I'm using Firefox Portable with both flash and shockwave. There are two entries in my Application Data folder. One is in a Mozilla folder and is called pluginreg.dat. The other is in a a Macromedia folder which other folders and files inside of it.
The pluginreg.dat is used while it is running and deleted on exit (if it didn't exist beforehand).
Anything left by Macromedia you can blame on Macromedia. Shockwave and Flash aren't actually 100% portable.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
But then, wouldn't it be possible to update the launcher to delete those "mozilla" and "macromedia" folders when exiting firefox ?
I mean, I know it's technically possible (I could alter the launcher, but as I would have to do it each time you update it, it would be annoying), but can those folder can actually store some useful data ?
what if they are already there?
In the Mozilla case it isn't too bad. If it is empty, it is safe to delete. Otherwise leave it alone.
But in the Macromedia case, it could well be there and be pre-filled with pre-existing content from the installed flash player. And, worse, more content could be added by the installed flash while the portable one was open.
Not a trivial problem to untangle.