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PS3 Media Server Portable

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Ace Faith
Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2009-11-14 07:33
PS3 Media Server Portable

I've found that one of the best things made for the Playstation 3 to be the PS3 Media Server. It can show and send movies, pictures and music to the ps3 at breakneck speeds. To date, I find it the kinda thing that I'd want to carry around for when I need it. Sadly, there isn't a portable version available. Digging into the Ps3 Media Server project, I find that it is under GNU GPL v2, which would allow us to the source and modify it (I think).
I think many people with ps3 would really like this, since it's generally great to use.

Many thanks,


A link to the project with contact info and source:
This may or may not be relevant to this, but the program is written in Java.

Mir's picture
Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-12-03 16:07
could you provide us with a link


Last seen: 14 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2010-03-11 03:06
I second this nomination,

I second this nomination, great app!

Last seen: 14 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2010-03-11 03:06
Actually I think this app

Actually I think this app should work just fine as is with minimal changes, it keeps all prefs in a local file called PMS.conf. After re-ghosting my Windows partition, I ran the PMS.exe from where I had installed it (separate partition) and it automatically detected Java wasn't installed on the freshly ghosted XP and initiated the Java install. Then it started and had my last configuration loaded. Works fine!

NathanJ79's picture
Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2007-07-31 15:07
Better yet...

Better yet, it works with Xbox 360, too! I can't tell you how much I ROTFL'd when I went into Videos on the 360 Dashboard and saw "PS3 Media Server" as a choice. Though I guess it was about the same as seeing the SEGA logo on a game on my Nintendo DS Lite (since I grew up when Nintendo and Sega were rivals).

It's good stuff. I was able to stream a Blu-ray in an .mkv container over my LAN to my 360, and it played without lag of any kind. Ironically, it's better for the 360 than the PS3 in terms of advancement, since the PS3 already leads the 360 in multimedia support. I mean, on the PS3 it's like, meh... I don't have to put the file on a flash drive or external hard drive and stick it in the PS3. But the 360 wouldn't play that file any other way, and to convert it to a WMV-HD or HD MP4 would take hours. And then you gotta reduce the bitrate to fit it on a 4.3GB DVD-ROM disc.

Anyway, how can it be made portable? Doesn't it have to register a service? At the least it would need admin privileges, right? And then, say I get the portable version, I set it up for my 360 at home, I'm using it... then I put it on a flash drive and take it to my mother-in-law's, hook it up to their computer, and it finds my brother-in-law's PS3... Will that erase my old settings, or does it support multiple consoles? And on top of all these concerns, the files that PS3 Media Server is used to stream are too big for most flash drives. We're talking 5-10GB a pop. And by pop I mean movie. They add up fast. And if you can get all those videos on your portable hard drive (since flash drives are out), why not just plug it right into the 360 or PS3?

(Also, I've heard PS3 Media Server is for video only... if we're talking about making it portable, could audio support be added, too?)

Last seen: 14 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2010-03-11 03:06
There is no service, it's a

There is no service, it's a Java app so Java needs to be installed. The Java executable appears to be running under my user account so it does not appear to require admin privs so long as the user can install applications. If this is on someone's home computer I can't imagine them having a problem.

As far as multiple streaming clients, I can not confirm as I only have a PS3 to test with, but I would guess that it should work just fine with whatever compatible system that it connects with. It is not necessary to set specific device permissions.

Another nice feature I noticed is that when you share folders, it only displays those folders to the device if they are available on the local machine. If I have my external USB hard drive unplugged, those shares are not even available to the PS3. So you should be able to configure things for both systems and it will show whatever is available at the time.

ewwf's picture
Last seen: 8 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2016-01-29 23:53
message people

is it posable to make it msg people on playstation?

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