Hi i work on ebay and i am very interested in someone making an app for ebay. make some other auction sites to like amazon.
[removed duplicate topic - Your friendly neighbourhood Moderator Zach Thibeau]
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Hi i want to request someone to make a ebay listing app thats portable. for Ex: turbo liser
November 10, 2010 - 6:14pm
Hi i want to request someone to make a ebay listing app thats portable. for Ex: turbo liser
please don't make multiple request for the same-thing, and we don't make custom apps we only make existing applications portable.
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
can you make turbo Lister portable??
please see the Request Apps Guidelines. Especially the Summary section. Except we do support some closed source freeware now.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
He's not requesting an app, he's asking a developer to make one for him.
he is requesting an app. read his reply to the other Zach, and see "Ex: turbo lister" in his subject heading.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
so is does any body think this app is possible. I would like a developer to develop it.
as I said before, please see the Request Apps Guidelines.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
OK ZachHudock i did read it. so here is my NEW qustion can someone come up with an app that can build listing for ebay and/or list them???
I hope this is better. casue what i read was to check if the program is open source and i beleave turbo lister is Not. so with that in mind can someone come up with an app to build/list ebay items.
Thank You
An example request is displayed below:
Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32