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How to change the Graphic when the App is loading

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Last seen: 15 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2009-03-05 08:45
How to change the Graphic when the App is loading

how can i change the graphic when a app is loading?
i changed the jpg-file in the folder "/other/source" but nothing happens.

is the graphic implemented in any file?

wk's picture
Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-09-05 12:31
what do you mean with graphic? Icon?Splash?

Was meinst Du mit der Graphik? Das Icon oder den Splashscreen?
Änderungen im other/source/ Ordner sind nicht wirksam, Du mußt ggf die entsprechende ini aus dem obigen Ordner direkt neben die xxxPortable.exe legen und entsprechend editieren, das Icon wird bei gePAFten Anwendungen in 1.2RC aus der app/appinfo gelesen?

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis .." Friday Next -
"May The Schwartz be with You!" Yogurt the Yoda

NathanJ79's picture
Last seen: 5 years 1 week ago
Joined: 2007-07-31 15:07
Stored in launcher AFAIK

As far as I know, it's stored in the launcher.

You mean the splash screen, right? The graphic that shows the app's logo and the logo? We call that a splash screen, and as far as I know it's stored in the launcher (e.g. FirefoxPortable.exe for Firefox).

It would be nice if the splash screen could be edited directly, but using an external image might be problematic somehow. Not sure on that but IIRC that was the practice at one time, but no longer.

Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-15 21:08

The splash screen is compiled into the launcher by NSIS. If you want to change it, you'll need to change the image and then recompile it using NSIS. After that it should work.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

NathanJ79's picture
Last seen: 5 years 1 week ago
Joined: 2007-07-31 15:07
Always like that?

Was it always like that?

I could have sworn, when I first started using PortableApps, that I was able to get at the image for the splash screen. Did it always have the image compiled into the launcher, or did it used to keep it separate?

Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-15 21:08

You can always get at it, it's just you'll need to recompile it to change it.

I believe that it has always been the case.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

Anonymous (not verified)
yes i mean the

yes i mean the splashscreen.

when i drop the FileZillaPortable.nsi in NSIS i get this message:

MakeNSIS v2.44 - Copyright 1995-2009 Contributors
See the file COPYING for license details.
Credits can be found in the Users Manual.

Processing config: 
Processing plugin dlls: "C:\Programme\NSIS\Plugins\*.dll"
 - AdvSplash::show
 - Banner::destroy
 - Banner::getWindow
 - Banner::show
 - BgImage::AddImage
 - BgImage::AddText
 - BgImage::Clear
 - BgImage::Destroy
 - BgImage::Redraw
 - BgImage::SetBg
 - BgImage::SetReturn
 - BgImage::Sound
 - Dialer::AttemptConnect
 - Dialer::AutodialHangup
 - Dialer::AutodialOnline
 - Dialer::AutodialUnattended
 - Dialer::GetConnectedState
 - InstallOptions::dialog
 - InstallOptions::initDialog
 - InstallOptions::show
 - LangDLL::LangDialog
 - Math::Script
 - NSISdl::download
 - NSISdl::download_quiet
 - Splash::show
 - StartMenu::Init
 - StartMenu::Select
 - StartMenu::Show
 - System::Alloc
 - System::Call
 - System::Copy
 - System::Free
 - System::Get
 - System::Int64Op
 - System::Store
 - TypeLib::GetLibVersion
 - TypeLib::Register
 - TypeLib::UnRegister
 - UserInfo::GetAccountType
 - UserInfo::GetName
 - UserInfo::GetOriginalAccountType
 - VPatch::GetFileCRC32
 - VPatch::GetFileMD5
 - VPatch::vpatchfile
 - nsDialogs::Create
 - nsDialogs::CreateControl
 - nsDialogs::CreateItem
 - nsDialogs::CreateTimer
 - nsDialogs::GetUserData
 - nsDialogs::KillTimer
 - nsDialogs::OnBack
 - nsDialogs::OnChange
 - nsDialogs::OnClick
 - nsDialogs::OnNotify
 - nsDialogs::SelectFileDialog
 - nsDialogs::SelectFolderDialog
 - nsDialogs::SetRTL
 - nsDialogs::SetUserData
 - nsDialogs::Show
 - nsExec::Exec
 - nsExec::ExecToLog
 - nsExec::ExecToStack


