I'm not sure if this is a bug, or a request for a new feature, but I didn't see it mentioned in the forum:
When I run a backup and select Update as the type, Toucan updates files that have changed correctly, but it doesn't remove deleted files from the archive. That is, if I'm backing up a folder containing a number of files, and I delete one file from the folder, when I run the update on the backup the deleted file remains in the archive. I'm seeing this in both 2.0.7 and 2.1.0.
Is Backup/Update just not designed to do this, or is there some way to get it to check for this?
Sorry I just located the post and your response. At least I think my question is related to the one here: https://portableapps.com/node/17091
it is not designed to do this, I have tried adding a mew Backup mode called mirror, but I just cannot get it to work, I will probably post to the 7zip forum (the compression system Toucan uses) to try and get a solution soon though.