So, I need everyones input on this if possible please.
So I'm curious, who here actually uses or has used Mac-on-Stick? Who here believes the Mac-on-Stick page should be removed? Who believes that it should stay?
The reason I'm asking is, it's not completely open source, and me and John are wondering what to do with it. If there are enough interested, I will probably redo the page by re-writing the tutorial right on that page, hopefully in a even more easily understandable fashion. I'll also add some nice screenshots, and a new logo as well.
So please, let me know what you think. Thanks.
Personally I think it is pretty much useless. If we have that we might as well have a tutorial on how to get a QEMU Linux distro until it actually comes out.
cowsay Moo
cowthink 'Dude, why are you staring at me.'
There's a really nice tutorial in Ryan's wiki if you wanna use that, and if we plan on keeping Mac-on-Stick
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
It's not totally open-source as you said, plus it's an old-ass version of Mac OS (7, right?) to boot. From where I'm standing, it's a worthless novelty that's only good for nostalgia. It hardly seems to be in the spirit of PortableApps which offers truly useful apps and games.
true!!Linux is much cooler and has way more features.
It seems more like a novelty to me, on par with WinPenguins.
I don't think its worth dedicating a lot of effort to.
formerly rayven01
WinPenguins... novelty?
You couldn't find a more productive application!
It's my opinion. Make it easy or ditch it. I already tried to use it once, from the original tutorial. It is hard and misleading.
So, if you can make an easy and short tutorial, then keep it, for nostalgia.
If not, ditch it.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
There are easy tutorials on youtube. Like files with the system already mounted on a hard disk, and a zip folder with pre-made blank hard disks. There are also links to applications.
Simplifying daily life through technology
how is it misleading? I think the toturial is fairly easy most user problems are probably finding the System Software (Although they may not admit)
I think the actual issue would be the licensing since the actual OS is closed source and that is supposedly the spirit of this website but there are other exceptions to this such as utorrent 
Slackware 12 for system
MCP (For XP and Server 2003)
Network + Certified
aim is "nycjv321" (minus quotes)
I used to use it, but now I don't. The app just doesn't fit in here. Plus, there are many open source alternatives, like Linux, or operating systems specifically designed for flashdrives. Personally, I think if we should be linking to any off-site apps, they should be things like CCleaner portable.
Simplifying daily life through technology
Just get rid of it, it's useless.
Rules are guidelines put in place for people who are to stupid to use common sense.
I honestly don't think that anyone uses it. I know I don't. Even so, I really don't think it's that relevant because it requires you to have a Mac OS image, which you really can't get for free (legally), and that violates the whole principle of
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
I agree wholeheartedly.
And with all the spare time you are going to have by not redoing the article Patrick you could work on QEMU instead
Sounds like everyone wants it gone. 
yup, and we want QEMU released lol
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Yeah, it's too much of a novelty. Ditch it for QEMU.
why not just download the archive from the qemu website... and extract to a folder within the usb? and make batch scripts to do the lanching of VMs?
Slackware 12 for system
MCP (For XP and Server 2003)
Network + Certified
aim is "nycjv321" (minus quotes)
Steve, I was going to say that a little further up on the thread! 'Tritto', that's my word.
Fine then, quadritto.
Actually I think it should be quaditto...see?
d itto
tr itto
quad itto
It's the only app that falls outside the 'normal' portable apps it seems. I never used it because it's not an app but an OS.
Give us Quemu Portable to use with an Linux or whatever distro instead.
It is unanimous. Mac-On-a-Stick is a no go.
Simplifying daily life through technology
If it's not to late to chime in... Mac-on-stick is more of a novelty, than anything useful. (Maybe that's just my opinion)
just put it under pointless fun or something, maybe a folder for obsolete things.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
I don't like obsolete.
So, are we gonna ditch this mac on a stick?
Simplifying daily life through technology
Old School but still Cool. Happier?
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
No offense, but this is more like old school, but uncool. Although your motto is catchy, Mac-On-A-Stick is not. It is the only app that,
1. Is not completely open source
2. Is not in PAF format
3. Requires for you to download extra software to use the app
4. Is given in separate packages
5. Is not hosted at portableapps
6. Is in a category on it's own
7. Is not on sourceforge
8. Does not have an official splash screen
9. Has an open source alternative
10. Has not been updated in YEARS!
If we are to link to ANY apps that do not belong to portableapps, they should be things like slax, CCleaner, and other apps that are already portable and in one easy to download package
Simplifying daily life through technology
I agree with Stevoisiak.
