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how to make normal application to a portble application

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Last seen: 15 years 10 months ago
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how to make normal application to a portble application


i would like to make a application to portable application.
please tell me full procdure.
and is any software that can be use for make application to make portable.

please send the link to download.


Zach Thibeau
Zach Thibeau's picture
Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
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you seem to miss this post ;)

you seem to miss this post Wink it was near the top of this forum

your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau

Last seen: 15 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2009-04-02 12:06


Ph4n70m's picture
Last seen: 2 years 8 months ago
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There's no software. You must make it with your hands, if you don't know how to make it, don't make it...

Last seen: 12 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2009-04-15 12:32
That's wrong!!! It gives

That's wrong!!!
It gives programs with that you can make applications portable!

JauntePE or Xenocode Virtual Application Studio .......... and many more!

Zach Thibeau
Zach Thibeau's picture
Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-05-26 12:08
Yelling gets you no where,

Yelling gets you no where, you wanted to know how it's done I showed you how it's done take it or leave it, sorry pal but thats how we work.

your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau

gmbudwrench's picture
Last seen: 11 months 2 weeks ago
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Vijay there is no simple

way of doing it, you have to check out the guide Zach posted here: This is how it's properly accomplished.

Last seen: 13 years 1 week ago
Joined: 2009-02-20 06:22
It's as easy as abc

search for universal extractor,install it and openit,open a setup file,not an app and click extract,check the destination you put it in and there will be a folder there after it all finishes,open that folder and go into all the folders untill u find the folder which would usualy be in program files,then you can copy the folder onto your memory stick(usb)and load the app

Sometimes when you extract it comes up with an error message and says these methods are not allways 100% sucsesfull so try the 2,i had found that with some apps i extracted but im happy that it works for most apps.

Zach Thibeau
Zach Thibeau's picture
Last seen: 2 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-05-26 12:08
uhmm that way doesn't work at

uhmm that way doesn't work at all when it comes to terms of portability, I say this because you will loose most of your data on the host computer hence not portable by our standards.

your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau

gluxon's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
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Definition of "Portable"

There's different definition of "Portable" for different companies and people.

One of my friends thinks its that you can get it on the drive... which is what you think, and that's perfectly fine.

The developers here think that the settings has to be back on the drive when the application if exited, and no personal data is left.

I think that nothing should be left, and everything should be back on the drive, except for the installation of the drive. Which is almost impossible.

What you think, and what the community think are different.

Last seen: 1 day 19 hours ago
Joined: 2009-03-30 05:56
This is a repeat!

I asked about this myself and have found this though not tried it yet, check it out see if it helps you, it appears limited to certain types of program though.

Personally my def of a PA is that it can be 'installed' to a removable drive of any kind, whether it leaves information behind is only relevant if it leaves personal information. This is obviously not something anyone would want. If Audacity left a file on the libraries computer are you really gonna give a toss? No. You'd only care if you were at work and your boss found out you were wasting his time!

I think it therefore depends on the App. If an App isn't portable and you make it portable but it leaves files on the PC you use it on, does it matter, really? I mean I do understand the reasons for no files being left, security and efficiency seem to be the only real concerns. By efficiency, I mean if you keep leaving unnecessary files on different PC's they end up with a load of junk files, which we all know isn't a good thing. Yet if an App can be made portable, I say go for it. It still minimizes installation.


Live for an ideal and leave no place in the mind for anything else.

Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
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Illegal without $$$$$

A license for VMware ThinApp costs somewhere around $10,000 from memory, and more to distribute each app with it. And it's slow. And it doesn't do every application very well. Because of the high cost, also, 99.9%+ of ThinApp apps will be illegal. These summarise reasons why we don't even talk about ThinApp and the likes.

Our definition of portability is much higher and much more demanding - and in the long run, much better. We require what in some other places is called "stealth" - and more. Functionality is also important: drive letters must be updated, increasing usability of apps.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

Last seen: 13 years 12 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-12 12:00
Slow??? Unlike with NSIS

Unlike with NSIS launchers, I never noticed any slowdown in Thinstall. Actually it sometimes was well faster than unpacked program. Sometimes=USB 1.1, app with well compressible, read-only data. SoftMaker Office for example. (Nowadays, it's mobile if not portable, so it doesn't need additional portabilization, but it was not always this way)
Can you show some example? I don't ask for distributing a Thinstalled app, but telling what program do you mean and giving instructions how should it be used to reveal the problem.