Changing directory to: "V:\Filezilla\Other\Source"

Processing script file: "V:\Filezilla\Other\Source\FileZillaPortable.nsi"
!define: "PORTABLEAPPNAME"="FileZilla Portable"
!define: "APPNAME"="FileZilla"
!define: "NAME"="FileZillaPortable"
!define: "VER"=""
!define: "WEBSITE"=""
!define: "DEFAULTEXE"="FileZilla.exe"
!define: "DEFAULTAPPDIR"="filezilla"
!define: "DEFAULTSETTINGSDIR"="settings"
!define: "LAUNCHERLANGUAGE"="English"
Name: "FileZilla Portable"
OutFile: "..\..\FileZillaPortable.exe"
Caption: "FileZilla Portable |"
VIAddVersionKey: "ProductName" "FileZilla Portable"
VIAddVersionKey: "Comments" "Allows FileZilla to be run from a removable drive.  For additional details, visit"
VIAddVersionKey: "CompanyName" ""
VIAddVersionKey: "LegalCopyright" "John T. Haller"
VIAddVersionKey: "FileDescription" "FileZilla Portable"
VIAddVersionKey: "FileVersion" ""
VIAddVersionKey: "ProductVersion" ""
VIAddVersionKey: "InternalName" "FileZilla Portable"
VIAddVersionKey: "LegalTrademarks" " is a Trademark of Rare Ideas, LLC."
VIAddVersionKey: "OriginalFilename" "FileZillaPortable.exe"
CRCCheck: On
WindowIcon: Off
SilentInstall: Silent
AutoCloseWindow: true
SetCompress: Auto
SetCompressor: /SOLID lzma
SetCompressorDictSize: 32 mb
SetDatablockOptimize: On
!include: "C:\Programme\NSIS\Include\TextFunc.nsh"
!include: "C:\Programme\NSIS\Include\FileFunc.nsh"
!include: "C:\Programme\NSIS\Include\Util.nsh"
!include: closed: "C:\Programme\NSIS\Include\Util.nsh"
!define: "Locate"="!insertmacro LocateCall"
!define: "un.Locate"="!insertmacro LocateCall"
!define: "GetSize"="!insertmacro GetSizeCall"
!define: "un.GetSize"="!insertmacro GetSizeCall"
!define: "DriveSpace"="!insertmacro DriveSpaceCall"
!define: "un.DriveSpace"="!insertmacro DriveSpaceCall"
!define: "GetDrives"="!insertmacro GetDrivesCall"
!define: "un.GetDrives"="!insertmacro GetDrivesCall"
!define: "GetTime"="!insertmacro GetTimeCall"
!define: "un.GetTime"="!insertmacro GetTimeCall"
!define: "GetFileAttributes"="!insertmacro GetFileAttributesCall"
!define: "un.GetFileAttributes"="!insertmacro GetFileAttributesCall"
!define: "GetFileVersion"="!insertmacro GetFileVersionCall"
!define: "un.GetFileVersion"="!insertmacro GetFileVersionCall"
!define: "GetExeName"="!insertmacro GetExeNameCall"
!define: "un.GetExeName"="!insertmacro GetExeNameCall"
!define: "GetExePath"="!insertmacro GetExePathCall"
!define: "un.GetExePath"="!insertmacro GetExePathCall"
!define: "GetParameters"="!insertmacro GetParametersCall"
!define: "un.GetParameters"="!insertmacro GetParametersCall"
!define: "GetOptions"="!insertmacro GetOptionsCall"
!define: "un.GetOptions"="!insertmacro GetOptionsCall"
!define: "GetOptionsS"="!insertmacro GetOptionsSCall"
!define: "un.GetOptionsS"="!insertmacro GetOptionsSCall"
!define: "GetRoot"="!insertmacro GetRootCall"
!define: "un.GetRoot"="!insertmacro GetRootCall"
