Application: Toucan
Category: Utilities
Toucan 2.1.0 Pre-Release 5 has now been uploaded. It includes:
New Progress Box
2.1.0 adds a brand new progress box that looks a lot nicer than the old one in my opinion, it also includes a progress bar that should be very accurate, the trade-off for this is setup time, I would like to know if it seems annoyingly long for you.
New Sync Engine
The Sync engine has also been rewritten for 2.1.0, this includes the preview system, which should now completely reflect what is going to happen. The engine should bring major speedups for all Sync modes, especially Mirror and Equalise; I have had them going up to 10x faster in some of my testing. I would like to know if seem faster to you guys/gals and if it seems to be accurate.
Thanks in advance
Download Toucan 2.1.0 Pre-Release 5 [2.3MB download / 3.0MB installed]
Release Notes:
Pre-Release 5 (2009-04-18):
- Smooth the progress bar
- Ensure Differential only supports one folder
- Variables bug in Sync Preview fixed
- A number of command line fixes
Pre-Release 4 (2009-04-14):
- Help file updated
- Command line scripts with passwords fixed
- Ability to disable streams added
- Ability to disable logging added
- Improve path parsing
- Languages updated
Pre-Release 3 (2009-04-10):
- Hashes replaced with more efficient streams implementation (note the helpfile still needs updating)
- Abort text fix (hopefully)
- Temp file cleanup
- Stop popup menu if no rules selected
- Preview improvements
- Fix occasional random extra variables appearing in the Insert Variables list
- Fix Script loading
- Fix Variables bug
Pre-Release 2 (2009-03-26):
- Preview update
- Helpfile update
Pre-Release 1 (2009-03-26):
- Sync Move added
- Sync Clean added
- Code moved to Mercurial
- Preview disabled for Restore
- Differential with multiple folders disabled
- Other bug fixes
- Simplified Chinese added
Development Test 3 (2009-03-21):
- Empty directory backup fixed
- Date and time stamped log now created in command line mode
- Date exclusion fixed
- Time exclusion fixed
- Command line slaphscreen fixed
- Command line output fixed
- Sync abort fixed
- Sync readonly helpfile update
- Sync timestamp with root paths fix
- Folder exclusions fix (actual and preveiw)
- Other Sync preview bugfixes
- Taskbar notification updated
Development Test 2 (2009-03-17):
- Sync preview tooltips
- Taskbar flash on job finish
- A couple of equalise bug fixes
- A couple of preview fixes
- Fix for lack of backup variable expansion
- Merge of 2.1 code into trunk
Development Test 1 (2009-03-15):
- First development test
So does it work correctly when syncing to the Windows servers?
I think it is not ok.
Source directory with file on harddisk (ntfs)
destination with file CCU3E.ABB on the same harddisk
The first sync/renew copies the file because of different time stamp.
All following sync's will copy the file also - and this I think is not ok.
I did this test also on a network drive (windows server) - same result.
Maybe it's possible to add a checkbox or entry in settings.ini to enable
or disable case-sensitivity?
I did the test with 2.1.0 PR5.
The version 2.0.6 does not copy the file.
Thanks for help and this great and usefull tool!
Pre-release 2 is now out.
this is a bump, deal with it
I really could do with some feedback here, any amount of testing is good, and the more the better! Even if you can just say it runs successfully on your OS that would be great!
Been meaning to test this for a while now but hadn't had the chance. Thanks for the bump as I had forgotten. To start with it runs with no problem on XP SP3 with admin rights. I can confirm it has successfuly maintained my previous data, e.g. Jobs. Please do not reply directly to this comment. I will be editing it as I test. A good opportunity has come up as I need to migrate 121 GB of data from one portable hard drive to a new 500 GB Western Digital Passport.
As always thanks Steve
EDIT: First I can confirm the copy mode is working fine. I like the progress bar too. Only suggestions I have is to add a percentage counter, a time elapsed counter and estimated time remaining. With the progress bar setup to ensure accuracy above all I would think the timers and percentage counter shouldn't be difficult to setup. Then again I don't even know HTML
EDIT 2: Quick questions. Does Toucan support performing multiple jobs at once? If not is it possible to create this possibility? Are you open for suggestions about the progress screen? I have some ideas that I think would be good but I don't want to offend you by making unwelcome suggestions.
