I used TB as a hard disk installation to also read emails with PGP encrypted attachements. I like the concept of having TB as portable version, and installed TBP to my USB device. I also imported my PGP keys from my hard disk. I don't get to read email that contains encrypted attachements on other PC's. Is this a TBP issue, or may I have to install additional software? Would this prevent me from using PTB on any PC?
You used this distribution, right?
Yes, I used the packed and pre-configured version.
I want to use TBP with my company laptop, while I was using normal TB with my desktop. On my laptop, I am not allowed to install additional software, while on my desktop I have GnuGPG and WinPT installed. Maybe this is the reason?
WinPT is not required, and the distribution comes with GPG.
Where are your keys?
I have stored the following files on my USB stick in the directory D:\PortableApps\ThunderbirdPortable\Data\gpg:
Then, I have also imported the keys with "OpenPGP" -> "Key Management" -> "Import Keys from Files".
The visible difference compared to my TB desktop installation is that TBP does not recognize the file type of the encrypted attachement, as I can already see from the file icon.
Somehow it works now. I tried to open the attachement and was asked for the application to use. I selected gpg.exe from the folder ../app on the stick. A DOS window appeared and asked me for the password. After entering the password, a a message was displayed, but the DOS window was closed before I was able to read it. I found the unencrypted attachement files in my temp folder on the hard disk.
-Is this how it is supposed to work as this is different compared to my "normal" TB installation?
-Where can I change the destination directory?
You should not come in contact with a command window. Open the message, right-click the attachment; it should give you the option to decrypt it.
The right-click did it. I made a left click before.
Many thanks.