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ClamWin: ".\freshclam.exe File does not exist" error

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Last seen: 12 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2009-05-14 07:31
ClamWin: ".\freshclam.exe File does not exist" error

Hi all,

I have had clamwin installed for about two months now and never had a problem with it until now. I update the virus definitions everyday, often twice or three times a day. I went to update this morning and got the error below:

Could not start process:
".\freshclam.exe" --stdout --datadir="..\..\..\Data\db" --config-file="c:\docume~1\colonel\locals~1\temp\tmphwc-90" --log="c:\docume~1\colonel\locals~1\temp\tmpa7nlxj"
Error: Could not start process.
File does not exist.

I've never received this before. I have deleted the clamwin folder from the portable apps folder and reinstalled fresh from the latest portable apps installer. It starts up as expected showing that I need to download a virus definition file, but still get this error when I try.

Can anyone shed any light on this problem?
I can see someone else got the same problem back in June, but there was no solution discussed.
thanks in advance.

Tim Clark
Tim Clark's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2006-06-18 13:55

Please navigate to x:\YourPath\ClamWinPortable\App\clamwin\bin

and confirm that freshclam.exe does in fact exist.

If not, reinstall ClamWinPortable again.

Before launching CWP make sure that all your other programs are shut down and that you have a live internet connection.

When you launch CWP and try to get updates try and notice if you are getting any messages from your Firewall, AntiVirus Program, or other AntiSpy/malware programs.

If the update fails, go to the path above again and see if freshclam.exe is still there.

If not it would appear that your AV or other program is deleting freshclam.exe

What is your current RealTime AV program ? It is possible that the have gotten a bad definition in their database. But if this is the case it should be warning you that action has been taken.

Awaiting your reply,

Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?

Last seen: 12 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2009-05-14 07:31
thanks for the quick reply

I have checked the \ClamWinPortable\App\clamwin\bin folder and freshclam.exe is not present. I then deleted the entire Clamwin folder and reinstalled with no other programs open. I started Clamwin after the install and the issue is still occurring and the file is still not present.
My current AV is McAfee, and also have Adaware free installed, (Not my choice, work PC), though neither show any kind of warning or blocking message, neither does my firewall.
To be honest I wouldn't be a bit surprised if it was McAfee causing the problem, but I'm surprised that it didn't give any kind of warning, it's normally such a glory hog.

I'll retry on my home PC later today and see if that will fix the problem.

thanks again for the quick reply.

Tim Clark
Tim Clark's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2006-06-18 13:55
Logs ?

See if you can find any logs for McAfee.

If you are using CWP on your harddrive you can tell McAfee to ignore freshclam.exe

It would be in advanced settings and how to get to them will vary from one McAfee product to another but basically you want to get to the console and choose "On Access Scanner", under ALL Process you would choose Detection and under that Exclusions [What not to scan] add the path to freshclam.exe .

You might also try uploading a copy of freshclam.exe to McAfee and tell them you think it has a false positive

Also, if you have Heuristics enabled you might try turning it off.

Good Luck,

Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?

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