDE settings to the complier... Just specifying that you want no debug info in the finished executable should do the trick. I will check this and report back.

Juan A Melendez

jammiii's picture
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Updated to Beta 3

Package has been brought-up to Beta 3. Offline Documentation is now included. Biggrin The documentation is not included with the version of the installer from the Lazarus/FreePascal website.

Please test and provide feedback on likes & dislikes.


Juan A Melendez

jammiii's picture
Last seen: 15 years 6 days ago
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No Bugs? Considering updating to a Release Candidate

I see plenty of downloads but no-more bug reports (over 300 downloads since yesterday). I will update to Release Candidate status in a few days if no more bug reports.

Juan A Melendez

ZachHudock's picture
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Wait for a comment from John

Wait for a comment from John before updating to Pre-Release. He'll need to double check the PAF stuff and make an official splash screen for u.

The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705

jammiii's picture
Last seen: 15 years 6 days ago
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Ok... I haven't made an NSIS

Ok... I haven't made an NSIS version of the launcher. Will that be an issue?

Juan A Melendez

ZachHudock's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
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I dont think it's required

I dont think it's required that the launcher be written in NSIS, it's just the preferred method here. As long as settings are handled correctly and nothing important is left behind it shouldnt matter what language u write the launcher in.

Your source for LazarusPortable.exe seems to be missing...we need that too.

And a BUG. it's NOT portable. settings may be handled correctly, but in ur current configuration it will only work if LazarusPortable is installed to x:\PortableApps\LazarusPortable. it needs to able to launch anywhere LazarusPortable is installed

The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705

jammiii's picture
Last seen: 15 years 6 days ago
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Cool. I'm playing catch-up

Cool. I'm playing catch-up learning the language.

Juan A Melendez

jammiii's picture
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Oops! Missed that. Will fix

Oops! Missed that. Will fix the hard path and repost with source included. Thanks for pointing that out.

Juan A Melendez

jammiii's picture
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Beta 4

I'm nearly done with the changes to Beta 4.

During the update and testing from Beta 3 I've unearthed a bug with Beta 3. No default browser was set during the fresh install. This would render the F1 help unresponsive. The work-around is simply to select the default browser after installation by going to ...

Help -> Configure Help ... -> Viewers (tab) -> Browser Path

... then selecting Window's Internet Explorer at C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe

You can also select firefox of course.

Beta 4 has this bug fixed and also has the hard paths fixed as well.

Expect Beta 4 late tonight.

Juan A Melendez

jammiii's picture
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Beta 4 ready for download

Please test and advise me of any issues.

Thanks Smile

Juan A Melendez

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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:-) I hate you! :-)

You're releasing betas faster than I can download them! I hate you! Smile

I'll try I'm downloading this one tonight (now) before going to sleep and I'll try to test it tomorrow.

Great work! Keep it up! Congrats! And glad you decided to stay after all. Smile



jammiii's picture
Last seen: 15 years 6 days ago
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>> blushing << LOL thanks

>> blushing

Juan A Melendez

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-17 22:05
Several problems

I installed the beta 4 and had several problems when launching it.

First it asked where my browser is. I pointed it to B:\PortableApps\FirefoxPortable\FirefoxPortable.exe and it complained saying that it couldn't access a file, and to click OK and risk data corruption or to cancel and kill the app.

I cancelled and Lazarus went away. I fired it up again went through all the same steps and got the same message. This time I was bolder and decided to run the risk.

So it complained saying it couldn't find the Lazarus path. I wasn't yet over reading that when it poped another message about a path looking wrong and offering to fix it. I said OK, fix it.

Now I go to Environment | Options... and two paths are blank: FPC source directory, and Make path. And the temp directory is pointing to the "standard" one ( on C: )...

Stop the press! I've got two instances of Lazarus running... perhaps I double clicked, or the first one didn't quite go away...

