but ask PLEASE, someone ''porta'' http://burnaware.com . PLEASE, PLEASE!!
I was hoping InfraRecorder.org AND PAs.com would work for me (backing up DVD-VIdeoS, see https://portableapps.com/node/23191 ), but this BurnAware program has always worked for me and very simple and elegant user experience kinda like anything-Apple's. AND NOT bloated! So please, someone, check out this little GEM of a program and PORTA potty it PLEASE!!
It's just 30 days trial versions... and a freeware version that does less than Infrarecorder...
If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,
and the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,
and the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,
then the socket packet pocket has an error to report
porta BurnAware.com FREEware.
My friend Aciago, I don't know how your analysis led you to the conclusion that you did, but when I look at
I haven't smoke some good ish in a long while! Maybe because I can't afford it, ha ha!--or I simply just grew up/or out of it!) When I looked AT LINK #1, the FREE BA version (vs the 2 commercial, paid BA versions) only lacks: 1) Makes copies of CDs & DVDs (except Audio CDs) (My response: but BA let you create .iso! You can then burn that!) 2) Writes to multiple drives simultaneously (Have a good idea what this may mean but probably don't need it! Don't you think most people can live without this feature in a version you don't have to pay nothing for--though I might be wrong. Besides, IR doesn't have it either!)
1) http://burnaware.com/downloads.html AND
2) http://infrarecorder.org ,
I see BurnAware wins most of the way!!! And it's not PAYware nor ''just 30 days trial versions''!!! It's a full-fledged--NOT trial--burner app, with no time limit/expiration date WHATSOEVER!! (You mind kicking my way some of that potent ish you are smoking! I really want some!
But just to humor you, let us say that BA does less than IR, then:

1) how much less is it really, relatively? In fact, didn't your eyeballs see BA burns Blu-ray while IR doesn't. I'd call that more, not less
2) wouldn't it be moot to argue for a ''do more'' program but it doesN'T work for YOU or me and my intended purpose (mostly backing up DVD-VIdeoS)
SO IN CONCLUSION, my friend Aciago is erroneous on many/all levels...AND SOOOOO PLEASE, SOMEONE, PLEASE PORTA THIS GREAT LITTLE PROGRAM BurnAware.com. I'll be eternally grateful--as will so many others!!
SOOOOO +1 FROM ME FOR BurnAware.com FREEware, SO THERE!!
P.S. Aciago, got only
Look at the downloads page:
Burnaware Technologies Downloads
It says that the free version will not make copies of CDs & DVDs (except Audio CDs). Therefore, it does not even do what you said you needed in your original post, which is to make backups of DVD videos. I don't see why anybody here would even want to mess with that.
crux, the crux of the matter is, didn't you see my response? I guess not, so I'll respond again, with my orig response, meaning I already addressed that:
(My response: but BA let you create .iso! You can then burn that!)
But more importantly, why would I go asking to porta an app that will not won't do what I intend to do with it, huh? HINT: MEANING, BA FREE has done it for me many, many times, without disappointments, my intended purpose (HINT: read my post for this missing clue/intended purpose...but I'll give it again somewhere BELOW!!) So it does do what I want it to do ALREADY (HINT)! The ONLY thing missing in my life is a PORTABLE V-E-R-S-I-O-N!!
I think the Rosetta Stone here is you are jumping ahead of yourself/jumping to conclusions without knowing whatof you speak--and that is, you don't know what's the diff between:
1) ''make copies of CDs & DVDs (except Audio CDs)'' AND
2) my intended purpose (mostly backing up DVD-VIdeoS)
Well, you see, the keywords are: DVD-VIdeo. First off, let ask you do you know what that is? It's something that you got onto your HDD however you did it/that
''make copies of CDs & DVDs (except Audio CDs)'' means (at least to me) are your HOMEmade DVD footages from your camcorders, whatnots. HINT: do YOU copy-protect YOUR camcorder footages transferred to YOUR HOMEmade DVD discs? That's what I thought
Now, do you see it now? Or do you need me to go further?
I'll give you two hints: FOLDER-S VIDEO_TS & AUDIO_TS
EDIT: Well, actually three, so here's the 3rd: I NEED the burner app to have DVD-VIdeo burning mode
calm down and take it easy.
By attacking long time members here which provide fine support to the community or by your demanding attitude and big portion of the text in capitals, you are probably not getting any help at all from the members here.
Those guys do it free and in their spare time, so scale down your demands accordingly.
Or try yourself and publish it here, those guys will be sure thankful if the software is that perfect.
Talk to the manufacturer of the software, find out if he allows packaging as portable and then see if this is possible or not.
Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland
Hi. For a person that lives in the US (that's what you stated on your PA profile), your English is only half understandable. Therefore, I might be missing something you tried to say, but failed to actually say it.
