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No password remember option for Yahoo and Hotmail sites

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No password remember option for Yahoo and Hotmail sites

On every page I try to log in FFP 3.0.10 gives me the option to remember the entered user name and password. But when I'm logging into Yahoo and Hotmail sites, the above option is not available. Why is it so? I understand why this function is switched off for banks' pages and some financial institutions (like PayPal). But why for My Yahoo, Yahoo Mail or Hotmail and MSN? I had no such problem with GMail site. Could someone explain, please?

Tim Clark
Tim Clark's picture
Last seen: 13 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2006-06-18 13:55
It's in the code

It's in the code for the pages.

I remember looking into this a while back and discovered that the Yahoo page is configured in such a way as to say to the browser, don't offer to remember passwords, I assume the case is the similar for Hotmail, if I recall it has something to do with ordering the browser to turn off auto-complete for that page.

The question as to why would best be answered by Yahoo and Hotmail, but I assume it is for security. There really is not much we can do about it.


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Technically Greasemonkey has the potential, but Google does something similar and I couldn't find anything at UserScripts that implied it would help.

I found a way around it, sort of. I have a Gmail Manager extension for Firefox, and after checking my email with it, I can go to Google News and it'll keep me logged in. I know there's something like that for Yahoo!, at one point I set my wife up with it. Not sure about Microsoft.

Last seen: 8 years 12 months ago
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I think Yahoo! does give you a 2 week login , just make sure you

protect the cookies with CookieCuller or a similar extension.

Last seen: 12 years 1 day ago
Joined: 2009-05-15 20:34
No password remember option for Yahoo and Hotmail sites

The Google Mail site is no problem. FFP promptly remembers my GMail's user name and password and works in the same way as it does when I'm logging on this forum or any other page that I can log on. The only exceptions are Yahoo and Hotmail. Opera, from which I've happily migrated to FF, has no problem remembering passwords for any site (even banks). I think the whole thing has something to do with how FF handles these pages, not vice versa. Lets hope that some day FF will get better implementation of password handling for "difficult" sites.

Tim Clark
Tim Clark's picture
Last seen: 13 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2006-06-18 13:55
Have you tried it with IE

Have you tried it with IE, I believe my first test, quite a while back was with IE.

I personally do not see this as a problem. Once logged into Yahoo you can remain logged in for 2 weeks as long as you don't clear it's cookie. The decision to instruct the browser not to remember the password [or not allow auto-complete, again I have forgotten the code I discovered] was made by Yahoo [and I suppose Hotmail] for security purposes, Let's hope that someday Opera will get better implementation of password handling for "secure" sites.


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