!define: "GetParent"="!insertmacro GetParentCall"
!define: "un.GetParent"="!insertmacro GetParentCall"
!define: "GetFileName"="!insertmacro GetFileNameCall"
!define: "un.GetFileName"="!insertmacro GetFileNameCall"
!define: "GetBaseName"="!insertmacro GetBaseNameCall"
!define: "un.GetBaseName"="!insertmacro GetBaseNameCall"
!define: "GetFileExt"="!insertmacro GetFileExtCall"
!define: "un.GetFileExt"="!insertmacro GetFileExtCall"
!define: "BannerTrimPath"="!insertmacro BannerTrimPathCall"
!define: "un.BannerTrimPath"="!insertmacro BannerTrimPathCall"
!define: "DirState"="!insertmacro DirStateCall"
!define: "un.DirState"="!insertmacro DirStateCall"
!define: "RefreshShellIcons"="!insertmacro RefreshShellIconsCall"
!define: "un.RefreshShellIcons"="!insertmacro RefreshShellIconsCall"
!include: closed: "C:\Programme\NSIS\Include\FileFunc.nsh"
!include: "C:\Programme\NSIS\Include\Util.nsh"
!include: closed: "C:\Programme\NSIS\Include\Util.nsh"
!define: "LineFind"="!insertmacro LineFindCall"
!define: "un.LineFind"="!insertmacro LineFindCall"
!define: "LineRead"="!insertmacro LineReadCall"
!define: "un.LineRead"="!insertmacro LineReadCall"
!define: "FileReadFromEnd"="!insertmacro FileReadFromEndCall"
!define: "un.FileReadFromEnd"="!insertmacro FileReadFromEndCall"
!define: "LineSum"="!insertmacro LineSumCall"
!define: "un.LineSum"="!insertmacro LineSumCall"
!define: "FileJoin"="!insertmacro FileJoinCall"
!define: "un.FileJoin"="!insertmacro FileJoinCall"
!define: "TextCompare"="!insertmacro TextCompareCall"
!define: "un.TextCompare"="!insertmacro TextCompareCall"
!define: "TextCompareS"="!insertmacro TextCompareSCall"
!define: "un.TextCompareS"="!insertmacro TextCompareSCall"
!define: "ConfigRead"="!insertmacro ConfigReadCall"
!define: "un.ConfigRead"="!insertmacro ConfigReadCall"
!define: "ConfigReadS"="!insertmacro ConfigReadSCall"
!define: "un.ConfigReadS"="!insertmacro ConfigReadSCall"
!define: "ConfigWrite"="!insertmacro ConfigWriteCall"
!define: "un.ConfigWrite"="!insertmacro ConfigWriteCall"
!define: "ConfigWriteS"="!insertmacro ConfigWriteSCall"
!define: "un.ConfigWriteS"="!insertmacro ConfigWriteSCall"
!define: "FileRecode"="!insertmacro FileRecodeCall"
!define: "un.FileRecode"="!insertmacro FileRecodeCall"
!define: "TrimNewLines"="!insertmacro TrimNewLinesCall"
!define: "un.TrimNewLines"="!insertmacro TrimNewLinesCall"
!include: closed: "C:\Programme\NSIS\Include\TextFunc.nsh"
!insertmacro: ConfigRead
!insertmacro: end of ConfigRead
!insertmacro: ConfigWrite
!insertmacro: end of ConfigWrite
!include: "C:\Programme\NSIS\Include\FileFunc.nsh"
!include: closed: "C:\Programme\NSIS\Include\FileFunc.nsh"
!insertmacro: GetParameters
!insertmacro: end of GetParameters
!insertmacro: GetRoot
!insertmacro: end of GetRoot
!include: could not find: "Registry.nsh"
Error in script "V:\Filezilla\Other\Source\FileZillaPortable.nsi" on line 72 -- aborting creation process

