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Open Office does not work with Vista

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Open Office does not work with Vista


I am running Vista with Service Pack 1 in German on a Fujitsu XI-2550 and OpenOffice does not run. When I start OpenOffice or an OpenOffice application (e.g. Writer) from my stick, the splash screen comes up and after a few seconds Vista informs me that OpenOffice no longer works and creates a report to send to Microsoft and I will be informed later.

The OpenOffice Version that I am using is 2.4.1 US-English. This version works fine on my old Laptop with Windows XP Service Pack 3.

I have many other Portable applications on the stick such as Firefox 3.0 Thunderbird, Filezilla, Virualdub, BoncEnc, Audacity etc and they all work fine with Vista. I have tried OpenOffice 2.4.1 German and this also does not work. I have tried the 2.4.0 to no avail.

I have tried switching the User Rights Control on and off so that I do not have to confirm Administration privileges, this did not help either.

OpenOffice 3.0 Beta runs under Vista so long as I use the OpenOffice File Dialogs for opening and saving, this windows versions cause OpenOffice Beta to hang.

Does anyone have an idea what could be wrong? Does OpenOffice require specific settings or services in Vista ?

Thanks in advance

MarkoMLM's picture
Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
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Some more informations needed ...

... in order to give You an answer.

OOo Portable is tested on Win Vista Home Premium with Fujitsu Siemens Xi2550 (no additional changes or modifications), so this should be work for You too.

User rights should be work, no admin rights needed.

Are You able to run /App/openoffice/program/soffice.exe directly ?

Do You installed a local copy of 2.x perhaps with the quickstarter?

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Last seen: 16 years 7 months ago
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More Info OpenOffice does not work under Vista

Hallo MarkoMLM

Thank you for your reply, it sounds as though you are on the right track.

Here is the whole story:

Originally I had Vista Home Premium on the machine without SP1. Usually I have a local installation of all Portable Apps including OpenOffice on the hard disk, i.e a local installation of OpenOffice with Quickstarter. I always start the Quickstarter minimized via an entry in the Autostart folder. This worked well with 2.4.0 until Vista was broke by a sticky Update.

I then reinstalled Vista on my machine and updated it to SP1 (SP1 having been released in the meanwhile). I then reinstalled the newly released 2.4.1 onto the hard disk as a "local" installation. I also have the Quickstarter running as described above via Autostart. When I try to start Writer or Calc (Hard Disk installation) the Splash screen appears, with a subsequent error message from windows that OpenOffice is no longer working and a report will be sent to Microsoft. Owing to the fact that I could not get 2.4.1 to work I installed locally OpenOffice 3.0 Beta. I have a 4GB Stick will all my personal Portable Progs and Data, if I try to start Writer from this Stick under Vista, I get the same result that OpenOffice does not Work.

Currently I am not able to check if I can start the soffice.exe directly because I am at work, when I get home I will try this and report back. I will also make a test in that I will stop the quickstarter and try to start 2.4.1.

I don't know whether this is relevant, I have a Linux Partition on the machine (Ubuntu 8.04) and use the ext2ifs driver to access the Linux partition from windows. But I cannot imagine that this driver should be the cause of the problem. Normally I use Linux and occasionally Vista especially when doing HD-Video work.

Thanks so far
Kind regards

Last seen: 16 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2008-07-11 05:23
More Info Part 2

Hallo MarkoMLM

I have carried out the following on my Fujitsu Laptop. I have stopped the quickstarter and have tried to start the soffice.exe directly with following result. The Blue OpenOffice Loading screen appeared and the loading bargraph filled to approx 50% and then stopped with the windows error message. The same result occurred when trying to start swriter.exe and scalc.exe

I am now at a loss what I can do next to rectify the situation.

Kind regards

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Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
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Could be a runtime problem ...

Keep in mind, that the default set for the shutdown button of Your laptop (like mine too) is not shutdown, its Powersave.

Vista needs sometime a real reeboot to handle with new or double runtimes.
Could be, that there are some unsolved problems as the result of an incomplete runtime intallation.

Please install a local copy of 2.4.1, reboot Your laptop and try to start the local version. If the local version starts, close the quickstarten and try to start the Portable.

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Last seen: 16 years 6 months ago
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Mine doesn't work on Vista either

I was runnning Open Office from my thumb drive on XP SP3 with no problem. When I tried it on my new Vista Home Premium machine, I got an error message: program could not be found openoffice\program\soffice.exe. The "read me" text that accompanies Open Office says nothing about it working with Vista. I uninstalled and reinstalled it to no avail. I hope v3 fixes the problem.