Mmmm... I'm moving the installed one and installing again... let's see what that produces. If I get all those messages again I'll take notes so I can give you a more accurate report.



PS: Oh! And it's using Internet Explorer as the help browser, like it ignored the browser setting. (And I can't find it anywhere in Tools | Options to change it now.

jammiii's picture
Last seen: 15 years 6 days ago
Joined: 2009-02-10 16:43
Hi Wences, Isn't drive "B" a

Hi Wences,

Isn't drive "B" a floppy drive?? Unless it's remapped somehow to something else. That would certainly throw a loop. If the selected browser exe doesn't exist, it leaves the default setting of IE as the browser. I will remove the stubborn loop if the exe fileexists test fails for Beta 5.

>>It's possible I accidentally released the launcher that was compiled with a typo in the code?? Their WAS an unreleased version before Beta 4 that would do this.

Juan A Melendez

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-17 22:05
Portable Apps on a 5 1/4 floppy :-)

What's wrong with running PortableApps from a Low density 5 1/4 floppy? Smile

I've put a
subst \ B:
as part of my autostart stuff. When run in such a fashion that the current working directory is on the pendrive, it will map the pendrive to B:

The advantage of using B of course is that F, G, H could already be taken by partitions or DVD drives... and higher letters: P, Q, ... X, Y, Z are often used for network drives. But no one uses B: any more. So there you have a letter you can always use for your Portable Apps, giving you the ability to use absolute paths (specially useful for launching other Portable Apps with the cmd: pseudoprotocol in KeePass).

I'll be looking forward for that Beta 5! Thanks for all the hard work!

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Path Errors


I have also seen the path errors described by Wences in Lazarus beta 4. His description is accurate.
In addition, the dual instance problem is new to beta 4. The addition of the help files is extremely helpful. Bring on beta 5, and keep on with your enthusiasm for this good development environment.



jammiii's picture
Last seen: 15 years 6 days ago
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I may have accidentally

I may have accidentally released a version that I didn't plan to. Their was a version with these issues.

Expect Beta 5 tomorrrow. I have modularized the code making debugging much-much easier. I will be more careful with Beta 5.

Thanks Kim for confirming the bugs!

Juan A Melendez

jammiii's picture
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Thank you both Wences &

Thank you both Wences & Kim!!!

There was some unforseen recursion going on causing all the issues you were seeing. That has now been resolved too. Thank you both for the precious feedback. That would have been a nightmare!


I am still testing more here before the Beta 5 release. I want this to be a keeper.

Juan A Melendez

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-17 22:05
Oh, oh!

Hi, again, Juan.

I'm at the office now, and I'm trying to use Lazarus Portable and I'm finding again an error that I thought was due to missing or wrong paths.

When I first tried Lazarus Portable, I was here, and after all the messages I've described before, I hit F12 to show the form, dragged a button and a memo to the form, double-clicked on the button to go to the onClick event handler and got the following message:

Error in TDefaultComponentEditor
The component editor of class "TDefaultComponentEditor" has created the error:
"Unable to find method. Please fix error shown in the message window."

And the source editor highlights line 44 of the Forms Unit, (part of the uses clause, containing a $ifdef and a comment.

  Classes, SysUtils, Types, TypInfo, Math,
  AvgLvlTree, Maps, LCLVersion, LCLStrConsts, LCLType, LCLProc, LCLIntf,
  FileUtil, InterfaceBase, LResources, GraphType, Graphics, Menus, LMessages,
  CustomTimer, ActnList, ClipBrd, CustApp, HelpIntfs, LCLClasses, Controls
  {$ifndef wince},gettext{$endif}// remove ifdefs when gettext is fixed and a new fpc is released

The messages window says:
\App\lazarus\lcl\forms.pp(44,19) Error: unit not found: gettext

When I use Lazarus Portable at home, where I have also insalled "standard" Lazarus 0.9.26, this does not happen and I can use Lazarus Portable quite normally (haven't hit it hard yet, though).