Never curse the alligator till you done cross the bridge.
get rid of it as soon as possible
Yeah, let's ditch it.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
My one complaint is that it is on the no thick manuals wiki, it is downloadable only by torrent (The only torrent I've ever downloaded). The complete version does work for me, though.
I vote to keep it.
"Variables won't; constants aren't."
My one complaint is that it is on the no thick manuals wiki, it is downloadable only by torrent (The only torrent I've ever downloaded). The complete version does work for me, though.
I vote to revise it.
"Variables won't; constants aren't."
Reminds me of that other Redmond-created word I hate...
There's always a sneer in the voice when that word is used, inferring that whatever it is - is totally inadequate.
I have no opinion, one way or the other, being a newbie. But It does seem illogical to keep it in the public's eye when nothing seems likely to be done with it.
After all, it IS a LEGACY app lololol
Have you noticed editing is always needed for the inevitable typos that weren't there when you hit the "post" button?
so it's worldwide, then I don't like to say "I don't like it... get rid of it" because somebody somewhere could need it...
But it's out of the entire PApps philosophy and I don't think it worths the effort...
In conclusion, give it to other portable applications website as a diplomatic present...
...and remove it from here... but don't let the App disappear, it should be found somewhere so users that needs it can find it (and then we can say "Google it")... 
If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,
and the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,
and the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,
then the socket packet pocket has an error to report
Sounds like Mac-on-Stick should be removed. There's 15+ votes to have it removed, and only a couple to possibly have it stay if a better tutorial can be made.
Let's get more votes.
I'm making a spreadsheet form right now.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
I figure I might as well put my 2 Canadian cents in (or 0.0197449 cents American at the current exchange rate)
Even though Mac-On-Stick is a cool concept, since the actual images themselves aren't open source then it's probably not worth linking to right now.
If there was a links page to portable application related sites, or maybe a launcher section for freeware apps then it might make more sence having Mac-On-Stick information there.
Patrick, I made a poll, probably more people would respond to that (15 votes isn't enough.)
I'll collaborate it.
*Edit*: Anyone can see it at:
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Thanks, but why would be get more votes in a location where you need to have or create a Google account in order to vote? Doing it in forum is fine, and considering everyone (around 20 people) want to ditch it, with the exception of a couple who would only keep it if the page was redone to make it easier, that is quite a lot of input. And we can always wait for more.
The first link you dont need to login to vote (I voted already without a google name), but the edited on needs a login.
Simplifying daily life through technology
And the one he e-mailed me needed a login, too. : P
Anywho, it's just as easy to do it here.
By the way, should I be writing or is alright for branding?
Don't be an uberPr∅. They are stinky.
I suppose is more correct.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
Depends what the web server is hosted from. Apache on windows is NOT case conscious (I use it running a bunch of vhosts on a box at home with w2000 sp4 as the system, off an ADSL2+ line).
I also have pages professionally/paid hosted, which use apache on red hat - being *nix, they ARE case conscious.
I personally like to see the capitalisation - as being a webmaster I detest spaces in filenames and directory names which on an url bar fill the path up with unintelligible symbols. And directories are nothing more than files in *nix.
Spaces is part of the lowest common denominator brought to computing by Redmond, alas.
Richard in Oz
Have you noticed editing is always needed for the inevitable typos that weren't there when you hit the "post" button?
I think mac on stick should be removed, I tried it ,its to complicated.I was successful to install pen drive Linux on my 8gbs stick!!much easier and use full.
So, are we getting rid of mac on a stick or not?
Simplifying daily life through technology
You've asked the same question like three times now dude. I'm sure John will remove it once we get a Linux OS out at some point in the future.
i was looking around to find out what mac-on-a-stick was.
i think that it in not right to have it in here if it is not open sorce in any way. the main reason is that allot of other apps even if not fuly opensource in any way have been not alowd. so having an app that is not opensorrse breaking the rules of PA itself does not seem right.
that is just my opinion anyway. i suggested an app once that i thought was opensourse but was not considered that so not looked at. is you getting it.
just something to think about anyway.