What is the Problem?i cant find a file called "Registry.nsh"

[ PRE tags added by mod Tim]

Simeon's picture
Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-09-25 15:15

You need the NSIS registry plugin.

"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate

Last seen: 15 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2009-03-05 08:45
ok, i installed the plugin

ok, i installed the plugin and what i have to do now?

when i drop the FileZillaPortable.nsi i get this message:

MakeNSIS v2.44 - Copyright 1995-2009 Contributors
See the file COPYING for license details.
Credits can be found in the Users Manual.

Processing config: 
Processing plugin dlls: "C:\Programme\NSIS\Plugins\*.dll"
 - AdvSplash::show
 - Banner::destroy
 - Banner::getWindow
 - Banner::show
 - BgImage::AddImage
 - BgImage::AddText
 - BgImage::Clear
 - BgImage::Destroy
 - BgImage::Redraw
 - BgImage::SetBg
 - BgImage::SetReturn
 - BgImage::Sound
 - Dialer::AttemptConnect
 - Dialer::AutodialHangup
 - Dialer::AutodialOnline
 - Dialer::AutodialUnattended
 - Dialer::GetConnectedState
 - InstallOptions::dialog
 - InstallOptions::initDialog
 - InstallOptions::show
 - LangDLL::LangDialog
 - Math::Script
 - NSISdl::download
 - NSISdl::download_quiet
 - Registry::_Close
 - Registry::_CopyKey
 - Registry::_CopyValue
 - Registry::_CreateKey
 - Registry::_DeleteKey
 - Registry::_DeleteKeyEmpty
 - Registry::_DeleteValue
 - Registry::_Find
 - Registry::_HexToStr
 - Registry::_KeyExists
 - Registry::_MoveKey
 - Registry::_MoveValue
 - Registry::_Open
 - Registry::_Read
 - Registry::_ReadExtra
 - Registry::_RestoreKey
 - Registry::_SaveKey
 - Registry::_StrToHex
 - Registry::_Unload
 - Registry::_Write
 - Registry::_WriteExtra
 - Splash::show
 - StartMenu::Init
 - StartMenu::Select
 - StartMenu::Show
 - System::Alloc
 - System::Call
 - System::Copy
 - System::Free
 - System::Get
 - System::Int64Op
 - System::Store
 - TypeLib::GetLibVersion
 - TypeLib::Register
 - TypeLib::UnRegister
 - UserInfo::GetAccountType
 - UserInfo::GetName
 - UserInfo::GetOriginalAccountType
 - VPatch::GetFileCRC32
 - VPatch::GetFileMD5
 - VPatch::vpatchfile
 - nsDialogs::Create
 - nsDialogs::CreateControl
 - nsDialogs::CreateItem
 - nsDialogs::CreateTimer
 - nsDialogs::GetUserData
 - nsDialogs::KillTimer
 - nsDialogs::OnBack
 - nsDialogs::OnChange
 - nsDialogs::OnClick
 - nsDialogs::OnNotify
 - nsDialogs::SelectFileDialog
 - nsDialogs::SelectFolderDialog
 - nsDialogs::SetRTL
 - nsDialogs::SetUserData
 - nsDialogs::Show
 - nsExec::Exec
 - nsExec::ExecToLog
 - nsExec::ExecToStack


Changing directory to: "c:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\muellerc\Desktop\Filezilla\Other\Source"