EDIT 2: Move function works Advocate
Sometimes the bar goes all green (complete?) but the job is not done. I've been trying to figure out the exact circumstances but haven't had the time.
neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com
I debated adding a percentage counter, however as the progress bar shows the number of files rather than the size I figured it might be slightly misleading, I would have thought that users would expect that the first 50% would take as long as the second 50% which probably wouldn't be true. I am definitely open for discussion on this point though, and on the progress dialog design!
I asked not to reply to my post dude....
Oh well anyway carrying on, I have only been using pre-release 2 and haven't had the progress bar go green at all. It's just the segmented orange bar like Nero. Advocate
Well, I waited for the "Edit" paragraph and figured that made it OK. Didn't know that you were planning on multiple edits.
Is it OK to reply to THIS message?
I've never seen an orange bar, but have used every version of Toucan.
The bar is blank and fills in with spaced-out green pieces on my XP machine, and fills with pretty moving green bar on my Vista machine.
Edit 2: Multiple jobs done with "Script" tab - you basically make a job that lists a few other jobs, then execute that one.
neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com
I have spaced out orange bits on my XP SP3 pc. Can I ask are you using any theme or such? I think I'm going to have to work out that Script tab as I have never used it but have a number of Sync and Backup jobs that I perform regularly in a series. if I could have them all begin in one job and work away from the pc while it does it's thing that would be spectacular.
Thanks for the info J Advocate
Go into the script tab, hit the plus button, name the job, and then in the list box type in something like:
Backup "this job"
Backup "that job"
Sync "this other thing"
Save it, then hit the Execute button.
Walk away.
Edit: no visual themes on my machines.
neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com
Sounds like something to do with your Windows theme, definitely green here! It just uses the Window default so it must be something with your pc
I use the olive green window color scheme rather than the default blue one. When I switched it over the progress bar was green so all is good Advocate
I don't know if this will happen with the actual execution but basically when I right click on folders and exclude them in sync then preview they still show up as being copied over
Also the first entry in the right click menu when I do try to exclude is Error in bold letters. Is this a function or an actual error? Advocate
does mean that there is an error, like you have no set of rules selected
Just right clicked on a subfolder within a folder I was syncing and clicked exclude by name then did the preview and it still went over. Advocate
need to add some rules for it to be able to do anything, I shall make that clearer in the manual.
*EDIT* I might actually stop the popup menu appearing in this case.
Right now, I'm on a Vista machine that has been giving me headaches. It keeps giving me access errors. If I am trying to edit text files on my portable hard drive, it says that they are Read-Only. If I try to run programs that are on the portable hard drive, some will run, others will complain.
Toucan complains and says "Failed to update user configuration file." When I went into the "Details" it says "can't remove file "J:\PortableApps\Toucan210Pre\Data\Jobs.ini (error 5: access is denied)" and it repeats this for two other ini files.
When I look at the Data directory, I see a lot of files like:
and each one looks like a copy of the Jobs.ini file.
I also have:
Rul1B0C.tmp and more
Scr1B0B.tmp and more
Set6569.tmp and more
I'm sure that I didn't say to save any of the error box texts.
If I pick up the entire \Toucan210Pre directory and copy it to the Vista machine, it runs with no complaints or errors.
neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com
Toucan doesn't work on read only disks at the moment, just as a guess I would say that those temp files are when Toucan tries to update the files, it creates them first then tries to rename to the correct name (to help prevent corruption) but cant because it is read only.
So it gives me the option to save the error dialog, and I don't do that.
