Search Files for Windows with Advanced Features using Index Files
- Portable
- Zero Option
- One Executable
- No DLL
- No Change to Windows Registry
- Small Size (0.7MB)
- Drag & Drop
- Context Menu Shell Extensions
Windows 95 98 NT 4.0 2000 XP Vista
and "no registry changes" together?
How does that work?
I thought context menu extensions are kept in the registry but I might be wrong...
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Index Your Files only change the registry if start with windows selects the option, Other changes of the registry, they come into being by the operating system.
Index Your Files has been a godsend for me. Have you created a package specifically for PortableApps installation so it will appear on my PA menu? I tried to create one, but haven't had much luck with the Installer.
the files so i can try this out. if u dont have it together yet can u send me the files and i can try to put together a launcher for it? (im new but i could give it a try i have had some experience with some games i portablized for me.)
Dalton M. Kadar
(Don't Mind Me I'm A Noob)