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[SOLVED] TB Portable will not work

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Lady Charly
Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2009-09-20 09:22
[SOLVED] TB Portable will not work

My HDD was dying, so I installed TBP to an external hard drive. It worked perfectly at my first try transferring all email from TB on the HDD and I used it for 3 days w/o any problems. My PC manufacturer sent me a new HDD, I uploaded all the disks and it was good to go. Then I opened TBP and it asked me to set up an account. I checked the folders and everything is in there and I cannot figure out why it's not working as it was before I installed the new HDD. It was my understanding that I could plug this EHDD into any computer and TBP would work just fine. What is wrong with it?

FireFox 3.0.1 (don't use IE unless necessary)
Zone Alarm Security Suite
PC approx. 1 1/2 yrs. old
All updates from PC manufacturer installed
Do not use MS automatic update, only install what's necessary
Pretty tech savvy

SOLVED: I installed TBP onto a flash stick drive, copied all files from the non-working TBP and pasted them to application on a flash stick to see if the files were corrupted or good. They worked perfectly! I then went into the EHDD, deleted all the files under Date\profile and pasted the flash stick files to that. Opened TBP from the EHDD and voila it works again! Thanks to all that replied! But my last post is regarding how to backup TBP properly where I won't lose any data.

Tim Clark
Tim Clark's picture
Last seen: 13 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2006-06-18 13:55

You said:
I installed TBP to an external hard drive...
...I uploaded all the disks and it was good to go...
...Then I opened TBP and it asked me to set up an account.

At this point I would like you to clarify as I am not sure from my reading of your post.

Are you still trying to open TBP from from the EHDD ?
or have you transfered it to the Internal HD?

If you are still trying to open it from the EHDD have you tried it by attaching it to another computer, if so does it work there?

If it has been transfered to the new Internal HD has the path changed ...

This information my be useful to others in helping you.
Thanks for clarifying,

And welcome to Smile


Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?

Lady Charly
Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2009-09-20 09:22
Re: Clarification

TB Portable is only on 1 of my EHDDs. After I set up my new internal HDD, I tried opening up TBP from the EHDD and it asked me to set up new accounts. I never touched it, so I presumed if it's on an EHDD, it should open and work as before. It did work fine with the old internal HDD, when I opened it from the EHDD, but not with the new one.

I have no other computer to try and open TBP from my external hard drive (EHDD) or I would've tried that already. One thing I haven't tried is to unplug my EHDD, restart my PC and plug it back in. Only thought of that last night due to all the problems I'm having with trying to get TB to work on the new HDD and TBP off the EHDD, I walked away from it for a couple of days. Might that work?

I do love TB, but have to admit this is the most difficult program to fix issues on that I've found. Most fixes are more complicated then I feel they should be. Although TBP was very easy to set up and transfer profiles to, I wish TB was as easy. But I'll fore go setting up TB on the new internal HDD, if I can only get TBP working again from the EHDD.

TB on internal HDD - setting up new profile and transferring: doesn't work at all
TBP on external HDD - already set up and used with old HDD, but now doesn't work

It seems like something is stopping both applications from recognizing my profiles for whatever reason. Thus they both want me to set up new accounts, instead of showing all mail, address books, etc. from my saved profiles.

Thanks for the welcome! Smile

UPDATE: I tried the shut down, unplug EHDD, restart, plug in the EHDD but that didn't work. So I decided to install TBP to a flash drive stick, then copy all files from the TBP that does NOT work into it. Guess what? It worked just great!!!! All my accounts showed up when I opened TBP from the stick, including address books and I can get my email although it's slow, etc. YAY! Now all I need is help to make the TBP on the EHDD to work. I'm stumped as the files from the EHDD work fine in the flash drive, but won't work in the TBP on the EHDD. I'm so confused! LOL

Last seen: 15 hours 47 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48

if you search in the data/profile, there should be file called prefs.js

To me it looks like one of those problems where this file got damaged and it refuses now to find all it should point to and then the default prefs.js is used instead. Yes it is a shame that the original thunderbird is made in such a way that one file can break that lot. It is not a particular problem of portable version.