Processing script file: "c:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\muellerc\Desktop\Filezilla\Other\Source\FileZillaPortable.nsi"
!define: "PORTABLEAPPNAME"="FileZilla Portable"
!define: "APPNAME"="FileZilla"
!define: "NAME"="FileZillaPortable"
!define: "VER"=""
!define: "WEBSITE"=""
!define: "DEFAULTEXE"="FileZilla.exe"
!define: "DEFAULTAPPDIR"="filezilla"
!define: "DEFAULTSETTINGSDIR"="settings"
!define: "LAUNCHERLANGUAGE"="English"
Name: "FileZilla Portable"
OutFile: "..\..\FileZillaPortable.exe"
Caption: "FileZilla Portable |"
VIAddVersionKey: "ProductName" "FileZilla Portable"
VIAddVersionKey: "Comments" "Allows FileZilla to be run from a removable drive.  For additional details, visit"
VIAddVersionKey: "CompanyName" ""
VIAddVersionKey: "LegalCopyright" "John T. Haller"
VIAddVersionKey: "FileDescription" "FileZilla Portable"
VIAddVersionKey: "FileVersion" ""
VIAddVersionKey: "ProductVersion" ""
VIAddVersionKey: "InternalName" "FileZilla Portable"
VIAddVersionKey: "LegalTrademarks" " is a Trademark of Rare Ideas, LLC."
VIAddVersionKey: "OriginalFilename" "FileZillaPortable.exe"
CRCCheck: On
WindowIcon: Off
SilentInstall: Silent
AutoCloseWindow: true
SetCompress: Auto
SetCompressor: /SOLID lzma
SetCompressorDictSize: 32 mb
SetDatablockOptimize: On
!include: "C:\Programme\NSIS\Include\TextFunc.nsh"
!include: "C:\Programme\NSIS\Include\FileFunc.nsh"
!include: "C:\Programme\NSIS\Include\Util.nsh"
!include: closed: "C:\Programme\NSIS\Include\Util.nsh"
!define: "Locate"="!insertmacro LocateCall"
!define: "un.Locate"="!insertmacro LocateCall"
!define: "GetSize"="!insertmacro GetSizeCall"
!define: "un.GetSize"="!insertmacro GetSizeCall"
!define: "DriveSpace"="!insertmacro DriveSpaceCall"
!define: "un.DriveSpace"="!insertmacro DriveSpaceCall"
!define: "GetDrives"="!insertmacro GetDrivesCall"
!define: "un.GetDrives"="!insertmacro GetDrivesCall"
!define: "GetTime"="!insertmacro GetTimeCall"
!define: "un.GetTime"="!insertmacro GetTimeCall"
!define: "GetFileAttributes"="!insertmacro GetFileAttributesCall"
!define: "un.GetFileAttributes"="!insertmacro GetFileAttributesCall"
!define: "GetFileVersion"="!insertmacro GetFileVersionCall"
!define: "un.GetFileVersion"="!insertmacro GetFileVersionCall"
!define: "GetExeName"="!insertmacro GetExeNameCall"
!define: "un.GetExeName"="!insertmacro GetExeNameCall"
!define: "GetExePath"="!insertmacro GetExePathCall"
!define: "un.GetExePath"="!insertmacro GetExePathCall"
!define: "GetParameters"="!insertmacro GetParametersCall"
!define: "un.GetParameters"="!insertmacro GetParametersCall"
!define: "GetOptions"="!insertmacro GetOptionsCall"
!define: "un.GetOptions"="!insertmacro GetOptionsCall"
!define: "GetOptionsS"="!insertmacro GetOptionsSCall"
!define: "un.GetOptionsS"="!insertmacro GetOptionsSCall"
!define: "GetRoot"="!insertmacro GetRootCall"
!define: "un.GetRoot"="!insertmacro GetRootCall"
!define: "GetParent"="!insertmacro GetParentCall"
!define: "un.GetParent"="!insertmacro GetParentCall"
!define: "GetFileName"="!insertmacro GetFileNameCall"
!define: "un.GetFileName"="!insertmacro GetFileNameCall"
!define: "GetBaseName"="!insertmacro GetBaseNameCall"
!define: "un.GetBaseName"="!insertmacro GetBaseNameCall"
!define: "GetFileExt"="!insertmacro GetFileExtCall"
!define: "un.GetFileExt"="!insertmacro GetFileExtCall"
!define: "BannerTrimPath"="!insertmacro BannerTrimPathCall"
!define: "un.BannerTrimPath"="!insertmacro BannerTrimPathCall"
!define: "DirState"="!insertmacro DirStateCall"
!define: "un.DirState"="!insertmacro DirStateCall"
!define: "RefreshShellIcons"="!insertmacro RefreshShellIconsCall"
!define: "un.RefreshShellIcons"="!insertmacro RefreshShellIconsCall"
!include: closed: "C:\Programme\NSIS\Include\FileFunc.nsh"
!include: "C:\Programme\NSIS\Include\Util.nsh"
!include: closed: "C:\Programme\NSIS\Include\Util.nsh"
!define: "LineFind"="!insertmacro LineFindCall"
!define: "un.LineFind"="!insertmacro LineFindCall"
!define: "LineRead"="!insertmacro LineReadCall"
!define: "un.LineRead"="!insertmacro LineReadCall"
!define: "FileReadFromEnd"="!insertmacro FileReadFromEndCall"
!define: "un.FileReadFromEnd"="!insertmacro FileReadFromEndCall"
!define: "LineSum"="!insertmacro LineSumCall"
!define: "un.LineSum"="!insertmacro LineSumCall"
!define: "FileJoin"="!insertmacro FileJoinCall"
