Application: PChat
Category: Internet
Description: PChat is free fork of XChat for windows, has all the same features as xchat but minus the shareware components usually found in the official XChat distribution for Windows.
Settings are automatically saved to Data\Settings (also supports custom icons in App\PChat\icons and also plugins can be added at App\PChat\Plugins)
Download PChat Portable Pre-Release 1 [7.4MB download / 24.8MB installed]
(MD5: f4b36775097f46a78486e3b98cce1cd0)
Currently (most likely gtk's fault) the system tray is borked, I have compiled a copy of X-Tray (which is an xchat plugin and it's open-source) with PChat's logo instead of xchat's logo to be replace the gtk one
Download X-Tray for PChat [99.5kb download]
(MD5: c0d7f9c8c6e04767356fda37ce41093e)
Just extract and copy the plugin to App/PChat/plugins and run PChat, you will see 2 icons in the system tray just go to settings menu then drop down to Preferences click on the alerts section and deselect the Enable system tray icon to disable PChats gtk tray icon. (I'll try and have this in before next release)
Release Notes:
Pre-Release 1 (02/15/2010): Initial Pre-Release
I see you got prerelease
I'll get that perl stuff done ASAP.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
Also you need to fix the X-Tray download
right click and save as
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
Wont let me. and when I save link as. It's a text file.
Under "save as type" select "All files."
yeah atm my server doesn't handle .7z archives, I'll have to add the mime type manually
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
I don't use this program, but it seems like you'd want custom icons and plugins to be backed up as well. Shouldn't they be moved to the Data folder as well? That way they aren't erased during an upgrade.
imho custom icons aren't really necessarily needed, not everybody is going to use it either. And plugins are a different story, by default there isn't any scripting plugins included and the plugins that are included will always be there (reason scripting plugins aren't with PChat is that you need the entire python/perl/tcl environment included which can be cumbersome and not easily made to work with the plugins)
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau