Petr Laštovička's website has some games released under a "reciprocal public license".
XMSOL.EXE is an excellent collection of solitaire card games that would be suitable - and simple - for portable apps wrapping.
The license is a bit confusing, but I don't think it'd prevent protable apps use. And I'm sure that Petr would be pleased about many people using his apps.
Petr Laštovička's website
Reciprocal Public License
Looks good, but what I would really love to see would be a Portable Apps version of PySol--IMHO best GPL'd solitaire suite out there.
that would be Python, wouldn't it?
Is Python portable?
R McCue
PortaBlog Home and My Website
And before anyone complains about the grammar, I'm so jetlagged that my
hands aren't even in the same time zone...
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
I'm working on a portable PySol with the help of another Python programmer.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!