Using Toucan 2.0.7 on WinXP Home and Pro, after running a sync, I close out Toucan with the X in the upper right or 'CLOSE' in the upper left. The GUI component will disappear and the process leaves the Application list in Task Manager, however, the process still exists in the Process list of the Task Manager. Any ideas on what to do to figure out why this happens? Whenever the process still runs, I can't eject the removable drive it's on until I kill the process.
sort of sync are you running, I am afriad that no one has reported this before
Are you perhaps running Toucan off a slow drive, it does save its settings after closing and this might be taking a while on a very slow drive,
Sync - Mirror (Update) - Retaining Timestamps and Attributes
I'm sync'ing the portable hard drive on which Toucan resides to a second portable hard drive. USB 2.0. Both are formatted NTFS. After the sync is finished, I save the log to a file and then close out Toucan. Is there another way to close Toucan besides the icon or the Close button in the title bar?
not any other way, could you check to see if this still happens in the lastest pre-release please?
Thanks in advance.
Sorry, I dropped the ball and didn't see your post right away.
As for the pre-release version, it still behaves the same as 2.0.7. Closing the process drops the job as an application in the Task Manager list, however, the process is still alive in the background, doing nothing. This is on my WinXP Home SP3 system with ZoneAlarm on. I temporarily turned off ZoneAlarm, but there was no difference.
It's weird, but this doesn't happen on a different system (WinXP Pro SP2)...
Toucan (rel 2.1.0) process won't stop after closing the program in windows vista.
Usb driver cannot be removed with the standard "safety removal harware procedure" in the tray.
It needs:
1 stopping the "conime" process (CTRL + ALT + CANC ..)
2 safety removal procedure
It works for me.
Hope that the issue will be fixed in next version of this little an useful app.
run (and develop Toucan) on Vista and I have never seen this issue, however I notice you suggest killing conime, which it a language input process isn't it? Are you running a non-english version of vista?
Yes, I do run Italian version of Toucan (2.1.0). I experencied same problem with previous versions running on Vista. No problem at all with XP SP3.
think I know the cause of this, I am not sure how best to solve it though. I do hope to get it fixed though, it is clearly a big problem.
Hello Steve,
just wanted to let you know I have the same problem.
I am running Toucan 2.10 from Portable Apps on a pen drive and experienced
the problem on my laptop with Vista.
When trying to eject the pen drive, it tells me it can't. I checked with Unlocker
and I saw that conime.exe was having some file descriptor open on the pendrive.
Just wanted to add that I had the same problem today on XP, but it was another
process name and damn I can't remember it right now!
This is very annoying.
Except this, Toucan is great
PS: I was forgetting that I run Vista in the Italian version.
this still happening? It does seem to crop up a bit on the Microsoft forums, but there there doesn't seem to be a real solution, here for example.
Still happening Steve. Only on Vista, always the damned conime.exe.
It is rather annoying, because even unlocking the pendrive with an utility like Unlocker,
it then continues to warn you not to extract the drive, so you just have to take it out,
but always with the fear of causing it some damage ....
think I will have to add a nasty little hack to fix this, kill the conime process when Toucan closes should solve it, not very neat at all though.
you try the pre-release here please, I think it should be fixed. Thanks