An Old Irish Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
yes keep it here.
OK, it is not of any big practical use, but on the other hand, it is nice example what can be done with all those old things. It is just a curiosity, but certainly with some educational value when all the howto are studied etc.
Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland
I love it. But I had a lot of trouble with building it from scratch.
I think you should make a tutorial on PortableApps.
I am trying to build my Mac-on-stick and would never have even been aware of the possibility if not for (It does need a better tutorial, with Windows-geared instructions so Windows users can figure out how to extract the System 7 .bin file and then figure out what to do with the .smi file to get the image files needed to finish the instructions.)
Aside from the fun of trying to put it together, I want the retro technology for playing the old games such as Scarab of Ra. I'm also researching old word processors and would like to see what was done on Apple computers a decade ago. I've heard many tales that the old word processors were more robust, easier to use, and better in general, so that piqued my curiosity.
AFAIK this stuff has been available even before PAM was created...
I have done this with vMac, QEMU and Basilisk... years ago... not really *new*
The biggest snag is that all of them use hdd "images" that can be written to a lot, and thus less usable on a usb stick...
Man.. I have even done Mac emulation on my PSP LOL
If you are going to keep it, make it use Basilisk (the better choice AND opensource)...
...but it's pretty much useless.
Ditch it.
For the people who don't like it and want it gone, don't use it.
Some people still want it around (I dont use it so i wouldn't be affected by the decision) but still, some others might,Unless it turns out that Mac On A Stick is illegal because it's not completely open source...(and it's not Completely OpenSource so...)
"Are you threatening a government official!?"
"WE! print the money"
"WE! tell you how to spend it"
"We BREED! the super soilders"
"Um...Forget that last part about the super soilders"
and for historical reasons.
we have also the dos box, thought many people will not know what the hell DOS is unless they mean denial of service...
Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland
im not going to lie, this was one of the first things i tryed doin, right after portable firefox. and i think its cool.. fairly useless yes. but who cares it takes us little space. but whoever said it first -Basilisk II- looks way easyer and is open souce.. im gunna go try it now.. have fun!!
First off, I am obviously not a developer, but I would consider myself a power user with more knowledge than most. Mac-on-Stick has several strikes against it:
1. Not open-source
2. Not actually available from (it's just a link to a tutorial)
3. Therefore, not available in format (and consistency seems to be the key difference between this site and every other portable app distributor)
4. Obsolete
HOWEVER, as a geek and a pack rat, I think Mac-on-Stick could be retired to a "History" section of the site. The official history of doesn't have to be extensive, but perhaps it would be beneficial to have a list, starting from the inception, of which apps were officially released or promoted by the site. It would be appropriate to link to old releases and retired apps, whatever is still available. This would allow those with outdated OSes and technological necromancers to access these apps, and everybody else might enjoy seeing what this site has actually accomplished in its relatively short but productive life so far.
Never kiss your honey
when your nose is runny.
You may think it's funny,
but it'snot.
After coming back, and still seing this there, I am a little diussapointed. And you actually ADDED an add on for firefox to the Portable Apps section?
Simplifying daily life through technology
Yes... it's still here. I don't think it will be removed until we can offer an alternative of some sort (Linux). Yes, DownThemAll! was added, as it's a fantastic download manager, and better than most standard download managers. Is there an issue with it being there? No one else has seemed to be concerned with it yet.
I actually think it's important for this site to recommend add-ons that comply with the PortableApps concept. Some add-ons write to the drive too much, some are just bloated and slow down FF portable, and it's hard to know which ones will work well on a portable devices. Perhaps as more add-ons are tested, this site could have a list of recommended add-ons for portable devices. I say good job.
Never kiss your honey
when your nose is runny.
You may think it's funny,
but it'snot.
People who looking for mac on a stick can easily Google it.
I agree with some of the above..
- Hosted externally (while other portable apps hosted externally are ignored)
- Not GPL (While at this time ONLY supports GPL)
- Not in format (While this seems to be a must for all portable apps)
- Not usable through the menu (While all other apps do)
- No .paf.exe installer (While all apps are required to have it)
I rather see put this in some links part of the site and not in the list of (real) portable apps. I also much rather see finally supporting non-GPL (other Open Source, Freeware and Commercial) applications of which the original developers have made a portable version compatible with the format. Skip the 'must be hosted on' for now as indeed hosting allot of apps will be costly.