When I quit Toucan, shouldn't it clean up the TMP files?
neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com
I'm having trouble using the scripting engine. I have never written a script before so please forgive my rudimentary understanding. I'm guess this isn't the same as writing a regulat bat script as well. Anyway can you set up a step guide in the help file? Can I suggest doing something where you show all the functions in their respective sections, stepped and illustrated. Then in the script help have a stepped guide where you set up a script that performs a number of the other functions. Maybe for the guide to be really effective have a tute in it which one can follow with ones own files or download a tiny zip that has some files in it you can use to test out the functions following the tute. Sorta like what people do when there learning word or excel just much smaller Advocate
More likely error on my behalf
Basically as I test this out I've created a "script" which is just 2 jobs that mirror the profile from my portable FF and TB to my local versions. i know the individual sybc jobs work fine as I've been using them for months now. However when using them in the Toucan scripting engine only the first line (Firefox sync job) is happening. Also I noticed when there are no changes to make nothing comes up in the progress screen just started and finished. For a while this made me think there must be an error. However can you correct the script text below.
Both the job names are correct.
EDIT: As predicted.. My Bad
The answer was in my own post. because there was no changes to the Thunderbird data nothing showed for them. I therefore it didn't execute correctly. Can I suggest having a no updates required or something note come up for these instances? Also I would suggest having jobs separated in the progress view. I think I'll make a mock up of this in Gimp in the next few days and post to illustrate this and other ideas for the progress dialog. Advocate
If you spell something wrong in the scripts, it isn't happy either. The remaining items in the script don'w execute (probably should report the error and then continue to the next step) and the progress box sort of hangs.
Would be nice in the scripting window to display the available jobs and allow you to pick them out instead of blindly typing them and hoping that the spelling and format (quotes, etc) are correct.
Maybe like:
Backup Jobs
[] this one
[] that one
[] something else
Sync Jobs
[] here to there
[] funny speeling
[] kitchen sync
etc, etc
neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com
you give me an example of a set of commands that cause the hang?
And yes, you are right that would be nice, I shall look into it
I found that creating and saving a blank script, closing Toucan then opening and selecting the blank script really ticks off Toucan. It hangs and has to be forcibly closed Advocate
I got the scripting figured to some minor extent where I now have the profiles for TB and FF syncing back and forth with between local and portale versions when needed as well as a backup for various game profiles/saves. Only issue I have is how do I make these scripts work when I am using different pcs and my usb is coming up on different drive letters? Also I a few system and registry cleaners on my portable. I usually run them all then use JKDefrag once a week. Is it possible with the script engine to have them all run, do there thing, close then defrag with JK aftwards then they all close back to Toucan afterward?
Thanks in advance Advocate
Afraid that this comment will become buried due to the way that this system threads postings:
neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com
you use the drive letter put @drive@ instead
As for the other apps you an use the execute command (see the helpfile) to run them.
I know this is utility for "advanced" users but I think with an extensive help file that includes some basic tutes as suggested in this thread, Toucan's user base could be expanded to include a lot more users. Advocate
I think the PAP's built-in backup option is enough for most average users. The vast majority of Toucan's features are only useful to advanced users; the documentation has nothing to do with it.
I completely agree, fancy writing one for me?
On a more serious note the current manual is basically brand new, but I think it is already far more useful than the one manual and I am definitely open to suggestions (and additions) to improve it!
In truth because of how helpful I find Toucan with my rudimentary understanding I would write a more robust manual. But I don't know the program
That's why I'm requesting one. Don't think this is me being rude with my request for the manual and visual changes. I guess it's just your app seems to be up near the level of proprietary software in quality these days so I'm just trying to think of the things I'd want if I had paid for the software.
Basically I love the app and am trying to make it better in my own annoying manner Advocate
this in the threading, sorry, and I dont find it annoying
The feedback is good, it is easy to loose track of things sometimes because I know where all of the functions are 
is taking FOREVER to sync my nephew's backup (his drive, by the way, is a 16GB SanDisk Cruzer and it's abysmally slow), which, might I add, hasn't changed all that much since the last backup. I think the new hash checking is slowing it down... what's the point of hash checking when getting a hash means you have to read the whole file anyway? At that point you might as well just copy it outright.
read speeds, especially on portable drives are generally far faster that write speeds. Especially with some of the slower drives that I have tested trying to minimise writes to the is easily the best way to go, however I guess you are copying from the drive to a hard disk? I think in Pre-Release 3 I shall check to see what type of drive is being copied from / to, if you are copying to a USB device then it will hash check, write speeds are generally abysmal, however when copying from a device with limited read speeds (removalable drives) then you are correct, you may as well just copy it if you are already reading it. I think that for hard disk to hard disk copies I will still hash check, read speeds are generally very fast.