I hope this helps you debug the problem. If you need any more details, please do not hesitate to ask.



jammiii's picture
Last seen: 15 years 6 days ago
Joined: 2009-02-10 16:43
Yes, the info you provide is

Yes, the info you provide is helpful. I have seen this before. I'm am logging process communication within Lazarus to see when and where it it ignores the environment given to it and it opts to use a local copy of the Application Data folder. Installing some components and libraries do this too.

Thanks for the info.

Juan A Melendez

jammiii's picture
Last seen: 15 years 6 days ago
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Wences,Could you send me a


Could you send me a copy of the following files to for review?


and all the files in...
..\App\lazarus\Local Settings\Application Data\lazarus\*.*

I believe this issue was already fixed in Beta 5 by fixing the recursion issue but I want to be sure.


Juan A Melendez

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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Just e-mailed them to you. Some of those files were not present though...

jammiii's picture
Last seen: 15 years 6 days ago
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Thanks! I forgot to mention

Thanks! I forgot to mention that some of those files may not be generated. So far on my end things are looking peachy. I've installed components, moved the whole folder to a random location on the drive, started Lazarus from errors, components work, install more components, move, etc...

I will have a look at your config files to verify that was the old bug.

Thank you!

Juan A Melendez

jammiii's picture
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Please re-check the email. I

Please re-check the email. I didn't receive your email.

Juan A Melendez

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-17 22:05

That's odd. It shows as successfully sent here.
Well... whatever. Forwarding it right now...

jammiii's picture
Last seen: 15 years 6 days ago
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No dice... still

No dice... still nothing.

What's the side of the file?

Juan A Melendez

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-17 22:05
Even odder

Perhaps it's some problem with Pegasus Mail... I've been using it for the past few days... or perhaps with the account itself...

Well... anyway... I´ve just e-mailed them yet again from gmail's web interface. If that doesn't reach you... we'll start training pidgeons. With the new micro SD cards they have a formidable bandwidth! Smile

jammiii's picture
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Nothing yet again. Please

Nothing yet again. Please check the spelling

Juan A Melendez

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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Nope. Not a spelling problem.

Writing your name is terribly easy for a native Spanish speaker like myself, the domain is also very simple to write, and I never even did that. I copy-pasted because I'm lazy, and I've just double checked just in case, and I sent them to the correct address.

Perhaps your server doesn't like the attachments? Or your server or client are delivering them to the spam folder?

Could you try dropping me a line at User: wgrillo Domain: Perhaps if you add that to your white lists you'll also fix any potential false positive problems with your spam filter...

jammiii's picture
Last seen: 15 years 6 days ago
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Email sent. Hopefully you've

Email sent. Hopefully you've received it. (crossing my fingers)

Juan A Melendez

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-17 22:05
Recieved and replied, twice,

Recieved and replied, twice, with and without attachments.
And I BCC'd myself at another account, and recieved it OK and with the attachments. If you don't recieve it, perhaps you should ask your sys admin or something...

jammiii's picture
Last seen: 15 years 6 days ago
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MODERATORS... please remove

MODERATORS... please remove my email address from above. Thank you.

Juan A Melendez

jammiii's picture
Last seen: 15 years 6 days ago
Joined: 2009-02-10 16:43
UPDATE: Lazarus 0.9.27 &

UPDATE: Lazarus 0.9.27 & 0.9.26 BETA 5 will be released on Tuesday, March 10th, 2009. I needed to write a replacement for the included Lazarus executable called "startlazarus.exe". This seems to be the last remaining piece of the puzzle to the issues related to installing new libraries and components.

This exe was initiating a few processes just prior to running Lazarus... namely handling of the Lazarus "reset" immediately after component/library installation.