If you have both the prefs.js in your data/profile and in the DefaultData, then you might well seek also help in some mozilla forum, since you could get there some more help to recover the prefs.js file so it works as expected.

Or do other members have an idea how to solve this problem?

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Lady Charly
Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2009-09-20 09:22
Re: prefs.js

In the beginning, I thought perhaps that was the problem. Yet now with copying all the files from the TBP that does NOT work off my EHDD and pasting them onto the flash drive, it works just fine, so I doubt that's it. If the one that doesn't work had a corrupted file, wouldn't that mean it would render the application bad no matter what? BTW, I only copied my profile to the Data\profile on the non-working TBP per the instructions, which worked fine and now doesn't after the new internal HDD install. That's the odd part, I never touched the application, only to open it and found it asking for new accounts.

I'm going to use the flash drive TBP for a few more days. Once I'm sure there are no issues, I'll try figuring out what's wrong with the TBP on the EHDD. If I can't, I am going to uninstall it off of the EHDD and try a new install, then I'll copy the files from the flash stick to it. I'm going to try to find another PC and take both the flash drive and EHDD to see what happens first though. I'll post my results, but still would like any other suggestions as to what could be the problem. Hopefully, by reinstalling on the EHDD it won't render the flash drive appl. unusable.

Last seen: 15 hours 47 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
OH good news!

ok so this is fine, it seems that you have one intact installation on a flash.
If you have also the portable apps suite there then make backup of data, this will have the profile folder in it as well then.

You can dlete the 'deffective' one from the EHDD and just copy paste the one from the flash, it should work there too.
I mean, yes the most problems seem to be with the prefs.js , that means with the version located in the profile folder (there is one in the default setting too) but any other elemet can be wrong sure.

Otherwise if now your mails are safe, you can delete the one on the EHDD and reinstall clean and paste the profile into it and this should work too.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Lady Charly
Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2009-09-20 09:22
Re: Backups

Thanks for your reply!

What is the suggested procedure for this? I made a backup from my old HDD for TB using MozBackup, but still am unable to get TB on the new internal HDD to restore or whatever using it. And for some reason, the profile on the old HDD is gone after I did the backup and tried to restore it to the new TB. Sad

I will make a backup once I get the TBP on the EHDD up and running, on both the flash drive and EHDD. Just need to be sure I don't mess anything up!

Last seen: 15 hours 47 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48

from the partbale apps menu will backup all data from all compatible software on the drive, it will copy and zip all the contents of all those data folders which are inside each prog folder.
Then if some app gets damaged, one can install it again and restore those data folders, in caseof TB they will contain all the profile etc.

I also use the mozback, but it is somehow incomplete and not very perfect so far.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Lady Charly
Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2009-09-20 09:22
Re: Backup

Actually I solved my problem with the master TB on my C:\. I read a couple of articles that stated to create a new profile to trasfer/migrate files I believe. I tried 2 different ones and still it wouldn't work. So I deleted the profiles I created, restarted my PC, opened MozBackup, ticked Restore, made sure the BU was the right location, selected Default and let it run. Voila!!! Success!!! LOL MB worked like a charm and I have TB back to the way it was on the old HDD! Since I have all my accounts set to leave email on server, I was able to retrieve all the email for the 4 days I couldn't use it. Now I have 3, TB and 2 TBPs, that would perfectly! Smile

I'm not sure where to find the Portable Apps Menu..... You're not speaking of the TBP application itself correct? Where is the Menu found and there's a BU app. located there?