I back up both my flash drive and my nephew's to an HDD on a regular basis. I loved pre-2.10 Toucan with the Mirror (Update) sync mode for this--it only copied changed/new files, without the overhead of hashing gigabytes of data (my drive, for example, has nearly 11 GB of stuff on it!)
The hash check might not seem like it adds much overhead, but it really does. Especially since hashing huge files (both my drive and my nephew's have several 700+ MB videos on them) takes absolutely forever.
Wrong place, wrong time.
I give up.
neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com
you are referring to your topic in the forum earlier then thanks, I shall try and get it fixed, I didn't get chance to reply earlier because I was away from a connection yesterday all day. Thanks for the report
a quick update to say that there will be a forth pre-release at some point, I am however making some changes based upon the feedback from this thread, I would rather have a better release than ship early.
I have been working on replacing the hashing system with a better one based upon streaming the files in in chunks and checking for differences, as well as making some changes for people on slow read / write devices. Also I have started doing a few screencasts to better explain how bits of Toucan work, so far they seem a lot more understandable than the examples in the helpfile.
Shouldn't that be "third"? The current is Pre-Release 2...
clearly I am getting ahead of myself
See here - Advocate
3 is now out, thanks as always for the testing!
EDIT: Just re-uploaded PR3, fixed an extra bug with variables
Need to update the pre-release notes in the OP.
EDIT: Just noticed you already have added notes for PR3 (oops) but they are labeled as PR2 still from the copy and paste
Thanks for the update Advocate
whipped up a few screencasts as a quick test to see what people think, you can get them here. Just open up the web pages to view the flash files. Assuming you like them I am open to ideas as to how to distribute them, I guess a separate download would be best?
Just noting the variables bug is still present when doing backups.
An example is where if the source file(s)/folders(s) change drive letter Toucan doesn't seem to be able to find them. I'm not sure if using the drive variable in the backup location path works either = ( Advocate
have uploaded pre-release 4, see the release notes up top for what has changed.
The bug with the backups path is fixed in this release : )That's all issues I've encountered fixed. Though not a bug I found the screencasts in VLC didn't play properly as they started and finished in like 2 seconds.
EDIT: Just realised when i got home that the paths in the backups bug isn't fixed
Recap: When the drive letter changes Toucan cannot find the file and states that it can't enumerate the file or something. Looking forward to the bugfix = ) Advocate
at the code this should work fine, are you using the @drive@ variable in both the backup location bit and for the paths?
at the program in action, you don't get to define the text of the backup source location. You have to navigate to the path through the foldr structure. Forgive my ignorance but I can't see how one would insert the variable into the source. Again, I can insert the portable variable for the destination but not the source = ( Advocate
you watch the Inserting Variables screencast all will be revealed
I'm moving over jobs from version 1.2.2 manually since I've had issues with upgrading from 1.x to 2.x. After some stop and go's I'm having some major issues with 2.1 pr 4 crashing on me.
I have 13 sync jobs define and three rules sets. When I select one of my sync jobs Toucan crashes every time. The problem seem to be is some how the same sync job had two entries in the jobs.ini list. When I removed one of the duplicate jobs the program quit crashing. The duplicate job was named Sync_OS_Hotfixes_PC
A couple of minor things. First, Can you PLEASE set the window so it doesn't go full screen every time I launch the program? Even if it's a fixed size that is fine, but I hate it going full screen when I launch it.
Secondly, can you go back to running the command line job inside of the window that launched it? The reason for this is I run most of my jobs from batch files and when they are done I can see what has happened. Currently a new windows is spawned and when the job is done it closes leaving me with no way to see what the job did or did not do. I know there is some issue with one of my jobs cause the window is launched and then quickly goes away, yet I know there are items need to be synced.