And if that means instead of the original site linking to this site links to the other site, so be it. I'm sure you get back links from these sites as their users maybe like to download more portable apps.
To me Mac-on-a-stick is everything that official apps on aren't.
I've not had the time to try it yet but, if an easy single download with instructions could be made (or multiple downloads with links in a single location) I might just try it for nostalgia and to see if I could make something useful out of it. After all Mac was the solution to windows when Bill Gates screwed his partner over.
I frankly didn't like the Mac on Stick, I don't think it should be removed but should be kept for others who wish to still learn using it.
to tell you the truth, I was totally hyped to see it on my first ever visit to PA.c. But even now, 5 months and change later, I have not succeeded in doing so (Mac-on-a-Stick). And I do not intend to. Just my opinion.
If you get it to work, IT'S AWESOME!!!
It pretty much inspired me to get other stuff like this... then I found what Linux really was, and why everybody loved it so much.
Have you seen Y not use there app like M-O-S using the basic version. theyhave done the work get there permissions for logos and away you go.
An Old Irish Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
That's what I was saying...
The Mac-on-a-Stick app got me there.
And Mickyj4j... You've been talking about that site for way to long. Could you please stop. Read what people are posting. Like in the "PortableApps for Linux" post. You totally misunderstood what people were trying to accomplish in that post.
I don't mean to be rude or anything, just asking a favor.
It would be better if you just made it portable yourself and (with Apple's permission of course) distribute it here. I think that everyone would try it if it were easily downloadable and useable like the other portable apps here.
totally agree
Couldn't the time of these developers be better spent on apps that meet a current need? The Mac OS we're talking about is not something many people use anymore. I'm all for preserving history, but the trouble this suggestion would require is beyond reasonable preservation. Especially when it comes to getting permission from Apple Corp. to distribute their software (though obsolete) for free, it's unlikely at best.
Never kiss your honey
when your nose is runny.
You may think it's funny,
but it'snot.
That's the amazing part... its a classic. I know a lot of windows users that prefer Macs a WHOLE LOT MORE (though i disagree). I think that people would like it a lot. I, for one, would really like to try it out... think about it, a portable operating system... only a couple of decades ago, people were amazed at the floppy disk :P.
It is a sort of "prove of concept" and as such somehow important. I personally never built it but I did study the possability, deciding against it because I didn't have "easy" access to an original system. It did make me muse though on what might be possible and as that I think it has its purpose. Though there is a lot in the forums there is not much official talk about things outside of the PortableApps site. I think this could go to a page about "the others" out there, related projects and similar concepts. The Mac on a stick could be part of a section on other OS's on portable media and their difference in concept to the PortableApps Menu idea.
What I think might be useful (and if only to direct people here) is a page about other menu-systems. There would be the fairly related Framakey and LupoPensuite as well as the U3-system, Em-Desk Software suite, and other not so related such as Asuite. This would be a good place to compare the philosophies behind the projects and their different approaches to terms such as "portability", "free" and "opensource". I'm not talking of a page to condemn the other apps but rather to make clear what PortableApps is and what not compared to other projects. Things may get easier to understand when compared.
As a matter of fact considering U3 this might even give an oppertunity for some history on the evolution of PortableApps and how its character has changed such that the Mac-on-a-stick page doesn't seem to fit anymore.
I think that is a great idea.
So much "history" has got lost, often because of some people wanting to denigrate other people and their work and input.
I often wear a black Tee Shirt with "Lindows" on the front, and "I was there in 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004" (in a column) on the back. 2004 was when the name changed to Linspire.
And I host all sorts of (now) irrelevant information about it and companion projects at - because I have the space available and a good memory for history.
This is all academic now, because Michael Robertson sold Lindows/Linspire mid last year and their website no longer exists - not even the forums. So I may put up some of the forum pages I saved.
Many of the links on the pages also may not work, because they are links to other projects that have moved on, or failed, perhaps.
Really, too many people seem out to bag others in this very short life we have. When you get to my age you suddenly realise just how short life expectancy is from there on, lol
Richard of Oz
Have you noticed editing is always needed for the inevitable typos that weren't there when you hit the "post" button?