It was this handing-off of process control between lazarus.exe and startlazarus.exe that effectively broke the custom environment settings and made the component installation non-portable. I have re-tested with a customized startlazarus.exe and the failures no longer occur. Two seperate source-codes will be included with this release: one for the new streamlined LazarusPortable.exe and one for the replacement startlazarus.exe

Hopefully no other surprizes...

Juan A Melendez

jammiii's picture
Last seen: 15 years 6 days ago
Joined: 2009-02-10 16:43
Lazarus 0.9.27 Beta 5 Released

Many-fixes and improvements. Please notify me of any issues.

I cannot thank the testers listed above enough for their hard work and meticulous error reporting.

Thanks everyone!

Juan A Melendez

Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 1 day ago
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Missing files

StartLazarus.exe & LazarusPortable.exe are missing, and it appears the program is not compiled?

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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Src in both links?

Juan, is it possible that you uploaded the src twice and not the executable or linked them wrong or something?

jammiii's picture
Last seen: 15 years 6 days ago
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Actually, both of you caught

Actually, both of you caught it as I was pulling it. Yes, I will repost momentarilly. Apologies for the delay. Once The links are back-up, please redownload all-three.

Juan A Melendez

jammiii's picture
Last seen: 15 years 6 days ago
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Files have been re-uploaded.

Files have been re-uploaded. Please re-download any files you downloaded before this corrected update.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

Juan A Melendez

Last seen: 11 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2007-09-20 01:43
Beta 5 Downloaded & Run


I have downloaded and installed Lazarus beta 5 onto a clean system. All appears to be fine with the various directory paths now. I will test more extensively over the next few days. I guess that this turned out to be a bigger job than originally planned, but it looks very good. Thank you again for doing this. I hope you update from time to time as the versions change.



horusofoz's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
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Congrats Jammiii

I've been watching this from the sidelines and good to hear your first clean report. Congratulations mate Smile

Hope to hear some more good reports from the other devs soon.

Sidenote: If Lazarus is a Delphi clone does that mean it could be used by John to recreate the Platform? Would save a lot of $$$ if so. Would of course push the 2.0 release back somewhat but I for one think it would be well worth it Smile Advocate

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How would it save him money?

How would it save him money?

horusofoz's picture
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Doen't it cost money to

Doen't it cost money to license Delphi? Delphi uses Pascal right? Well he could use FreePascal in Lazarus and save some money. I could very well be wrong but thats what I thought. Can someone please confirm or correct?

Cheers Advocate

Chris Morgan
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The platform is dependant on a couple of extensions which, he tells me, won't go with Lazarus, or Turbo Delphi 2006 (the last free version). Sadly, you do need the commercial version to develop the Platform.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

horusofoz's picture
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K thanks for the clarification Chris. Still would be good if in the future we could find ways to substitute those extensions. Sorta like hoe PAM 2.0 was off in the future a year ago Wink Advocate

jammiii's picture
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Yes, this was much-more

Yes, this was much-more involved than planned but I'm glad we did it.

Good to know it's functioning well. I use Lazarus for development at work extensively so updates to Lazarus Portable will be quite regular.

I have a licensed copy of Delphi I haven't used in a while but I kept around for the help files. (That's where I'm aiming to enhance Lazarus Portable next.)

I'm curious to know what extensions you would need?

Juan A Melendez

Chris Morgan
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PNG Alpha

PNG Alpha is the one I know of, can't remember if there was anything else. The code'd also need to be ported for some of the differences between FreePascal and Delphi. John's the man to ask about this though.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

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hmm... PNG Alpha is for the

hmm... PNG Alpha is for the "fading-in" effect on the menu?? If so this could easily be replicated or recoded for Lazarus.

Anyways... that's a project for another day and a seperate post but may be one worth exploring someday.

The PortableApps application is great as it stands.

Juan A Melendez

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Other extensions

Hey John

Could you please clarify what other extensions are required for PAP that aren't found in Lazarus. I realise this is yonks and yonks of if ever and if even a possibility but just curious what the gap is.


