I created my own picture for a splash screen and i want to know how i can use it as my flash screen.
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Take a look at some previous threads on changing our splash screens.
these are the steps that i followed
1. Download and install NSIS, or download my NSIS Portable Development Test. If you use the NSIS Portable, you will not have to worry about missing plugins because I included all of the ones required for compiling Portable Apps.
2. Rename the original splash screen to anything (i.e. FirefoxPortable_old.jpg)
3. Move your new splash screen into the /Other/source/
4. Rename your new splash to FirefoxPortable.jpg
5. Open the NSIS menu and click the link for the compiler
6. Open the FirefoxPortable.nsi script with the compiler
7. Check out FirefoxPortable now using your new splash screen
You're missing the registry plugin.
Extract it to App\NSIS
If you use NSIS Portable you won't get any of these error messages. NSIS Portable is what all these are built with.
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
OMG thank you so much for taking the time to help me out with my problem. It finally works!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, I thought he already had it.
Download and install NSIS, or download my NSIS Portable Development Test. If you use the NSIS Portable, you will not have to worry about missing plugins because I included all of the ones required for compiling Portable Apps.