I've told each account to use the "drafts" folder in Local Folders so I can eliminate the clutter of having one with each account (having them gives me less tasks/events on the lighting calendar being displayed below the Local Folders.
When I told each account to use the "drafts" in the Local Folders instead of the individual ones, I was then allowed to delete the "drafts" folders under each account. When I start up TBP the next time though, not only do the individual "drafts" folders appear, but they have no "right click" option to delete, I have to kill them off through the actual "Mail" folder in the profile, but they still come back.
Any ideas? It's TBP, not sure if that option to permanently kill them off is available in 2.0, but please let me know.
I also tried to kill the Drafts folders off my messing with some lines of code in the prefs.js file, I'm using the SkyPilot theme and it makes the mail accounts take up a little more vertical space and I would like to get rid of these folders.