Horusofoz Advocate

jammiii's picture
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I'm going-back and adding

I'm going-back and adding comments to my code. (Shame on me)

The Release Candidate Source-Code will include the commented code.

Juan A Melendez

jammiii's picture
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For anyone downloading just

For anyone downloading just the source-code, please be sure to read "IMPORTANT NOTE" above.

Thank You!

Juan A Melendez

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-17 22:05
Looking fine

Hi, Jammiii,
I've finally downloaded and installed the beta 5 and tested it both at home and at the office and it seems to be OK, though I haven't got around to compile anything more than a "Hello, world" for the time being.

jammiii's picture
Last seen: 15 years 6 days ago
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Thanks for the update Wences.

Thanks for the update Wences. I'm glad to hear it's going well so far. I'm looking forward to your review.

Juan A Melendez

jammiii's picture
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Any new bugs... anyone?

Any new bugs... anyone?

Juan A Melendez

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-17 22:05
Only in Lazarus itself :-)

Hi, Jammiii,
I've been trying this out and posted a couple of questions in the Lazarus forums, about problems with Lazarus itself. I'm new to it, so I haven't used many of its features, but everything seems to be working portably.
Oh! And thanks again for a great app!


horusofoz's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-03 22:45
Regshot Results

Below is a regshot from a clean system. Looks good to me. Can one of the pros please confirm. Cheers

Regshot 1.8.2
Datetime:2009/3/14 14:40:14  ,  2009/3/14 14:41:51
Computer:TOWER_7200 , TOWER_7200
Username: , 

Values added:2
HKU\S-1-5-21-796845957-789336058-839522115-500\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\F:\PortableApps\LazarusPortable\LazarusPortable.exe: "Lazarus 0.9.27 Suite Portable"
HKU\S-1-5-21-796845957-789336058-839522115-500\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache\F:\PortableApps\LazarusPortable\App\lazarus\lazarus.exe: "lazarus"

Values modified:4
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\RNG\Seed: A1 7B 82 BD 82 9B AE FA AF 0D 6E 00 2F 1F 23 90 6A 8D 6D ED A9 BA F7 00 7D 83 D6 85 EA 47 4D EB 37 5A 14 6A E6 BA 6B CB 3E F8 1E A8 05 D8 86 99 E3 42 98 04 1F B9 A6 A6 EC 98 D1 F5 84 89 4D 04 B5 03 FC DA A4 62 FF 0D EB EE 02 2C 8D E2 1F 1A
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\RNG\Seed: 04 56 FE C4 7B 6D 7C 00 DA 42 4E 60 01 17 23 7C FC F0 15 74 E6 65 88 BC 70 24 EE 72 84 B9 8A 86 F5 27 6B 08 37 E1 30 F1 1B BD 91 56 4F BC 59 FC 23 A5 1E 6B C9 E1 E1 2E 22 DB BC 74 17 5E 62 A6 74 47 1A 7B 71 5E DD 8B F6 AE 88 A8 04 E5 4C 00
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Prefetcher\TracesProcessed: 0x000000A7
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Prefetcher\TracesProcessed: 0x000000B1
HKU\S-1-5-21-796845957-789336058-839522115-500\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\Local AppData: "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data"
HKU\S-1-5-21-796845957-789336058-839522115-500\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\Local AppData: "F:\PortableApps\LazarusPortable\Data\Settings\Local Settings\Application Data"
HKU\S-1-5-21-796845957-789336058-839522115-500\SessionInformation\ProgramCount: 0x00000003
HKU\S-1-5-21-796845957-789336058-839522115-500\SessionInformation\ProgramCount: 0x00000001

Files [attributes?] modified:2
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\ntuser.dat.LOG

Total changes:8
---------------------------------- Advocate

Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-15 21:08
Not good

It looks as though it changes the Local AppData setting in the registry, which is definitely not good - if I'm right, I believe it could cause various bits of software to just not run if your USB disk isn't in, and it'd leave all sorts of junk with Lazarus settings. Not having looked at the source code or Lazarus, I can't say how it should cope or whether I'm right, but I think I am.