!define: "un.FileJoin"="!insertmacro FileJoinCall"
!define: "TextCompare"="!insertmacro TextCompareCall"
!define: "un.TextCompare"="!insertmacro TextCompareCall"
!define: "TextCompareS"="!insertmacro TextCompareSCall"
!define: "un.TextCompareS"="!insertmacro TextCompareSCall"
!define: "ConfigRead"="!insertmacro ConfigReadCall"
!define: "un.ConfigRead"="!insertmacro ConfigReadCall"
!define: "ConfigReadS"="!insertmacro ConfigReadSCall"
!define: "un.ConfigReadS"="!insertmacro ConfigReadSCall"
!define: "ConfigWrite"="!insertmacro ConfigWriteCall"
!define: "un.ConfigWrite"="!insertmacro ConfigWriteCall"
!define: "ConfigWriteS"="!insertmacro ConfigWriteSCall"
!define: "un.ConfigWriteS"="!insertmacro ConfigWriteSCall"
!define: "FileRecode"="!insertmacro FileRecodeCall"
!define: "un.FileRecode"="!insertmacro FileRecodeCall"
!define: "TrimNewLines"="!insertmacro TrimNewLinesCall"
!define: "un.TrimNewLines"="!insertmacro TrimNewLinesCall"
!include: closed: "C:\Programme\NSIS\Include\TextFunc.nsh"
!insertmacro: ConfigRead
!insertmacro: end of ConfigRead
!insertmacro: ConfigWrite
!insertmacro: end of ConfigWrite
!include: "C:\Programme\NSIS\Include\FileFunc.nsh"
!include: closed: "C:\Programme\NSIS\Include\FileFunc.nsh"
!insertmacro: GetParameters
!insertmacro: end of GetParameters
!insertmacro: GetRoot
!insertmacro: end of GetRoot
!include: "C:\Programme\NSIS\Include\Registry.nsh"
!define: "registry::Open"="!insertmacro registry::Open"
!define: "registry::Find"="!insertmacro registry::Find"
!define: "registry::Close"="!insertmacro registry::Close"
!define: "registry::KeyExists"="!insertmacro registry::KeyExists"
!define: "registry::Read"="!insertmacro registry::Read"
!define: "registry::Write"="!insertmacro registry::Write"
!define: "registry::ReadExtra"="!insertmacro registry::ReadExtra"
!define: "registry::WriteExtra"="!insertmacro registry::WriteExtra"
!define: "registry::CreateKey"="!insertmacro registry::CreateKey"
!define: "registry::DeleteValue"="!insertmacro registry::DeleteValue"
!define: "registry::DeleteKey"="!insertmacro registry::DeleteKey"
!define: "registry::DeleteKeyEmpty"="!insertmacro registry::DeleteKeyEmpty"
!define: "registry::CopyValue"="!insertmacro registry::CopyValue"
!define: "registry::MoveValue"="!insertmacro registry::MoveValue"
!define: "registry::CopyKey"="!insertmacro registry::CopyKey"
!define: "registry::MoveKey"="!insertmacro registry::MoveKey"
!define: "registry::SaveKey"="!insertmacro registry::SaveKey"
!define: "registry::RestoreKey"="!insertmacro registry::RestoreKey"
!define: "registry::StrToHex"="!insertmacro registry::StrToHex"
!define: "registry::HexToStr"="!insertmacro registry::HexToStr"
!define: "registry::Unload"="!insertmacro registry::Unload"
!include: closed: "C:\Programme\NSIS\Include\Registry.nsh"
!include: could not find: "TextReplace.nsh"
Error in script "c:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\muellerc\Desktop\Filezilla\Other\Source\FileZillaPortable.nsi" on line 75 -- aborting creation process
OliverK's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-03-27 15:21
try googling for the

try googling for the particular file you need. In this case, "TextReplace.nsh"

Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world

Last seen: 15 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2009-03-05 08:45
i cant find the file...!has

i cant find the file...!has everyone a link or can upload this file?

OliverK's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-03-27 15:21
check in some of apps

check in some of apps Other\Source files.

Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world

Last seen: 13 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-14 17:12
There's also a few utilities

There's also a few utilities where you can change the image in-place, i.e. Resource Hacker. It doesn't require you to recompile, just to find the right image and replace it.

Not sure it would work though, considering image sizes, pixel references, and such...

Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-15 21:08

This won't work (as has been explained) as the executable stores a Cyclic Redundancy Checksum (CRC). If the file is changed (e.g. bad download) it won't run.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

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