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Notepad ++ v.5.6.8 - Plugin Manager problem

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George Yves
Last seen: 10 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-21 08:37
Notepad ++ v.5.6.8 - Plugin Manager problem

I can't normally start Notepad++.

One day I was prompted that new updates for plugins are available. I clicked the button to install them. A box appeared saying that Plugin Manager should be updated first. I agreed.

After installation I was asked if I wanted to restart the program to complete the installation process. I agreed again but nothing happened and the program didn't restart automatically. I closed the program manually and restarted it. When the window opened a box appeared saying that there are still some pending actions to complete installing or removing some plugins.

And now every time I start the program this box pop-ups. I tried to click both buttons - to finish the process or to cancel it. But everything is useless.

Could anybody help, please?

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 1 hour 6 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Rev 2?

Are you using 5.6.8 Rev 2? If not, 5.6.8 doesn't properly handle restarts of the plugin manager. Your best bet is to reset your settings by deleting your Data folder within the Notepad++Portable folder. If that fails, a complete reinstall (delete the whole folder and reinstall) should fix it.

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George Yves
Last seen: 10 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-21 08:37
Plugin Manager Update ( is to blame

Yes, I'm using Rev2.

Neither Data folder deleting, nor the complete reinstall succeeded. Only when I refused to install the update for Plugin Manager ( and marked it to be ignored, I could return to normal work.

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Need to run as Admin

If you are using Win 7 (and presumably Vista as well), you need to run Notepad++ as an admin (right click, run as admin, yes to the UAC prompt if you have it enabled) to enable the plugin manager to update successfully as far as I am aware - otherwise, it fails.

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George Yves
Last seen: 10 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-21 08:37
Where to look?

I marked this update to be ignored and it disappeared from the plugin manager window. Where should I look for it now?

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Last seen: 7 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2009-10-23 03:58
One of the menu options?

It has been a while since I last used Notepad++ Portable, but I seem to recall that in one of the menu's inside Notepad++, there is an option to run the plugin manager, so you could try checking the menu's. Alternatively, I would imagine that when you ask it to be ignored, it writes that into the ini/reg files that are kept in the Data folder. You could try making a backup of those, then deleting the originals and then try running Notepad++ again. If it works, you should be prompted to run the plugin manager again, but you will probably have to setup your preferences again. If it doesn't work, you can restore your settings from backup. Someone else may know for sure how to best achieve this though.

Here is the old thread where the issue was first reported:

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Last seen: 7 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2009-10-23 03:58
Yeah, just tried it

Ok, I was curious, so I installed Notepad++ Portable, ran it, selected the update to be ignored. The dialog disappeared. I then went Plugins->Plugin Manager->Show Plugin Manager. Then I clicked the Updates tab. The plugin manager update will be listed in there, so you can just update it from there.

Note that I had to remove the Light Explorer plugin to get Notepad++ to even run on my Win 7 system - that is another bug that has been reported in this forum previously (it just hangs at the PortableApps splash screen otherwise - refers).

I used to have a sig...until one of the mods ate it

George Yves
Last seen: 10 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-21 08:37
Thanks for everybody

I restart my Notepad++ as Administrator and managed at last to install the plugin manager update.

The only thing I dislike in the situation is that I wasn't asked to restart the program as Administrator before I was asked to install the plugin.

May the FOSS be with you!

Last seen: 7 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2009-10-23 03:58

I agree. I think Notepad++ should pop-up a dialog warning of this, and maybe the issue should be mentioned on the Notepad++ Portable homepage as well.

I used to have a sig...until one of the mods ate it

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