I am using Toucan 2.1.2
I noticed that a Word file that I updated didn’t mirrored when I ran the Sync mode.
Trying to investigate I found that in this case even though I changed the Word file it remained in the same size and didn’t sync.
When I forced a massive change in the file, just to force a size change everything was OK.
I too have been unable to sync files on my Vista OS PC. I tried it on an XP machine and it worked just fine. Anyone know if there's a difference?
Toucan 2.1.2
is nothing in the code that should do this, were you using different files for yuor tests, there seems to be an issue with some files at the moment.
for the delay in replying to this thread, this is a known issue for the current version, I am currently working on it, if you could send me two different files that Toucan thinks are the same I would be most grateful, you could upload them to http://drop.io/toucantest
In my case the files include personal information so I cannot upload them.
no problem
If anyone else can upload a pair of files that exhibit this behaviour I would be most grateful!
I just saw this thread, and it is related to my post
As I said there I used txt's for testing, but it also happened with mdb (Access) files. However I could NOT reproduce the problem on a local drive, only when syncing over a lan.
Thank you! The problem was resolved on 2.2.0.