I'll explain some things to you. Hopefully, you'll get it. Doing an entire portabilization project for just one person is not worth it - that's what you need to understand. There are many programs that do loads of similar tasks, and it's up to the developers (PortableApps.com in this case) to decide which of them to portabilize, and which to leave alone. There are dozens of different web browsers, for example, that are good and well-known to some extent. There are also more than 20 IRC clients/IM clients/email clients. So many programs that do the same thing, and they have to be sorted out.
Here comes the fact of how many people would use it. InfraRecorder is a well-known and proven CD/DVD burning program. That is the first principle of making the choice - the program must affect a wide audience. That is not the case with BurnAware, since for now there has been only one request for it - by you (and a side-mentioning of it by Nighted while naming some other burning programs as well, so that doesn't count).
The second fact is that the primate goes to open source programs. If there are none of satisfactory quality, then a freeware program will suffice. Since BurnAware is a payware program by nature, in it's free version it has some of the functionality stripped off. That's what PA.c tries to avoid (the emphasis is on "tries" due to i.e. FoxitReader). Especially in this case, where there is a viable, good quality solution which is already open source and popular.
Now, for the third factor, what does BurnAware have that InfraRecorder doesn't? You say it can create ISO files, so you can burn them later on? Well, darn it then... How the heck was I able to create ISO files with InfraRecorder?... Was I dreaming that it happened? Did I dream of putting my files into ISO and burning them, and actually deleted them from the computer unburned? But the DVD is here, and it has all the files... How, I wonder... I remember running InfraRecorder Portable... going on option Actions > Burn Compilation > to a Disk Image...
Oh, what do you know... InfraRecorder HAS THAT FUNCTIONALITY!
So, we've sorted it out. InfraRecorder can create ISO files.
Now for the other part. What is the problem you seem to have with it? Can't burn Video DVDs? It works for me, straight from the main GUI (I click on Video Disk). If you really have a problem with wrongfully creating Video ISOs or anything like that, then try the option from InfraRecorder (of course, first insert the DVD you want to clone): Actions > Copy Disc > to a Disk Image... and try burning that ISO.
To conclude this BurnAware vs. InfraRecorder thing - you haven't convinced me or anyone else why to take this project anyway. If you're not satisfied with InfraRecorder, there are other programs like ImgBurn, try them out. But don't boldly claim some stripped-down closed-source freeware version of a payware app is better based on "having functionality that InfraRecorder doesn't", while InfraRecorder does these things with ease.
And another thing many frown upon (including me) is bumping your own thread. You must have made a dozen of changes to your OP and your replies to other posters, and every time you did that you moved this thread to the top of the stack. I understand editing your post once, or twice, but this is ridiculous. Also, "bolding" your text is sure to have a better effect of emphasizing something than capitalizing it. You can do it by putting the
tags (without the dots) on your intended-to-be-emphasized text, and using "Preview" button before submitting your post, so you don't have to edit, reedit and yet again edit your post.Thank you for reading this, and I hope you try the options with InfraRecorder Portable. If they don't work for you, try some other software. If BurnAware is the only one working for you, why don't you try making it portable by yourself - you'll then understand that it's not that easy to do. Cheers
[EDIT]: Fixed a small typo in the commands, now it's as it should be. This is also one of the things we do when editing the post - do it straight away so it's not bumping, and write what we edit.
My posts are old and likely no longer relevant.
First off, my intention is not to attack anyone! (Achieving a tone that doesn't even remotely sound ''attcking'' is very hard to do on the faceless, voiceless, only-textual internet, yes?) I understand that! I also understand, to get some sort of satisfactory help, I should express some sort of humility--TOTALLY GET THAT!
So back to the point of my intention of not attacking anyone: I really, really thought that these 2 of my friends (YES, I realy consider them friends! Why? Because they haven't sdone any slight-of-hand kind of things to me...yet! This IS the standard by which I measure casual or true friends. So this logic follows that everyone on here are my friends, true, yes? Let's all sing KUMBAYAH and knock down a few brewskis!) are really, really jumping to conclusions way too prematurely, without obviously not having done their diligent leg & homework, yes, you agree with me?
If BurnAware doesn't have the presence in this community, then I think it's a case of ''slipping through the crack''! Sometimes many things in life has this happen to it, you'll give me that? But I don't have to imagine anything, I'll give you facts: AND download.com is the one DOWNLOAD site that I rely on to measure popularity of diff programs. So I give you evidence:
On this page, look at the box at right-side
Quick specs
Price: Free
Operating system: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/Server 2008/7/NT
Date added: April 04, 2010
Total Downloads: 1,822,415
Downloads last week: 20,109
Product Ranking: #5 in CD Burners
YES, #5 in popularity, all of my friends! Read that, and weep! It did not slip through the crack in THAT community. ( And I guess this would be the link http://download.com/windows/cd-burners if anyone wanted to know, relatively/ness.) So all I'm saying to the world is--and like that Italian car in Pixar's Cars (the tire shop owner): ''I shall sing the praises at the top of my lung about BurnAware.com FREEware!!!'' (in my Italian accent, of course!) I just want to advocate, go to bat for this great little program/gem to THIS community. Cuz y'all don't know what you are missing!