Last seen: 15 hours 47 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
ok , I will trust the MB more next time too

but as for the menu, I meant the portable apps suite in fact.

this is the thing gives you the nice 'envelope' for all those apps, and kind of a menu and will sit otherwise in the tray as an icon for the rest of the time.
It has its own backup utility taking care of data variables of all the apps on the stick.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Lady Charly
Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2009-09-20 09:22
Re: Portable Apps. Suite

If I install this on my flash drive, will it interfere with the TBP I already have on it? I'm presuming that I would have to double click the apps. to install them. If I wish to use any of the apps. they then will be installed on the drive or just sit there correct? I like that the suite has an AV and other apps. I would use while traveling.

How does the BU utility work?

Last seen: 15 hours 47 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
all very simple

the suite can be downloaded as 'empty suite' too. Then all programs can be simply placed under the folder PortableApps and then all the programs will show there an icon, if not simply go to refresh icons (one of the functions there) and all is perfect.
You can also give other name to the launchers there etc. The backup function is integrated, thought it is a separate module too. When run, it will simply collect all from the data folders in each application and make a compressed archive of it.
Reliable, since simple, have repaired some sticks numberof times with it. One can allways reinstall the app again and play back the data into it.

If you have the TBP on the drive, to have it nice, just copy the whole folder of TBP to the folder PortableApps and it is done.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

Darkbee's picture
Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-14 09:41
Zone Alarm

I don't want resurrect a dead/resolved thread but I was curious. What does Zone Alarm Security do for your PC? Is it an all in-one-solution for security i.e. Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, Firewall blah blah blah? It used to be in the good old days that it was just a firewall, so mostly completely unnecessary if you're using Win XP.

Like I said, just a morbid curiosity. Smile

Lady Charly
Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2009-09-20 09:22
Re: Zone Alarm

Yes, 4-5 years back ZA came out with Zone Alarm Internet Security Suite, which has more than a FW. Now they have ZA Extreme or something like that, which is supposed to do even more. I have used ZA since its Firewall only days also, then went to FW/AV and now ZAISS.

In my opinion ZA is the best Firewall/AV/AS on the market, for how I use a PC anyways. Although I would NOT recommend anyone doing this, I have always turned off Automatic updates and only install what I feel is necessary, which isn't much and my PC runs great with XP. I surf the net mostly for research, so come across few scam sites and have never been hacked. I install only programs I need and not all the bling out there. Very little is running in the background at start up. I understand the capabilities of my PC, know how to keep it at peak performance and have Windows Security Center turned off. I always delete email w/o opening them if I do not know the sender.

Since I've used ZA FW/AV/AS (ZAISS), no virus/trojan/worm/malware or the like have ever made it onto any PC of mine to give me trouble, only a couple that were immediately put in quarantine before they could do damage. I scan my PC every day, will do a deep scan every couple of months or so and also perform defrag/disk clean at least once a month. I've never had a PC crash on me nor have I ever reformatted a HDD for any reason, as I'm tech savvy as they say. LOL

Darkbee's picture
Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
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Fair Enough

If it works for you, it sounds like you've got a pretty complete strategy for want of a better word. Thanks for humoring me.

Have you ever played with Linux? Sounds like a nice little Linux box would serve you well, something not too hardcore like Ubuntu. However, there is something to be said for sticking with what you know.

Thanks again.

Lady Charly
Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2009-09-20 09:22
Re: Fair Enough

Sure any time! LOL I grew tired of tech support telling me I needed to format my PC with every little problem I had over the years in the beginning. So I learned PCs and have never reformatted a HDD in my life. I troubleshooted and always found the fix myself.

Yanno how it goes, people have a tendency to say horrible things about Linux and MAC. So I shied away for them over the years, but now I'm sick of PCs, MS and would never have Vista or especially 7. I'm going to get a MAC in the near future, yet never considered Linux with all I've heard. I wish I knew someone that had Linux, but I don't. My daughter got a MAC, I've played with it a bit and thought, why have so many said stay away from them? They seem better than a PC, in my opinion, in many ways. Guess it's like you said, some just want to stick with what they know. LOL