Update 1: if I try to launch touch directly from the App\Toucan folder, like used to do with 1.2.2, I don't get the extra window, but I get an error message saying that "You have specified the wrong number of options". If I try to enter the command line options as they are defined in the help file or define a jobname I still get the same message.
Also, the release notes have 2008 in the date instead of 2009.
Update 2: What I would like to see with 2.1 is for this version to be rock solid with both the gui interface and the command line interface. I'm not sure about other users, but I keep having to go back to 1.2.2 cause any of the newer versions are not just stable enough to be use able. Even the current release 2.0.7 just isn't as stable as the older versions. While the gui work is nice, I would rather have a solid app and then add the pretty interface on top of that.
its window position and size. Just restore the window and then resize it to your liking. When you start it up again, it should remember that positioning. I just tested it and it works for me...
thanks for the feedback.
As for the Sync jobs crashing, I have no idea why they are duplicate, you say that you upgraded them manually, could this be part of the cause? When I create a job and try loading it up after restarting Toucan I have no problems.
Toucan doesn't automatically go into full screen mode, it is supposed to save the position that it was last at and its size, as Bruce says.
Sorry, this is a bug introduced in pre-release 4, I have just got it fixed.
I would like it to be rock solid too! Indeed this version of Toucan I think has probably had the most testing so far. It is a sad fact that recent versions of Toucan have had very little testing and therefore bugs on release, but if no-one wants to test then I don't know what I can do, luckily I think this version is shaping up to be much better. Just as an example I was hoping to release last week, but because of the feedback I have had I did not, I would far rather it be stable. I hope to put out a fifth pre-release shortly fixing the issues that have been brought up recently, you feedback you be most valued.
When I stated I upgraded to 2.x manually I ment I recreated the jobs from scratch. It's also strange how a duplicate sync job got created.
Strange, I launched Toucan this morning and in fact it did come up to the last window I had resized it at. *shrug*
I have installed Toucan 2.1.0 Pre-Release 4 and has started a fresh new "Differential Backup" job.
I then select my D-drive, click the green "+" and then see the drive in the righthand column as normal.
I then select "D:\" , right-click and select "Exclude by name", because I only want a small number of files to be backed up. So far so good.
I then select one of the folders below the D-drive and click on the small "+" next to the folder name, to expand the folder, and Toucan Crashes.
It is not every time the crash happens. The feeling is that if I select to expand the folder faster than the entire D-drive can be loaded, the crash happens.
I run it on a WinXP SP2.
I have attached the output from the Windows Application eventviewer:
Best regards
this bug still appear in pre-release 5?
has now been uploaded.
Congratulations and thanks to you and your team for a wonderful piece of software and for your continuing generous effort to make it outstanding.
I have updated to 2.1.0 PR5 from 2.0.7. Using it on Dell Latitude D630 with XP Pro.
Noticed two minor 'issues':
1. Portable Apps Start menu indicates this as version 2.0.7 when you hover.
2. When I run scripts to do backups or secure, the progress bar indicates error 267 - the directory name is invalid - but the script executes as it should, everything is Ok, finished, files are backed up and secured correctly etc.
Al Sequeira
part one is easy to fix, if you want to change it yourself then head to the appinfo.ini file in Toucan\App\appinfo and updated the version number to your liking.
I shall look into part two, does it happen only when runing from a script, or when it is run separately too?
Thanks for the feedback
Hello Steve,
...Happens when running separately too. Message when running secure separately for a file, says "Cannot enumerate files in directory (error 3: the system cannot find the path specified. For backups, it is the same message but the error number is 267)
Thanks again and have a good day!
Al Sequeira
have this fixed in the latest version of the code, it will be sorted in the final release
Thanks for your feedback!
I'm about to leave my desk, but got PR5 installed and verified that the command line sync is now working correctly at first glance. I'll have to test it further later.
Thanks for the update!
I found a small bug in the rules. If you change a rule set the rule set gets removed from the sync job. I have to pick it from the drop down list again and save it.
i'm using toucan to sync from a xp pc to a freenas network attached storage because its light and fast and sets folder timestamps. freenas is a ufs filesystem. my typical sync is update, retain timestamps, attributes and ignore daylight saving.
