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INI File for portable APPS

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Last seen: 14 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2010-06-17 10:52
INI File for portable APPS

I have read that i could make an app portable with an INI-file.
How can I do that?


Last seen: 5 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2007-12-17 05:43
They probably meant

the new PortableAppsLauncher which you can find at

While it is true that the configuration for it is all in an ini file, and that it can make most things portable, the true art is in working out what to put into the ini file Smile

There is a full manual in the application, and lots of information in the thread, but, essentially, you will still need to identify all the settings, registry entries, files etc. that the app uses and tell the launcher how to handle them using the ini file.

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