Tom Buoy

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Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-16 04:08 Portable and the orginal version works on vista .

... there are some problems on /vista) machines without msvs runtimes.

This is still fixed with 3 Beta 2 Portable and will be fixed in the next 2.x version too.

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Last seen: 15 years 9 months ago
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Just installed on thumb and used on VISTA/Pre and no go

Well I wanted to try OOo from the thumb drive and it would not open with my Vista Premium. I have OOo 3.1 installed on the laptop and wanted to try the thumb version so I could show others the "greatness" of OOo without having to install it first. Oh well, it was not in the cards. I now have the regular install uncompressed and the documentation in that thumb so it might be easier than making all those CDs. I still will burn some and give them out, but now I will not need a CD to install it. I sure wish though I could get the thumb drive version working.

I am running a Inspiron 1525 - dual core pentium - 3 gig of ram - 35+ gig free space - and a 1 gig thumb drive (since some older computers seem to have trouble with over 2 gig thumb drives, for some reason).

Could there be something in the security settings that cause thumb drive programs to fail?

This is my first time with portable apps, and will try others.

John T. Haller
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Wrong Thread

Please try out the current 3.1 test version is here:

All comments on it (including bug reports) should be posted there.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 15 years 11 months ago
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The same here

I'm using Vista, with no administrative rights. I installed the Portable Apps Suite in my USB (a LG one), and I'm getting the same error message. Every part of OO doesn't work, but every other portable app I launch, works flawlessly.

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Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-16 04:08 Portable version?

As I've said it before:

There are some Problems on some Vista/XP machines with Portable 2.4.1 and 3 Beta 2. But that is not because You have no admin rights, cause this is on Vista default.

Please try Version 3 Beta 2 and tell us if it will work for You.
If this issue is fixed with this version and a bugfix release for 2.4.1 is really needed there will be one.

If the error is still present with 3 Beta 2 please give us some more informations about Your configuration.

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Last seen: 16 years 4 months ago
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Vista Trouble

Installed Open Office on flash drive and works on all computers with the exception of my HP Laptop running Vista Home premium 32 bit just keeps crashing all other programs run fine from Portable apps. Open Office no matter what Verizon starts to open then crashes every time. have tried all the apps in open office and they all crash. Everything is up to date Java etc In fact that's were i got the most resent copy from was from sun java 6.o for win vista and along with it came the option for open office suite install. I thought this should do the trick but same problem Crash crash crash.

Any help to fix this would be great.

Brownbear Ranch Alaska

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Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
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Please use the final version of 3 Portable...

... this will be work fine (like Pre-Release 2 too)

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Last seen: 1 year 4 months ago
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I have on a Dell Vostro 1400

I have on a Dell Vostro 1400 both 3.0 local and portable.
No problems with local installation (now it's updating to 3.0.1). Portable 3.0.1 crash. portable has never worked on my laptop.
But it has always worked really fine on WinXP (I used it to discuss my master thesis)

Last seen: 15 years 11 months ago
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OOPortable 3.0.1...

..crashes here, too:
Dell Latitude E6500, Vista Ultimate 32-Bit.
When starting any OOPortable 3.0.1-component the splash-screen comes up, the progress bar goes up to one third and finally Vista informes me that OOPortable has stopped working...

OOPortable2.4.1 works fine with my system!

Any ideas?

Last seen: 15 years 11 months ago
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Found out myself...

...what caused the issue after reading other threads in this board... (=
It was the path name... Installed it locally first (I'm preparing a new USB-stick and want to copy all apps in a whole) in user's directory - and there it crashed. After copying everything to the root (C:) everything worked fine...

Why does 2.4.1 not care about the path names?

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Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
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As posted again and again ...

... at first, Portable is designed to work on portable devices not for local usage.

If You'll use it localy don't use long path names, cause itself has issues if it is not installed (no system integration)

You have found the right way Wink

BTW: In 2.4.1 was a fix (internal short of the path names) but this fix don't work with 3.x and causes other issues esp. with extensions

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Last seen: 15 years 9 months ago
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Found that using the version on the Portable Apps Suite works

Found that using the version on then Portable Apps Suite works on Vista when the only OOo version does not.

So if you want one that works, try the one from the suite.

Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
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not on my machine -

I downloaded the suite and when I try to run OO - I still get the error that others are getting.

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Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
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install path?

Did You read the informations about trouble with long path names?

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