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Application: Halite
Category: Internet
Description: Halite (named after the mineral) is a C++ BitTorrent client based on the excellent libtorrent library from Rasterbar Software. The program also relies heavily on the Boost libraries.
Download Halite Portable Development Test 1 [1.90MB download / 6.29MB installed]
(MD5: bbcd4d5167edc043a273e62bf58adf23)
Release Notes:
Development Test 1 (2009-08-26): Initial release
Hopefully this one gets through.
I have tested yours version. Indeed, goes only the English language. Halite is multilingual. Please update your Halite Portable. thx
Roland Brem
Zwickau, Germany
not at this time, I'm going for portability first and then I'll work into languages, I just want to be sure settings are saved properly etc.
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
So far it looks great!
I assume you will get all the languages working though. One question I would like to ask is will it gerneate new connection settings for every computer you plug it into or will it keep the setting from the computer you fist started it on?
PS: It didn't take you long to get the job done :)!
New Version ( .032 RC2 )
It is on the Sourceforge Page.
"You account has been suspended" ...
Toshiba is better to the environment than a lot of common electronic companies. Check out Greenpeace's Guide To Greener Electronics 8)
Time for Zach to apply for a SourceForge account!
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yes I'm semi back from exile and I do have a account I'm just not a fan of really, I'll reupload it later today using my account
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
Why is the PA not relesae new versions?
and the link from download is death!
please reupload Halite.
I'll work on it on my own time, currently I have enough projects on my plate, if however someone else wants to work on it be my guest.
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
so you only block the project "Halite portable", please say "i not more working on this portable app", then can other person start to make Halite portable.
ok let me be more clear, Halite Portable is dead to me, reasons my launcher isn't available anymore is #1) it was custom and didn't work very well #2)better to use PAL for this #3)I don't have my copy of Halite Portable anymore. So please stop and read carefully before you post.
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
ok, thanks for your clear answer, hope anyone other make Halite portable...
I will try to take this over.
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Thanks @agdurrette
That be great