Using 2.2.0 on Windows XP SP3, I don't always get scroll bars on the directory trees, so they run off the end of the panel.
Also, I would like to be able to interrupt long-running previews and sync's. Any action
that takes more than a few seconds should be interruptible (if at all possible) and show
Forum-wise, would be nice to have a pinned forum topic that summarizes features requested/rejected/postponed.
there a way to reproduce the scroll bar issue? I am afraid I have never seen it before. The ability to cancel a file copy mid copy is planned for version 3, along with moving the preview to a separate thread to help responsiveness. Thanks for the link, I will keep it handy in the future!
As for a topic I will take a look and see if I can easily export my Task Coach list, my obvious concern is that as soon as you upload something with what you >em>think you will add to a new release everyone thinks you will add it, which puts me off.
Thanks for the feedback!
I lose scroll bars consistently if I maximize, restore down, then resize the main window
smaller than the contents of a directory pane.
I have another question. Although Toucan is open source, it doesn't necessarily have to
follow an open development model. It would be useful if you'd describe how you see Toucan
as a project, and what level of collaboration you want from your userbase.
I became interested in Toucan because SyncToy is closed-source nearly-abandonware.
I'm afraid that you'll get a 100 hour-a-week job, and Toucan will be an orphan too.
Bob Bagwill
I shall take a look at that, thanks
As for development, I guess I have never been more open about it because no one has seemed especially interested
I will however try to be more open, possibly a link from the Toucan page to my blog on this site when I have put up a few posts about where things are headed! I shall try and get a few posts up in the next few weeks. Hopefully no need to worry about a 100 hour-a-week job for a little while, I am currently a student and I aim to stay that way for nearly another four years!
a quick update to say I finally got going and start a new series of blog posts called 'The Future of Toucan'! You can see the first one here