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Steam, Xfire, Chrome, and Internet Explorer Portabel?

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Last seen: 14 years 11 months ago
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Steam, Xfire, Chrome, and Internet Explorer Portabel?

it would be nice if any developers out there would create or help me create portable versions of these apps, to contact me, just email me at connor [.] schilling [@] gmail [.] com, i am willing to take any help offered or beta versions of these portable versions anytime

-Connor Schilling-

[email address obfuscated by mod Tim]

EspaÑaks (not verified)

STEAM & XFIRE = No OSS = Not yet allowed legally. Yet
CHROME = No OSS but is based on OSS, search in this site for them portabilized.
Internet Explorer = "sight"

  1. Not OSS
  2. Payware
  3. Needs external windows components, neither of them OSS
  4. It is MUCH worse than Firefox(already portable & official) or Opera(in the beta-testing forums)

And for you: Sorry if i sounded harsh, but all of that is true at the moment of writing this(unfortunately). I would recommend Miranda Portable with a plugin for the Xfire protocol, and to try either Firefox Portable, the Chrome/Chromium/Iron Portable betas or Opera Portable VERY Outdated beta. I think Pidgin Portable also can run Xfire with a plugin, but i prefer Miranda. Please note that the plugin for miranda wont show in-game nor browse the web nor work minimally equal to the official client. & search. I'm sure there are a lot of other IM clients in the development forums. and Welcome here

Pyromaniac's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
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To add to EspaNaks comment,

To add to EspaNaks comment, you can get Opera@USB 9.23--google search it. I personally DO NOT recommend Chrome or its portable version (though its still in beta) because it comes with no plugins and is significantly slower at loading large websites.

P.S. Read my signature.

EspaÑaks (not verified)
I know

but it's not truly portable, it leaves a folder with everything you've downloaded

Pyromaniac's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2008-09-30 19:18
No it doesn't

Opera@USB actually makes a temporary file on the harddrive where it stores its cache and is deleted when the browser is closed as described here. The website itself states that it "leaves no data on the host computer". See for yourself

EspaÑaks (not verified)

I wanted to say the downloads in which you selected "Run" or "Open", which are saved in a user folder. And they are'nt deleted.

Last seen: 15 years 8 months ago
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you guys at portable apps

you guys at portable apps rule! but you need to talk with the developers because it would be nice if you could get them to let you make portable versions of there software

solanus's picture
Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
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And why would anyone need IE Portable?

IE exists on every Windows system -
and it's bloated and inferior -
and it's not fully W3C compliant...

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Last seen: 14 years 11 months ago
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yeah i know

i know IE sux but i just wanted to know for the sake of knowing, but xfire and steam i didnt know about, if it isnt legal then i dont want to do that, i play by the rules too much sometimes Blum

-Connor Schilling-

-Connor Schilling-

Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2009-09-18 14:15
Re: And why would anyone need IE Portable?

"And why would anyone need IE Portable?"
A good reason: web developing.
E.g. I have to test the design of my homepage via Virtual PC XP, IE6. Sad And that's not too comfortable. From IE, now I haver version 8.
Usually I use Opera, Chrome, FF, not the shitty IE... But many people still DO USE (e.g. universities), that's why web designers have to think about it.

OliverK's picture
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Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
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And why is it a more comfortable solution?

I don't understand, why is it better than the thing I wrote?
I also use a Virtual PC system with XP+IE6 installed on one of the VPC images.
That's the same, isn't it...? Pardon The difference is that IE7 and 8 is also there...

OliverK's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
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We can't make IE portable.

We can't make IE portable. That's simple enough. I guess this is just the best method I currently know of. There was a way to run multiple versions of Internet Exploer, but I only know of it, not know it.

Too many lonely hearts in the real world
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Too many tables you can't turn
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FuzzyLizard's picture
Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
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one reason....

The only reason I could see for making IE portable would be for taking your bookmarks with you, which is what makes FF portable so useful. The only thing I could recommend is one of two plugins for FF:

1: IE Tab : It essentially runs IE inside FF with easy switching between engines
2: Coral IE Tab: Similar to above [different Dev'r], but with cookie sync and other features in the works.

I use IE Tab with my portable FF, and Coral on my computer install.

Combined with the MS solution, I'm fairly sure you could use FF for testing IE formatting.

and there's a remote chance I have no clue what I'm talking about....

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BuddhaChu's picture
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I don't get that "take your

I don't get that "take your bookmarks with you" comment. If you want to take your IE bookmarks with you on portable media, use IE to export your bookmarks which creates a bookmark.htm file by default. Put that file on your portable media and open it with PortableFirefox. Problem solved.

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FuzzyLizard's picture
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Sure... Make it easier than I expected..


I don't know if IE has that export via HTML option. I use Firefox [Portable] Myself...

If you can't laugh at your own mistakes, you don't deserve to laugh at mine.

sar3th's picture
Last seen: 11 years 1 month ago
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Steam is pretty portable by

Steam is pretty portable by default, just copy over the Steam-Folder. Be aware that this might take a long time, as Steam keeps its Games in the SteamApps folder (located in the Steam-Folder).
Apart from that, it will leave traces on the host computer!

Stevoisiak's picture
Last seen: 5 years 6 months ago
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Portable Steam

You are in luck. Someone just released a development test of Steam Portable.

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@sar3th: You may be right

You may be right when saying this works, but it will leave a lot of registry entries on the computer.
And these contain many of the settings related to steam and the games.
But non-Valve will in many cases not work at all. E.g. Unreal Turnament 3 leaves its settings and saves in the user's documents folder.

Thanks for making publicity for my work Wink
But this build should still be used with attention, it's not yet in a version with all initial features.

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sar3th's picture
Last seen: 11 years 1 month ago
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That's why i said "Apart from

That's why i said "Apart from that, it will leave traces on the host computer!" Wink

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