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Unable to get Tbd 3 into safe mode

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Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2006-04-22 18:39
Unable to get Tbd 3 into safe mode

I copied ThunderbirdPortable.ini from other/source to the folder containing ThunderbirdPortable.exe. I added -safe-mode to the AdditionalParameters= line. I verified no thunderbird files were running in the background. Heck, I even shut down Firefox in case there were shared files. I start ThunderbirdPortable.exe and all my extensions are still running.

I deleted everything else from the .ini file so that it read only


and again ran the program. Still all the extensions are running.


WinXP. TBD3 installed in C:\PortableApps2\ThunderbirdPortable

gluxon's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2008-06-21 19:26
Don't delete all those other

Don't delete all those other INI entries. That's bad.

Okay, I just ran ThunderbirdPortable under the -safe-mode parameter in the INI file. You're right, it doesn't exactly work.

I'll check the launcher source and report back.

Edit: I don't think Thunderbird acts like Firefox in safe mode, it doesn't pop-up anything special. So maybe we're launching it in safe mode without knowing it?

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