Other than that it's clean.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

jammiii's picture
Last seen: 15 years 6 days ago
Joined: 2009-02-10 16:43
Hi Chris,The APPDATA setting

Hi Chris,

The APPDATA settings have a process-specific lifetime that is limited to the Launcher and it's Child Processes. The settings are also limited in effect the same processes.

The registry entries listed above are historical entries which would not affect any existing or future processes. If you are seeing different, please help by listing the Registry Key(s) and value(s) so that I can confirm and/or correct.

Also useful would be an example of the "junk" settings you allude to. I can't troubleshoot an inference. I can describe step-by-step the output and reasons for the settings if this would be helpful here.

This has been an unusual project for me so every bit of specific feedback is helpful.


Juan A Melendez

Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-15 21:08
May be misunderstood

It looked to me as though it'd done the system-wide setting rather than the process-/process-tree-specific setting. I could be wrong.

At the moment it's sadly too big for me to download, so sorry but I can't test it thoroughly Sad

You never know, some time I might get to use a computer in the morning and download it...

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

jammiii's picture
Last seen: 15 years 6 days ago
Joined: 2009-02-10 16:43
Good morning Chris, What

Good morning Chris,

What computer(s) do you have access to? I could setup a source-code file with explanations/documentation that would be alot smaller.

Juan A Melendez

jammiii's picture
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Bugs anyone?

Bugs anyone?

Juan A Melendez

jammiii's picture
Last seen: 15 years 6 days ago
Joined: 2009-02-10 16:43
Will be releasing an updated

Will be releasing an updated version of Beta 5 (5.1) (the missing components) later today. Any more bugs before I do release?

Juan A Melendez

jammiii's picture
Last seen: 15 years 6 days ago
Joined: 2009-02-10 16:43
Uploaded corrected Beta 5 for

Uploaded corrected Beta 5 for missing components. No code changes to Launcher or to the custom "startlazarus.exe".

Thanks to all testers for your work!

Juan A Melendez

Last seen: 11 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2007-09-20 01:43
Lazarus 5.1


I have downloaded Lazarus 5.1, and briefly given it a run. All looks good with this release. It worked fine straight out of the box! As usual, thank you!



jammiii's picture
Last seen: 15 years 6 days ago
Joined: 2009-02-10 16:43
Thanks Kim!

Thanks Kim!

Juan A Melendez

jammiii's picture
Last seen: 15 years 6 days ago
Joined: 2009-02-10 16:43
"Micro-fix" Beta 5.2 posted

I forgot to verify the Help File paths would be set properly in Beta 5.1 Sad
It's now fixed. No other changes.

Juan A Melendez

jammiii's picture
Last seen: 15 years 6 days ago
Joined: 2009-02-10 16:43
For anyone interested...

I've also posted on my site the beta 1 version of the new version

This version is a merge of the stable 0.9.26 and the "up-and-comming" 0.9.27...

I love what they've done with this new version so be sure to check it out if you have the spare space on your USB device.

Download it here...

Thanks everyone.

Juan A Melendez

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-17 22:05
componenttreeview missing

Hi, jammiii,
I'm trying out beta 5.1. I installed, clicked on Packages, open package file, went to ...\lazarus\components\sqlite\ and double clicked sqlite3laz.lpk.
I compiled it, then I tried to install it. It warned me about needing to recompile Lazarus, I said yes, it started compiling, and then protested about not being able to find componenttreview, needed by objectbrowser.pas.
The non-portable 9.26 version at home gets past this point.

(Then it says it can't start because it can't find sqlite.dll, even when I've downloaded sqlite3.dll and put it in the same directory as lazarus.exe and also tried to rename it to sqlite.dll. But that's a different story... I'll Google for that.)

I'll try to check the version tonight.




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