But I want what serves me best w/o a bunch of hassle! I should be able to do what I want and not have to consistently fool will a machine to keep it safe from hackers/viruses/trojans, etc. or figure out which thing isn't playing nice or causing an issue. Albeit, I found many issues seem to arise from MS updates more than anything in my experience, that's why I turn them off. Yes I'm tech savvy, but you have to be to keep PCs as long as I do w/o any issues. Plus I really like the idea of the OS and machine are from the same company. With a MAC the ol' passing the buck on what part/hardware/software is bad/wrong that's causing an issue doesn't apply! It's all on Apple! Wink

The MAC I plan to have built should last me a good 10 yrs. or more, unless technology really goes beyond what I think it will in that time, for what I'll be using it for. Smile

Darkbee's picture
Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-14 09:41
Linux and Mac

Let's take this post really off topic... yay!

I think Linux gets a bad wrap because of it's original conception and contemporary perception. Linux is something that is meant to be open (transparent?) and tinkerable (if there is such a word). Unlike Windows, where you're not really supposed to know the inner workings, everything about Linux is customizable/changeable right down to the last detail of the operating system. This scares a lot of people and rightly so. In addition, there is a perception that Linux users are elitist, and to be quite frank, some of them are. Operating system snobs you might call them. However, the Linux community has drastically changed over the years, forcing developers (and snobs) to pay attention to the humble layman, to the point where there are now very many "noob friendly" flavors of Linux (such as the previously mentioned Ubuntu). Incidentally, many distributions of Linux offer "live CDs" which allow you to boot your PC into Linux from a CD without actually installing the operating system on your PC directly. This is nice because it allows you to try-before-you-buy or in this case, try before you commit your hard drive.

Macs are probably closer to the ultimate in user friendliness and I have to commend Apple there. I have a Mac, I don't use it much because I'm more familiar with Windows and I get frustrated that I have to sometimes Google just to be able to do the simplest things but overall, it seems a pretty solid operating system. It's not without it's problems but I certainly see the appeal. I would never discourage someone from buying a Mac but be prepared to make adjustments to the way you're used to doing things. You can of course get an Intel Mac, then you can use Windows and OS X on the same machine. Smile My personal tip for the Mac is stay away from Safari. It's the default browser and a pile of junk IMHO (worse in some ways that Internet Explorer). I stick with Firefox on the Mac instead.

In fact that's one nice thing about some of the applications here at PortableApps (to bring this thing full circle); a number of them are cross-platform being available for Linux and Mac as well, so I don't have to learn a new application for each operating system. Most notably for me; Firefox, Open Office and VLC media player, all of which I run on all three operating systems.

Lady Charly
Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2009-09-20 09:22
Re: Linux and MAC

I still have my PC that got screwed when it updated from SP1 to SP2, so perhaps I will give Linux a try on that. It's just sitting around collecting dust, so I have nothing to lose. I have to say, that over the past decade most I've spoken to prefer Linux to anything else. But too many skeered me with what they said about it. LOL Smile

Yes I hear ya on not supposed to know the inner workings of Windows or at least MS prefers it that way. Yet I do and why I don't install 99% of the updates they come out with! LOL Surprisingly to many I've told I don't install updates, can't believe my PC works great with very, very few issues arising and those that do are usually a driver update or something going bad, like a video card, mouse, etc.

I am in fact getting an Intel 24" iMAC, but I absolutely refuse to put anything MS on it! LMAO With my knowledge, I doubt the learning curve will be that bad for me. I'll never be w/o FireFox or VLC media player! I've done a lot of research on MACs and I have seen the simplest things be difficult to do/use. But then again, Windows is not used to its fullest by many PC users and all noobs have difficulty preforming the simplest things. Wink

I'm glad I couldn't get TB to work on my new HDD, because I found Portable Apps. Thunderbird! LOL I love how easy it was to install, copy my old TB accounts info onto it and can take it anywhere! Still haven't looked into the PA Suite, but will when I have time. I'm not one to just install something w/o knowing everything I can about it. Yanno what issues it may have, what it can do, etc. But I thank you for all your wisdom and sharing it with me!!!

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