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v3.0.3's preview (only changes) hides folders after clicking them

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Last seen: 2 months 2 days ago
Joined: 2006-04-26 06:35
v3.0.3's preview (only changes) hides folders after clicking them

The preview is not supposed to be dynamic.

Steve Lamerton
Steve Lamerton's picture
Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-10 15:22

is only hiding folders that it realises will have no changes in them as so they shouldn't be in the list and so are removed. The preview is in fact completely dynamic, is only previews one folder level further down than you are looking, this keeps it responsive.

I Love Portable Apps
Last seen: 14 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2010-10-09 11:54
Can you add a full option?

Hi Steve.

I want to start by saying thanks for writing Toucan. I was looking for a sync program that does not involve having to do an install and was very pleased to see Toucan on It looks like a great program.

I have been a computer programmer for over 34 years (yes I am that ancient) and use computers extensively all day (workwise and personal).

Now please do not take this the wrong way, but I find the way that Preview is implemented makes it useless to me. I hope that it is simply a matter of me not using it properly and that I have just missed an option somewhere. Please let me know if that is the case.

To be useful to me, I would like Preview (when I set the "Preview Only Changes" option) to do exactly that. I am somewhat anal (yes I admit it) and would like to see the changes about to be made before they are made. In my mind that is the purpose of Preview. I am not as concerned about the time it takes (to a point) but I do care about easily seeing the proposed changes. So when I do a Preview on a folder that contains over 60,000 files (over 150GB in over 2,200 folders to depths of 10 folders) and only 24 files need updating, I would like to see only those 24 files (within their respective folder branches) in the right-side panel when I select the "Preview Only Changes" option.

As it stands right now I have to keep clicking the sub-folders on the right side to get Toucan to scan further than the 1 folder depth. This is painful. I just want to see a list of the files that will be affected. I would be happy to click Preview then walk away for a period of time and then come back and see the fully processed list. It would then be nice to just click Run and have it use the already processed list as presented. Although right now it appears to completely rerun the job and I guess I could live with that although it is somewhat wasteful as the change list is already there from the Preview (and there is the fear that it could come up with a different list on the rerun).

So after this long rambling post (sorry) what I would like to see, if possible, is either a change to the default behaviour when the "Preview Only Changes" option is set or an additional option to force a full depth scan. Having it then just use the already created list when hitting run would be a bonus. Smile

Thanks again for taking the time to write Toucan and for making it freely available. It *is* greatly appreciated.

P.S. How is university going? Where are you studying? Just curious.

I Love Portable Apps
Last seen: 14 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2010-10-09 11:54
Almost a solution

Correction: It appears that it is *not* doing what I thought below. I still have to click on the subfolders to get them removed from the list so that I can see only the files to be processed. If I click (collapse/expand) on the lowest level sub-folder of any particular branch it clears the whole branch if it contains no changes. I still have to click on each though, although with Expand all at least they are all initially displayed.
I just found that if after running Preview I click on the "Expand All" button on the right panel it sort-of does a full analysis (it seems to be doing a *lot* of disk activity just opening folders). But when it is done it still has all the folders displayed that have no changes. I find though that I can then just collapse and then expand the highest level folder in each area and it will then process it and all sub-folders and then remove it from the list if there are no changes to be processed. Although it appears to redo the analysis on that folder each time I do this. This is still painful but not as much as having to click on *every* sub-folder.

Steve Lamerton
Steve Lamerton's picture
Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-10 15:22

thankyou for all of the feedback! Secondly, sorry for not replying sooner, I am not exactly sure where all my time went last week Smile Thirdly I am enjoying uni, yes, studying Mathematics at the University of Warwick.

So to the main problem here is that when clicking expand all there are still a bunch of empty folders left at the end? I will take another look at this and try to get it sorted, if you could provide a minimal example of it though that would be even better.

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