1. when using 2.0.3 the destination file and folder timestamps are set to be the same as the source. all good.
BUT! on 2.1.0 pre-4 or pre-5 file timestamps are set to the copy time and not updated to the source's timestamp. folder timestamps are set as the source.
NOTE when i try 2.1.0 pre-5 syncing to an xp folder both file and folder timestamps are set ok.
2. I've tried the disablestream=1 in the .ini to speed up my sync over 100mbs lan and don't notice any reliable improvement in speed. toucan updates files that were unchanged since syncing with rsync (freebsd based), suggesting it checks for some file attribute that rysnc handles differently. I think I'm lost between filesystems!
I know toucan isn't aimed at my kind of task but theres some change in the 2.1.0 update that is causing a problem, for me at least.
keep up the great work
with the first point the folder timestamps are always set fine, but when syncing to a ufs formatted disk file timestamps are no longer correctly set? This is quite odd as the way I set timestamps for files hasn't changed (to my knowledge). It is for all files or just files that haven't been copied (for example)?
About point 2 this should return Toucan to doing Sync the same way as before 2.1.0, I shall look into it.
Thanks for the feedback
i've retested the problem (for me) of "when syncing to a ufs formatted disk file timestamps are no longer correctly set". it appears to relate to the 'retain attributes' switch.
Below is a summary of testing with Toucan 2.0.3 and 2.1.0 pre5 to sycn from xp to (1) xp or (2) freenas (ufs filesystem). It shows whether the timestamps and attributes switches are set and what happens to the destination folder and file timestamps. I’ve hopefully highlighted the unusual findings. The file types in the folder I tested were gif, xml, js, avi, thmx.
In summary xp->xp just as I’d assume it would for both toucan versions. But the retain attributes switch results in the destination file timestamps being set to the copy time when
attributes is set in 2.1.0 or (b) when attributes is set and timestamp is not set in 2.0.3. This differs from the behaviour in xp->xp.
xp -> xp
no timestamps - no attributes --> folder timestamp=copytime, file timestamp=source
yes timestamps - no attributes --> folder timestamp=source, file timestamp=source
yes timestamps - yes attributes --> folder timestamp=source, file timestamp=source
no timestamps - yes attributes --> folder timestamp=copytime, file timestamp= source
Xp -> freenas
no timestamps - no attributes --> folder timestamp=copytime, file timestamp=source
yes timestamps - no attributes --> folder timestamp=source, file timestamp=source
yes timestamps - yes attributes --> folder timestamp=source, file timestamp=source
no timestamps - yes attributes --> folder timestamp=copytime, file timestamp=copytime
2.1.0. pre 5
xp -> xp
no timestamps - no attributes --> folder timestamp=copytime, file timestamp=source
yes timestamps - no attributes --> folder timestamp=source, file timestamp=source
yes timestamps - yes attributes --> folder timestamp=source, file timestamp=source
no timestamps - yes attributes --> folder timestamp=copytime, file timestamp= source
Xp -> freenas
no timestamps - no attributes --> folder timestamp=copytime, file timestamp=source
yes timestamps - no attributes --> folder timestamp=source, file timestamp=source
yes timestamps - yes attributes --> folder timestamp=source, file timestamp=copytime
no timestamps - yes attributes --> folder timestamp=copytime, file timestamp=copytime
it could be something weird about my freenas box – I know permissions are set differently in different file systems so maybe it returns an error when trying to set some ntfs permission that ufs doesn’t like. Tho freenas doesn’t report any errors in the system log. And the behaviour is different from 2.0.3 to 2.1.0. This is actually well beyond what I understand.
And I’m not sure if it matters anyway. I’d assumed syncing permissions was helpful. The xp box is xp home so accessing permission info is a bit tricky to check when I sync it back. It would be nice if someone else with a ufs or freenas box could confirm this, tho again I acknowledge its not what toucan is built for.
Thanks for your great work
thanks for all of the feedback! I shall have a good look at this as soon as I can and try to get it sorted.