"The next portable generation for research" or "Another one bites the dust"
Application: Gramps
Category: Education
Description: Gramps is a genealogy program that is both intuitive for hobbyists and feature-complete for professional genealogists. Every person has their own story but they are also part of a collective family history. Gramps gives you the ability to record the many details of an individual’s life as well as the complex relationships between various people, places and events. All of your research is kept organized, searchable and as precise as you need it to be. (from the homepage)
License: GPL 2, or later
Language: Multilingual
Download Gramps Portable 3.2.5 Development Test 2 [15.3MB download / 48.1-80.3MB installed]
(MD5: a5dfbfcb4b4e75c6afd9f0480a8a07d4)
Release Notes:
Development Test 2 (2010-12-02): older pycairo
- pycairo 1.4.12
Development Test 1 (2010-11-24): Initial release
- GTK2 2.16.6, Python 2.6.6
- pygtk 2.16.0, pygobject 2.26.0, pycairo 1.8.10
A previous test version of Gramps Portable by Ormus could be found here.
- Thanks to Patrick Patience for hosting
- Thanks to all devs for pieces of code
- Thanks in advance to all testers.
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss
Hi Bart.S
Great stuff. So far it works for me on Win XP SP3.
Have you contacted the Gramps Developers to have the Program hosted on Gramps.
You may want to also announce this on the gramps-windows mailing list so other windows users can test it.
Once again Thank you
[Use links inline - mod Chris]
No, I haven't contacted the Gramps developers.
Feel free to promote Gramps Portable wherever you want!
Je viens d'installer sur mon ordi et ma clef USB, parfait
Je n'ai plus de difficulté pour faire fonctionner Gramps sous windows vista.
Merci, continuez
[Google translation below - mod Chris]
I just installed on my computer and my USB stick, perfect
I have more difficulty to run Gramps windows vista.
Thank you, keep
You're welcome!
[@Chris: Google translation is stupid. It almost never makes sense!
Or completely screws up the sense.
(je n'ai plus de difficulté... => I have no difficulty anymore...)
Ok and looks like I won't need to as already on the GRAMPS wiki.
Excellent stuff
Hopefully Patricks server won't explode: The last test version of Gramps Portable by Ormus has been downloaded over 100,000 times (#). And now the Gramps wiki Download page links to my release (#).
Impossible éditer les documents .PDF avec cette version.
Les documents sont crées, mais vides.
Traduction Google
Can not edit. PDF documents with this version.
The documents are created, but empty.
Seems that pycairo 1.8.10 wasn't the best choice!
You could replace it by pycairo 1.4.12. Let's try a downgrade. Extract the files and place them like below:
desolé, je ne sais pas faire, incompétent en informatique.
But this will take some time (maybe next week).
In the meantime you could try the fix yourself:
to the paths specified in my last post above.
Hope that helps!
Je préfère attendre vos corrections.
Before starting:
At close:
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
Hmmm, I think that way it could cause issues. At least if users run multiple apps using enchant at the same time. The backup could be messed up.
Well, the spellchecker plugin for Gramps store the personal dictionaries in this directory. Say you add a few words, a file is created including these words (e.g. en_GB.dic).
Ok, we need a better solution. An environment variable to redirect this folder would be the best choice, but I'm not sure if there is already one.
How does Pidgin Portable handle the enchant spellchecker? Or doesn't it at all?
Didn't check
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
AbiWord Portable uses '
RMDir /r "$APPDATA\enchant"
'. Wow, just throwing user dictionaries into trash is the official portable way right now?I won't go that way. :evil:
Well, no. For instance, Geany adds the extra words to the local dictionary that I use, which I keep in data\settings.
This mirrors what use to have to happen with qt\trolltech keys. You had to shut them down in the order that they were started.
Probably shouldn't. But at this point, I'm not sure what could be done differently. You kind of need an outside source (like the platform) to accept some variables that we can let our launchers ping back to.
I'm sure that there is a good solution, but it would HAVE to become part of the standard and we'd have to do some major rewrites I think for it to work.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
Spell-checking in GRAMPS is unsupported! It's not portable (right now). Hehe

For all other portable apps with enchant: It's a bug.
Yes, but it still doesn't fix it.
Refreshing your dictionary is always a feature!
This is something I think we need to hash out with John via IRC . . . .
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
I planned to release a "Spellchecker for Gramps Portable" Plugin, which is ready but won't be published soon. And without that plugin, no enchant -> nothing to fix. 8)
I agree with you that we need a common solution though.
The customColors key is the only Trolltech key which can get muddled; all the rest are cleaned up properly in PAL (pruning the tree in the right way). And like this, the customColors key doesn't really contain anything useful...
I wish I knew why developers did this sort of thing which causes trouble between apps (and in particular for us).
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
Well, my best theory is that at this point, I should look into recompiling the enchant libriaries without the APPDATA dependence. The problem is then we have basically a custom port. It would be the first step in getting it merged backup to the main stream, but with the OS stuff who knows how long that would take.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
enchant.c uses g_get_home_dir() and according to this it doesn't pay attention to HOME and returns the real home directory for the user.
shouldn't be to hard to fix, once I can get it to compile
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
Well, for a dictionary it makes (a bit) sense. Why having one per app when they could share the same words? But anyway, there should be a possibility to change that behavior (e.g. environment variable).
New release is up. Big thanks to Patrick!
It's not portable, but for those who don't care:
Spellchecker for Gramps Portable Dev Test 1 [2.6MB download / 6.5MB installed]
Parfait avec la nouvelle version, les documents PDF sont bien édités.
Traduction Google :
Perfect with the new version, PDF documents are well edited.
Thank you
Installed this on a USB stick. It runs on my Acer laptop under Windows 7 32 bit and on a Toshiba laptop under Windows 7 64 bit. No trouble downloading a largish (400 names) archive from an earlier version og GRAMPS. Thanks Bart.S
Darryl B
Thanks for the test report and welcome at PortableApps.com.
I thought about creating a graphs plugin for Gramps Portable including Graphviz and Ghostscript. Since Graphviz is licensed under the CPL (not GPL compatible) I discarded the idea.
The current launcher has already the ability to deal with Ghostscript and Graphviz, it's just not documented. Call it an easter egg! (Christmas is soon ;-))
Alright, how does it work?
Just copy the local Graphviz and Ghostscript installation folders to your GrampsPortable\App directory. The Gramps Portable folder could look like this:
According to this discussion it isn't clear how to change the language of Gramps Portable the easy way.
You have two possibilities:
Start GrampsPortable.exe without platform
There is really no need to create a cmd file containing:
Hope that helps!
Edit: The link above works en francais. Just press the french flag and try again.
Pas de problème le logiciel est en Français en appliquant les consignes de Bart.S
c'est formidable!