You're comparing definition of portability to what? I never heard of Thinstall having one.

"Functionality is also important: drive letters must be updated, increasing usability of apps."
I think that you should elaborate more. I see no reason to update any drive letters. AFAIC Virtualization can work just as well.

"Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Asimov

Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
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I'm going by what I have heard reported, and what seems to me logical. Thinstall/ThinApp block compresses its data as well as the app (I believe), and so it will suffer degraded performance. What we do compresses the app but not the data or anything like that.

Secondly (and more importantly) Thinstall/ThinApp have to hook into lots of hooks to make sure they intercept everything. This can slow apps down a lot (generally depending on how much reading and writing they do). Our NSIS launchers all set things up for the app they run, run it, and then clean things up (if there's anything to clean up; some such as my BPBible have no need to clean anything up).

I was comparing portability definitions with what sl23 had said.

My knowledge here is entirely knowledge, not backed with any experience: I don't use illegal copies of software.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

Last seen: 13 years 12 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-12 12:00
Thinstall decompression is

Thinstall decompression is propertiary, so I don't kow much about it, but they say that it decompresses fast, which means 100++ MB/s on a modern machine. USB transfer is the performance limiting factor, not decompression. And considering that they lift this limit, on USB 1.1 it's faster, on 2.0 - I never noticed any difference.
With NSIS - every app starts slower (some-just slower,some-very much slower)with the only exception I met being OO.o, it's so slow by itself, that launcher effect is not noticeable for me.
And compression is optional anyway, don't like it-don't use it. Somehow everybody uses it.

Hooks: Theory. Show me an app where this 2%(wild guess) is noticeable.
ADDED: After thinking for some time, there might be measurable slowdown in case of some registry cleaner. But I'm purely theorising here too.

You can have a trial copy legally. And I really recommend it, very nice experience, it's one of the best done applications ever.

And it's nice that you admit you're talking about a thing you've never seen. Your "knowledge" is a set of guesses. This time they are wrong.

"Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Asimov

Last seen: 19 hours 51 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
@sl23 it depends on what it does leave


for example strictly personal info, ok you agree with that,

but if for example an application stores all its settings and variable on the host computer and does not take it with it to have it on the next computer, then it is also not very portable.

Lot of apps will work fine, installed on the stick as long as they are connected to the same computer.

For example a mail client. It is fine to be on a stick, but we would also like to have all the account settings and mails and address book etc on the stick. No big use of it if those are stored in C:\applicattions and settings....

Or the browser, you might want to have the history, all the bookmarks etc with you on the stick and stored somewhere on C: drive.

Or some app needs extensive settings and they are then stored in the registry of the host computer, lost when you come to next machine.

So not all is so simple as you describe it.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 1 day 19 hours ago
Joined: 2009-03-30 05:56

I started something there didn't I?

Thanks for your comments.

Re: leaving info on PC - Well I assumed that settings were part of being portable, it's not a portable app if settings are left on PC. I was talking more temp files and the like. Fair point though, I didn't mention that Wink I did however say it depends on the app.

Sorry, just giving my opinion and trying to help that's all... sniff...

Live for an ideal and leave no place in the mind for anything else.

Last seen: 19 hours 51 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
Just come from VMware technical info day

and I did ask them about the so much advertised thinapp.
First well they did say , fine today we can thinapp all apps etc. Well they use for other purpose then portabilize them.

But then the engineers admitted, that today, in april 2009, the thinapp is far away from packing everything. They care mainly fo office software, since this is most wanted by their customers, but even with many functions of MS office parts they have problems up to now. For example embeded objects will not work even if they are just made by other app inside the same office pack etc.
They say, lot of work and lot of manual work on configuration is still needed when services has to be run by the app. Not always possible however.
If some specific drivers are needed for accessing devices, well then nothing will work that way anyway.

So just this should be info for all those who claim to be able to do -any- app portable, you know those thinapp guys appearing time to time.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Last seen: 13 years 12 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-12 12:00
QEMU will work even if

QEMU will work even if there's a driver needed. Smile

"Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Asimov

OliverK's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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But without the driver, it

But without the driver, it super slow. With the driver, its just slow Biggrin

Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world

Pyromaniac's picture
Last seen: 9 years 10 months ago
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It doesn't make an

It doesn't make an installer... It just makes an app portable:

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