Let make this simple deal: INSTALL it locally on your C: drive, give it a test drive first, then see if you won't be won over by its simple, starightforward elegance, and for the doing-what-it-says-it-does factooooor! And I not even gonna ask that you have to thank me. ALL I'M GONNA ASK IS YOU PORTA IT--FOR THE PEOPLE THAT DISCOVERED IT AND MADE IT #5 IN POPULARITY+++++AND MORE (in PEOPLE that is)--so you see, it's just not selfish me that benefit, y'all shall benefit as well! So let's all sing KUMBAYAH a second time! And I'm buying beers all around
P.S. Hoping I don't have to edit ''too'' often cuz I know how touchy people can be! Cuz in real life, I ain;t no attention whore! In fact, I shun the limelight! And speak usually when necessary and/or compelling (NOTE I did not say ''when absolutely necessary''. Boy do I knowof what I speak cuz @ work, there's lots of people that talk and talk, run their mouths but not necessarily anything anybody wants to hear--y'all can relate to the type, knowatimean?)
PPS to dboki89, YES, that's exactly the button I used to create my disc. But if you really did read my orig post https://portableapps.com/node/23191 (which got this whole ball started thing, otherwise if it had worked, I wouldn't be in here asking strangers-friends for favors, right?...and I'm not assuming that you didn't read my post https://portableapps.com/node/23191 at all! Just that maybe you read it...but you might had missed that point...and that point that you missed is the whole key to the Pandora's box sorta kinda maybe.) Yes, back to the point I used that button (TOP rightMOST on MY computa, see http://yfrog.com/bctworkimgburnuiclunkysowj ), but the RESULTING disc has cryptic folders structure in my Philips standalone DVD player, instead of the original disc's menu created by the movie studio.
EDIT: here's the link to USER reviews http://download.com/BurnAware-Free/3640-2646_4-10878661.html?v=1&sb=1&ta...
What is your relationship with the program you are promoting?
Are you taking us all for a ride?
neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com
@J Neutron: Same thoughts apply for me
Why can't you just write an easily UNDERSTANDIBLE text explaining what you need and really give reasons why BurnAware is that much better?
And nobody is really interested in what your two 'friends' think/do and there is NO relation to the topic (at least as far as I understand your text, which is quiet dificult).
And to backing up your DVDs: Hmm, maybe there is something called a copy protection that almost every DVD has? This could result in this. In this case, BurnAware might break it (not sure as I don't know that program), which is illegal, and I don't think anybody here would portablize somethin, only because someone wants to do such things.
"Der Klügere gibt nach, deshalb regieren Dumme die Welt."
I cannot read them, they dont flow well, they jolt around with ideas. Basicly the OP has not proven to me that this the program that he/she/it wants portablised is worth doing. Hell they didnt even follow the instructions and protocall on making a request and the fact that the liscense for the program is in the air makes it unlikely to happen.
OP also mentioned Blueray capabilities. well you have to pay for that feature. i have not seen any FOSS program capable of doing anything but DATA blueray discs and they dont do a good job. on top of that it is not common yet to have a blueray burner and the media is still expensive. if you have blueray and need to utilize it stick with payware. (Nero Linux will burn BR disc quite well but costs $$)
meanwhile Infrarecoder is ment to be similar to the minimalistic burning rom of Nero and Roxio. it does what it is meant to do quite well.
I don't smoke anything and find offensive your suggestion and I'm not your friend either it takes a lot more for me to call someone a friend...
I quit following this thread.
If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,
and the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,
and the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,
then the socket packet pocket has an error to report
Could you please understand that the program you're requesting can not be done because of licensing issues? We're not going to go to jail or be sued to complete the request of one person.
InfraRecorder has the feature to backup CD's and DVD's already, and then copy them if you wish. dboki89 gave specific and wonderful directions on how to do it. Please take a look at them.
When you're backing up something, you're copying content. Why would you back up something and not copy it and use it later after you lose the original?
And please, use proper english, we really honestly can't understand half the stuff you're saying. Some of your words don't even have spaces between them.
If you really wish to have this portable, you can do it yourself. Take a look at the development link on the top of the site.
Wow, wonderful support. A lot of users (including me) have to learn from you
Thank you gluxon for kind remarks.
My posts are old and likely no longer relevant.